Anubis Project

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Hater of the "ur" o_O
Apr 8, 2004

Insane friend. insane.

Got my computer up and running... it won't accept UTk4 nor AVP2 some reason however... So I know I've been kinda distant around the site. Sorry. ^_~ None the less, you guys are missed and I have to drop in occasionaly to see whats what. It made my day to look over the web and see that not only had Mutt gotten a skin on the "Skin of the moment" window of the page... but slaughter had once again worked his magic on the Anubis model, making it look better than ever. If I ever had any doubts about my intrest in UTk4, the Anubis model always puts them to rest... every update makes me grin like a kid in a candy store.

Rock on guys,
Rock on.


-{SC}- Renamon

BigHead Bot Master
Jul 27, 2004
Nice drawing but you would never be able to make something so high poly in this game, ever, but I must say make your model now how you can and then remake it in the next Unreal engine.


New Member
Aug 9, 2004
I beg to differ Renamon.

There is a converted DOAX:VB model for UT2k4 out there and its in the 14000 poly range if I remember right. It runs just fine in matches. However this doesn't need 14k, as most of the detail on it can be easily skinned in.

I would love to see this completed to a high level of accuracy, as If it is good enough one might be able to get epic(or whoever does Unreal Championship) to release it in a downloadable content pack for the X-Box. </Pipedream>


Hater of the "ur" o_O
Apr 8, 2004
Vailias said:
I beg to differ Renamon.

There is a converted DOAX:VB model for UT2k4 out there and its in the 14000 poly range if I remember right. It runs just fine in matches. However this doesn't need 14k, as most of the detail on it can be easily skinned in.

I would love to see this completed to a high level of accuracy, as If it is good enough one might be able to get epic(or whoever does Unreal Championship) to release it in a downloadable content pack for the X-Box. </Pipedream>

Very true, when I first sketch out the Anubis... I was not 100% sure just what the game could handle poly wise, but even then, alot of the detail I planned to be skinned on anyways. The picture for the model was drawn with as many minute details as I could fit because I thought it would give the modeler, in this case Slaughter, a wider range of possibilities. If he wanted to go the extra mile, (which he often does) I made sure there was detail enough in the graphs that he could. He is a wonderful modeler and I have no doubt that he knows when and when not to omit/alter certain details to save on poly-count...

Enough ass kissing though. ^_~ I think its very possible that this could be just about 100% re fabricated, with the exception of the sarong.. which we already discussed as being too much a pain to animate. What I will agree with however, is that the next generation Editor (3.0 I think?) will change -everything-...

Something I am certainly looking forward to, far away as it may be.

((PS: I havent seen any of your work since Ganon Vail, been out of the loop. What have you been up to of late?))

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-{SC}- Renamon

BigHead Bot Master
Jul 27, 2004
Vailias said:
I beg to differ Renamon.

There is a converted DOAX:VB model for UT2k4 out there and its in the 14000 poly range if I remember right. It runs just fine in matches. However this doesn't need 14k, as most of the detail on it can be easily skinned in.

I would love to see this completed to a high level of accuracy, as If it is good enough one might be able to get epic(or whoever does Unreal Championship) to release it in a downloadable content pack for the X-Box. </Pipedream>
Does it?

I might like to take a look at this one, well it won't run well for me when I have like 30+ bots running around with gibalicious and alien FragHouse Invasion going, as far as I remember..


New Member
Aug 9, 2004
I guess it depends onhardware.. I never had any issues running any of that, had a Geforce5200fx, AMD2100+ and 512Mb pc133. Then again i did not have any Anti aliasing on but I was playing at 1024X768.

Either way this model really shouldn't need more than about 3500 polies, putting it in line with the newer 2k4 models.


Feb 16, 2004
Some small updates...but i plan on redoing the whole thing...staying closer to the concept with more polys.
I´m thinking about 4000-5000 Polys, adding as much detail as i can.
I improved a lot since i started this model...i think i can do better :)

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Formally known as mutt
Sep 25, 2004
good, can u think bout this model instead of others so u can get this over with :lol: ? and the pic didn't work if that was suppost to be pic ;)


Hater of the "ur" o_O
Apr 8, 2004
You take something flat, an idea whispered into faint pencilings and a frenzied sketch.. and you make it into something near living. I sat in a dinner, 4AM, talking with an old friend about days gone by and almost absently jotting down something, a scattered notion of a god made man... and a man made warrior.

And it was good...

So then, comes a post, a hope, and a chance that it might catch the attention of another... which it does. Slaughter take, builds, trys.. and -makes-. What was first a simple sketch with no power to call its own now has the potential to escape onto the net and 'slaughter' millions..

And it was better.

Born of three dimentions and a headey will to kill... Anubis will rise, I have faith in that. Slaughter will bring about something long in the waiting and we will all raise our voices to cheer or scream...

And we will lower our Flak-cannons to gib and frag.

Long live Anubis!

((Yeah I'm feeling artsy fartsy today.... bite meh. Awsome work slaughter.. makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.))
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Hater of the "ur" o_O
Apr 8, 2004
DarkCrow said:
good job so far Slaughter ;)

btw look what i found today while checking Atari Forums :D
God Horus Model Pack

Ehhh why I can't argue with that fantastic skinning job... the model itself seems to be lacking around the torso area... like they used up all thier idea's on the head. ((Which even then involves taking a hawk head and implanting it into a Juggernaught's armor frame. =P)) I like ours better, but then again... my opinion is probably bias. ^_~


ra ra rat Putin!
Jan 24, 2004
Waterford, Ireland
Yup one criticism I'd have of a lot of new models is they're too slight/skinny in the body. The Horus model is awesome but needs a little more muscle in the body to carry all that weight. Slaughter's work so far is a lot more balanced and the way it should be to make it a great model :D


Jun 13, 2004
Klasnic said:
Yup one criticism I'd have of a lot of new models is they're too slight/skinny in the body. The Horus model is awesome but needs a little more muscle in the body to carry all that weight. Slaughter's work so far is a lot more balanced and the way it should be to make it a great model :D

yea i agree with you 2. The Horus model has a really good texture, but i still prefer the model Slaughter is makin ;)


Hater of the "ur" o_O
Apr 8, 2004


At almost six pages, 136 individual posts, and over 2300 views... and with multiple shots of the work being done on this model...

Maybe we should move it to the Work in Progress section? =P

I don't want to confuse anyone who looks for it in the requests section.. but oi, thats a WiP if I've ever seen one!


Hater of the "ur" o_O
Apr 8, 2004
Hehe lets just hope peeps can still find it. ^_~

Thanks SaD man.
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