You take something flat, an idea whispered into faint pencilings and a frenzied sketch.. and you make it into something near living. I sat in a dinner, 4AM, talking with an old friend about days gone by and almost absently jotting down something, a scattered notion of a god made man... and a man made warrior.
And it was good...
So then, comes a post, a hope, and a chance that it might catch the attention of another... which it does. Slaughter take, builds, trys.. and -makes-. What was first a simple sketch with no power to call its own now has the potential to escape onto the net and 'slaughter' millions..
And it was better.
Born of three dimentions and a headey will to kill... Anubis will rise, I have faith in that. Slaughter will bring about something long in the waiting and we will all raise our voices to cheer or scream...
And we will lower our Flak-cannons to gib and frag.
Long live Anubis!
((Yeah I'm feeling artsy fartsy today.... bite meh. Awsome work slaughter.. makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.))