Look, obviously when i posted lastnight, there was a lot of background stories that i didn't include, so the whole rant seemed unfocused at many points. i've had a chance to think and to refine.
first a few responses: JT: I agree with what you say, but even in eastern philosophies, there are still people, demogagues, (not in china cuz you can't really do that and not get shot, but many in taiwan) who basically make it their existence to bring down the establishment, while not understanding at the slightest, the political balance that needs to be struck.
example, the Taiwanese president, who is extremely unpopular in taiwan, who ran on the premise of independence, as soon as he took office, took a soft stance on teh whole issue and announced that he would not seek independence. these people, either don't know, or knowing continue to ignore the complexities of a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural, multi-dimensional collective known as a "nation" and the strain it is under every single day, to remain a cohesive nation.
Frost: Giuliani wasn't digging people out but he was in the downtown area before the buildings even collapsed (that's where city hall is as well) he refused to leave when the police commissioner asked him to, and was directing relief efforts until he became trapped in 1 liberty by the dust and debris for a while when tower 1 came down. that's Churchill caliber, FDR caliber, that's not something you'd ever see hillary clinton doing in a million years.
but we digress. the extreme liberals who preach tolerance are no better than the extreme conservatives, these people call themselves democratic socialists, anarchists, etc. but they have no wish at all to represent any views except tehir own. socialism requires a representation and tolerance of all ideas, hwoever these people only wish to tolerate the ones that coincide with their own doctrines. we should hear the ideas that everyone has, except the ones we feel are absurd.
they are neither tolerant nor pragmatic, they want generalized social welfare, while not suggesting any way to raise funds or compensate labor for those services. tehy want everything to be done their way, and whine and bitch about it when they aren't. they want everyone to be pleased, but they want themselves to be pleased above all else. it's selfish and arrogant.