Hello All Here is my spame and my kun fu is strong
29th Sep 2005, 10:47 PM #
1 AssTrixX vbmenu_register("postmenu_1908376", true);
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Looking to Build a Team for a UT2004 Maps
Hi all I am looking to put together a team of Bad Azz's and Make a Killer MOD for UT2004 I call It Project Stargate Atlantis. If there is anyone that is ready to play and help build These Maps I am ready to take your email's and setup this team.
Unreal Tournament – Bombing Run – I can make 12 boards Ideas
Unreal Tournament – Capture the Flag - I can make 12 boards Ideas
Unreal Tournament – Death match - I can make over 12 boards Ideas
Unreal Tournament – Double Domination - I can make 6 boards Ideas
Unreal Tournament – Air Buccaneers - I can make 3 boards Ideas
Unreal Tournament – Assault - I can make 6 boards Ideas
Unreal Tournament – Onslaught - I can make 5 boards Ideas
I have ton's of Idea's and layout for some killer game play.
I am going to try to make it big real big or near to it.
It will sound and feal like you are in Stargate Atlantis.
I am looking for Mapper, Video Concept, Direction, Editing, Sound Matinee, Texture Art, Modeling, Skinning, Beta Testing, Web Deisgn, Graphic Desig, Loading Screens, Music, and much much more. This project will be one of the best UT2004 out there.
So If you are ready to join me with this project email me or go to my site at
http://zdmall.net/psga/ and join via sending me an email. So show me what you can do and I will add you to my Team.
PS: In the Subject Header Please Put "Project Stargate Atlastis" Or your email will not be read. please send links to work you have done.
Last edited by AssTrixX : 9th Oct 2005 at 10:33 AM.
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30th Sep 2005, 02:47 AM #
2 MartinW vbmenu_register("postmenu_1908442", true);
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Oh what IS this tread!!! Yeah "Map Idea's"
Have a cool map idea? Share it with the world here!
Well First of all it is Stargate Atlantis so it would be hard just on that to sell it. So Second of all This is not for sell either. This is just a project. not a creation of a new company. What gives!!! I have read all of your treads and you should be more supportive over all. You make good point but you just need to be more like. "Great you are working in the right direction ,But you need to....." But anyways you sound like a sharp dude.
I am an Idea person "Don't watch Raven". But I am also going to creat it. Please Don't Shoot out if you don't know completely what is going on and thanks for your comment. I am just finishing the layout of my map's and would add them to my site when ready. so that I can have a good team twek them to get it just right. If you like to be in it just ask. don't slame the tread.
PS: here is something from an Idea
Last edited by AssTrixX : 30th Sep 2005 at 09:53 AM.
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7th Oct 2005, 09:19 AM #
7 AssTrixX vbmenu_register("postmenu_1913027", true);
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Project Stargate Atlantis Dock Layout
Just a sample of the layout of the dock. Just need a simple map made but here is the trick. this is a very big layout.
How big can you make a map?
I was going to add The Daedalus in the pic to show size.
In the Siege part 3 the Deatalus landed on the east dock. Kinda shows how big it is.
How big with out making it to big could make the game fun.
Open for Idea's
Last edited by AssTrixX : 15th Oct 2005 at 06:24 PM.
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13th Oct 2005, 09:33 PM #
9 AssTrixX vbmenu_register("postmenu_1916804", true);
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Thanks Couchman
Right Now I have as Followed that are Part of the Team
- PSGA Founder
- Project Leader
- Mapper
- Web Site Design
- Beta Testing
- PSGA Co-Founder
- Project Leader
- Mapper
- Beta Testing
- Script Writer
- Beta Tester
- Mapper
- Mapper
- Voice
- Sound/Effects
- Music SoundTrack
- Mapper
- Beta Test
- Mapper
- Beta Testing
Last edited by AssTrixX : 17th Oct 2005 at 02:48 PM.
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14th Oct 2005, 01:02 PM #
12 AssTrixX vbmenu_register("postmenu_1917160", true);
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Sounds about right
yeah I'm here just playing around with making the basic's first
Yes we need a Modelor and a skiner. I am waiting on my friend for the Modelor.
If he get's on board then We have him for Modeling and static meshes.
This Is the East Dock of Atlantis and as you can see it is very big. You can see the layout I posted before and working from corner to corner is... Well let's say you need a Puddle Jumper to get from one side to the other.
Here are some Screenshots for ya!!!
These maps are very basic with no static meshes and with just the basic lighting
I was just at home one day and started mapping
Hope you Like them
This is just a start for the bigger picture.
Last edited by AssTrixX : 15th Oct 2005 at 03:05 PM.
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17th Oct 2005, 02:34 PM #
16 AssTrixX vbmenu_register("postmenu_1918745", true);
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Help with Mapping building for the Dock
Yeah Right now I am on Design Layout. I need help on creating the building for the East Dock I have the layout I am using on a Graghic program and can send you the Top view of the Dock and the location the the building and I am creating the Top and Side view of the Building as well. So far I have talk with the team and I have only 3 Mappers that has made maps, including me. But I'm in training learning how to make Maps right now. What you saw above was me creating that map with just 4 lessions but as you can see I have a long way to go. I am learning everyday and now that I will be a big part of this team. As Project Leader I have been as followed
Recruiter - Team Recru
Layout Designer - Using Macromedia Fireworks MX
Project Contral - Outlook 2003
Mapper - UnrealEd 2
Script Assistant Writer - NotePad - lol

Soon to be Static Mess Designer - I have some skills using Maya

Sound Editer - Using Sound Foundry Acid Pro Music 4.0
Researcher - Viewing Stargate Atlantis Videos
Hmmmmm - What else
This is going to be a 2 year project so hoping when UT2007 comes out we can upgrade the Maps with the New Ureal Engine 3. That would be sweet
Thanks all
More Screenshots
Hey everyone I have more screenshots here of the DAEDALUS Hanger Bay
This is the Left Hanger Bay with just Basic Texture this is a military Ship.
Inside the Hanger Bay it is Empty.
Well Still Working on this project and more to come.