America's Army 3 video interview with in-game footage

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Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
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This has gone a tad off topic, I suppose..

U can not fix thet vista os
What exactly needs fixing? The only Bluescreen I've ever got on Vista was during the process of undervolting my CPU [to those not familiar with the process, that's supposed to happen once you hit the limit], which is actually better than my XP experience - not that my XP experience was bad. Otherwise using Vista was as smooth an experience as I could expect from an OS.

just look start menu in win7 change it in normal and u will see 1 bug
If they didnt fix simpple problem lol how they will fix real problems
Is Win7 even out yet? If not what you saw is called a Beta version and these usually contain more bugs than the release [unless it's a PC game then the Beta version IS the initial release :D]. Even then EVERY non trivial software will contain bugs, no matter how much you try to eliminate them. I'm not familiar with the bug you describe, since I've not yet seen Win7, but it might as well have been a low priority to fix [for a Beta] and the developers focused on more critical issues.

Diffiren is realy small and if u usk me win 2000 is the best of them
I use xp pro with sp 2 if i install sp 3 my microphone don t work in ventrilo and i don t know why
For me win7 is still vista diffiriend is just like in win 2000 and server 2003 who don t use thet much ram but win 7 still have many bugs
i usking my self now who will buy this s h i t
If I had to rate best Windows it's be XP with Vista and 2000 on a shared second place. As for the SP3 troubles, you might try to update the drivers for the mentioned device or seek support at the manufacturer, since this is most likely not an OS problem - the mic on my XPSP3 rig works fine. To be honest I'm wondering how much of the troubles attributed to Games and OSs are actually caused by hardware or drivers, since I've run many games that were supposed to be bugged and unplayable without encountering any bug.

As for buying an OS - I've never done that [I don't count buying a machine with OS the same as buying an OS] and probably never will. Never change a running system.
windows 7 is fixet windows vista
They fixed up 1500 bugs from vista and win7 still have bugs
I will not tape the hole latter to say all abouth thet is to much to say
Google is your friend and u can find good and real pages for thet not simpple forum with some funy stories
i was just reading so many funy stories on web and i didn t mean here

I hope in future windows will be batter but this too copys are sux

abouth sound driver
hmmm i tryed everythink
sp 3 for xp is good fore some hardware didn t good for my :( but sp 2 is cool for me
I don t miss it

Studends will never made good OS

Bill got barefoot employ real programmers but that they are expensive :)
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Jan 20, 2008
All operating systems have bugs, usually many. Vista is no exception.

In my personal opinion, some of the design choices in Vista and Windows in general are rather odd to say the least (i.e. Registry, UAC, ACLs, etc.) and other OS's do a better job on these points ... But they have other problem's of their own ... Nothing is perfect ...


Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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Dyslecxi's review (preview not sure?) of Arma2 using Track IR 5 has me convinced. The problem is I don't have 2 grand to drop on a new PC and Track IR to make the game deliver everything it's supposed to be.

The beauty of INF was it was simple and delivered. I won't be playing ARMA2 until you can barely find it in the 2 dollar liquidation bin at the electronics store :p


New Member
Feb 27, 2008
Ramat Hasharon, Israel
I think TrackIR is a bit over-hyped at best. I play the game more than fine without it, and enjoy being able to sit in any pose I want while playing. Also a 1000$ computer would do more than great for Arma 2.

Regarding OS, XP is clearly a winner over vista in regards to Arma 2 performance based on various people who simply tried both. Also seeing on my cousin's 2GHz dual core 2GB RAM how long it took to load internet explorer, word, etc - really turned me off of vista. As for windows 7 - not enough people use it for me to actually get the idea whether it's better or not. Currently it seems like it still needs work before I can consider it an "upgrade" over XP. Anyway, vista is definitely a performance downgrade.

I'm not sure what the big developer fuss is about "CQB done right". All they really did was remove jumping (plus holding the weapon in a weird way, though army soldiers do seem to hold it like that often, I doubt they run around like that, plus I was trained to hold it "normally" even when shooting). Other movement stuff seem very similar to other games. Like other games there's no limit to turning speed in any stance. Holding breath turns you into a super-tripod in terms of stability, so you can hit at 300m while standing. They do have crosshairs in game, just not shown in the video (though maybe removeable via server options?) - they work COD4-style - they're "open" (which doesn't change much other than the amount of space they take) and have random conefire to make you want to aim.

I liked AA3, in the sense that I'd much rather play it over most other games out there, but currently I'm finding myself spending my time on Arma 2 instead, while waiting for Sky Gods which I'm pretty confident will not have the kind of flaws Arma 2 has, which will MORE than make up for the lack of driveable vehicles and huge maps.


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
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Regarding OS, XP is clearly a winner over vista in regards to Arma 2 performance based on various people who simply tried both. Also seeing on my cousin's 2GHz dual core 2GB RAM how long it took to load internet explorer, word, etc - really turned me off of vista. As for windows 7 - not enough people use it for me to actually get the idea whether it's better or not. Currently it seems like it still needs work before I can consider it an "upgrade" over XP. Anyway, vista is definitely a performance downgrade.
For ArmA2 this might be true, but I've seen sufficient benchmarks using exactly the same PC with a clean install of Vista (SP1 or later) and XP - eliminating any possible effects of running dual-boot - running games exactly the same on XP and Vista. Seriously for most games it doesn't change squat if you run them on Vista (SP1 or later is important though, along with the up-to-date drivers) or XP - ArmA2 being an exception is not really surprising me though, given the overall quality of the product so far.

I guess the main reason for Vista having a bad reputation is the initial performance with sub-optimized drivers - even I considered scrapping Vista and installing XP when I got my new computer a year ago, but then decided to give Vista a try - it's still on with no serious troubles plus a few minor ones solved with SP2. Win7 seems to be a "polished version" of Vista and feedback from public beta and RCs seemed to be pretty nice regarding performance.

tomcat ha

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2002
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Vista really indeed got fixed with sp1. However the step from xp to vista was not really a big and a real improvement. vista sp1 certainly is a superior os when compared to xp except for some lower performance in some games.

Win 7 is worth stepping too from xp though. They got rid of all the major vista issues and some stuff really makes it better like much improved file transfer times and better support for quad+ core processors.


unexpected guest
Jul 17, 2008
Rome, Italy
I consider myself lucky not for having Vista, but the pc of my boss has it, and everytime I have to use it (since he's quite old and doesn't like pc so much) it's always a pain in the back. Even using Notepad (or whatever is) becomes difficult.
Better use Win 7, because like the Windows AD said "Windows 7 is a working Vista".


Jan 20, 2008
The problems with Vista run deeper than just the bugs. Most of those have been fixed by now.
The problem is more in the overall design, for example you may need to click four or five times if you want to delete a directory tree. All of these things were thought out much better and improved in Windows 7.


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
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The problem is more in the overall design, for example you may need to click four or five times if you want to delete a directory tree.
Uhm, what? Is that some special worst case scenario? I've always used the no-click approach for deleting anything from single files to directories with a jillion files&subfolders: 'shift'+'del', 'enter' [and in case some are write protected 'enter' again] - et voilà, file genocide happening :D. I really wonder what they did a recycle bin for anyway BTW.

I agree with some strange design decisions though, especially regarding the UAC and it's inability to [easily] add exceptions - also a standard folder layout is quite tricky to do too.

But in terms of performance I really didn't see any problems I wouldn't have noticed on XP systems. And since we have a pretty nice variety of PCs at work I can safely say XP can be a pain in the ass on any PC in a shitty network - which is why I'd never judge an OS or PC/Laptop manufacturer based on business or educational networks. I've had a PC at work once where the user complained about horrible performance [after the W2K to XP transition IIRC] and the main problem was, that he had all the XP "nicer windows" features enabled (i.e. transparent windows when dragging etc); after those were turned off it worked like W2K again. Yeah, integrated graphics suck donkey butt [well, the old ones]..

Bottom line: I'd never change an XP system to Vista [unless it has 6+GB RAM]; I'd never change a Vista system to XP [unless it's on Vista minimum requirements].


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
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"As real as it gets".


I wonder if they played Inf?

I like how he starts listing Inf features as being a big deal upgrade wise and says no other game really did "realistic" CQB.

Ah well, it's free and on steam so I guess I'll have a look.

Bwahahahahah. Holy cow.

It feels sub-Raven Shield.

Movement is very floaty. There's crosshairs and RCoF. That plus lag gives everything a really surreal disembodied feel. The game feels kinda quick compared to the likes of ArmA2 but that could just be FoV or something.

I don't even think they're entitled to "dis" AA2 particularly, especially not at this stage of development.
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New Member
Feb 27, 2008
Ramat Hasharon, Israel
The best thing about AA3, is that they took a lot of the stuff that ruined the realism in AA2 and fixed them. Sure it still is far from perfect, but I like how they improved the biggest issues AA2 had.
Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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I just stumbled recently into AA3. I tested an earlier version long ago and I was pretty disappointed by the time.

I agree, that the release-video and the announcement is typical PR - what would you do if you had to justify several millions of development costs to the american taxpayer ;)
"Vast" maps is definitely not true, since they are smaller than many big INF maps.

The latest release (3.0.7) is pretty cool anyway. I read the initial release was damn buggy and there is still a lot left to desire (like maps, guns, bugfixes, partly better textures & sounds, tweakings, freeaim, nightvision etc.) , but at least to me AA3 is as close to INF-feeling as it currently gets on a modern engine. (sorry to disagree here Beppo ;) )

I downloaded AA2.8.5 to check the progress and my impression is that their attention do detail and realism has improved quite a lot. Just watch the new SAW-reload animation...

Some features almost feel like they were inspired by INF or like the AA3 devs listened to the discussions on in the INF forums...

INF-like feature:
* leave-aiming for 40mm
* attachment system for sights and grenade launcher
* random spawns in certain maps (ranch) - its not yet like DTAS, but with the announced mapeditor this should be quite possible
* EAS / Specialist like missions
* DTAS like scoring-board
* no aiming while sprinting
* bullet penetration and sounds seem fine to me - you actually see when bullets pierce a wooden windowframe beside you.
* decent loadout / stamina / breath-control system which encourages realistic behavior
* minimized HUD very similar to INF

features that were suggested on the forum:
* high / low ready aim (not that I cared as much as Psychomorph ;) )
* removal of "JUMP" - you can mantle / vault over objects which works quite well.
* a really cool maneuver is prone dive / slide: when you hit prone / duck in full sprint you perform a dive / slide that feels and looks pretty cool in 1st and 3rd person
* you can also aim over a low wall that was originally a little too high. Once you aim (ironsight-view) you will adjust to an appropriate heights...
* they added role left / right while prone
* although bullet are less deadly than in INF, the damage and bandage system seems reasonable to me and it encourages teamplay
* good in-game communication with voicechat and keybinds (pretty much like this muttie we used in INF)
* limitation to 1 sniper and 2 40mm carriers per team (can be fully removed base on map)
* supressive fire seems to work better than in INF. People seem to realize when bullets hits are nearby and keep their heads down. (especially when you don't know where they are coming from, because you never stick out like a sore thumb)
* At the beginning of each round there is a short preparation time where teamleaders can set advancement points and objective priority. It's often unused in public play but I bet its cool in clan environment.

This combined with the UT3 engine, decent netcode (I get sometimes 1 digit pings), a training and advancement system, around 150 frequently populated serves and the ongoing development make a pretty good package, at least to fill the time until GB is eventually released :D

Sentry should be proud of every little feature the US army picked up from them - it shows how much ahead of the time INF actually was and how much more efficient they obviously worked - when it takes a battalion of fulltime developes an half the pentagons budget to catch up ten years later :p

I really want their budget to show them what "realistic", "vast" and "never done right CQB in a game" actually looks like.

I'd really love to see that - maybe you should have applied in the first place
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