Am I a racist???

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Am I a racist???

Seriously.. I have a story to tell.. it might take a bit (this could be a GRIMM type post)..
Last week I pulled into my local grocery store.. and as I pulled into the parking lot from the street.. I heard a bass mobile .. now mind you I had MY cd player on.. and my windows up..and this was just plain to loud..I was looking for the car.. and as I pulled farther into the lot I finally saw it.. the reason that I was able to pick it out was that NOBODY else had parked around it..and I did the same.. after getting my son into the seat.. it was off to the store.. but I couldn’t help but look at the car.. if anything I just wanted to give the driver the finger.. or at the very least a dirty look.. So as I get closer to the car.. I notice that all the windows are down.. and from 30 feet away I could see the review mirror shaking.. and then I noticed some thing odd… the driver wasn’t there..

I mean driver anywhere around.. so I walked closer to the car.. and then I saw that the keys where in the car.. so me being the person that I am.. reached in and turned the damn thing off..and I even received a couple “good job”s from a couple of people that were passing as well… as I was going into the store this black guy was coming out of the store cussing and rising hell about people ****ing with his car.. And I told him that I shut it off because it was hurting the ears of my son, and really pissing people off... and of course he was ready to fight...I needed to back out of it because of my son.. But the point is that I am so sick and tired of what I call the worst cultural trait that has sprung up...
This whole attitude that this group of kids (both black and white and other) that act as if they can do whatever they want and screw whoever is offend, hurt in there rages, killed in their crimes.. The whole attitude that YOU owe ME... screw that... I worked for everything that I have... and yes there are plenty of black people out there that think that way... but there are just as many whites... and I think that that may be my saving grace..
Maybe I’m not racists... but a culturalist... I am very predijust against certain cultural traits.. but those very traits are found probably more in black youths than white youths..
Dose that equal racism? It’s kind of like prisons... If there is more of one type of person in a prison... does that mean the laws/justice system is racists? Or does that mean that certain people commit more crimes...
No, I am not saying that there aren’t problems in areas... ie the “Good Ol Boy” government... the backwards thinking KKK and other trash like that...
So what do you think...?
Sorry that my thoughts are so disjointed… bunch of crap happened today... that almost has me wanting to be racists... but I cannot truly think that I am a REAL racist... But I offer my thoughts and opinions up for inspection...


Jan 4, 2000
You're in the clear as far as being racist. I wouldn't have bothered to turn his stereo down, though. Why didn't you just leave? Regardless, blaring a stereo in a public place is not an inalienable right. Most towns have a noise ordinance or ordinances, which he likely violated. Mind you, I don't support such ordinances (rather, specific torts) because they're usually created to fine people who play loud music. It's like Shaquille O' Neal said: My driving by is like a plane or a train, loud but brief. Common courtesy dictates the man turn his stereo down while in a store. Maybe keeping it blaring was his way of knowing his car was still in the lot and not stolen. Did he interfere with your rights as a private citizen in a public place? Ask me in a couple years after I've had more law. I'm interested in people's takes on the racism issue. Should be good.
Edit: "Why didn't you just leave?" Because you just got there. Duh.


Mad Hatter
Nov 14, 2001
Backwoods Ohio
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A higher proportian could be from an imperfect system, or it could be from imperfect circumstances. I'd say that from your account, you probably aren't. Blaring music irritates me too, and so does a self-righteous attitude from anybody; most people are, so it should be normal. Here's a bit of a test for you. Would you feel the same way if the person with that car were a prosperous old white man? Also, did most of your irritation stem from events before or after the guy came out? If you aren't certain about these things, run different scenarios through your head, just changing different details and trying to track your emotions through each part of both real incidents and imagined. I wouldn't worry, though Spiritwalker.


Jan 4, 2000
Oy. Now we're getting into probability and stereotyping: Is an old, prosperous, white man really going to be blasting gangsta 5hit in his Caddy in a parking lot? I've never heard young people complain about the volume of car-stereo music ... it has always been people from previous generations, usually the baby-boomers and older. Rap is meant to be played loud and with high-powered bass. You might say it's worthless without a good system. Most people with "systems" only listen to rap and are young, stupid wiggers and also young, stupid black men. I don't know where I'm going with this. I guess I'm stating what I've observed.


Mad Hatter
Nov 14, 2001
Backwoods Ohio
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What I was getting at was would his reaction have been different had they guy not been a minority, had he not been young, etc. Basically, not who people would traditionally expect to be in possesion of a blaring car. To see whether, or to what extent, stereotypes were influencing opinion.


For the Win, motherfather!
Aug 24, 2001
Originally posted by oosyxxx
Maybe keeping it blaring was his way of knowing his car was still in the lot and not stolen.

if so, he really is a retard.

Origionally posted by The SpiritWalkerI mean driver anywhere around.. so I walked closer to the car.. and then I saw that the keys where in the car..


Jan 4, 2000
Originally posted by GoldenMouse
What I was getting at was would his reaction have been different had they guy not been a minority, had he not been young, etc. Basically, not who people would traditionally expect to be in possesion of a blaring car. To see whether, or to what extent, stereotypes were influencing opinion.

Well, The Spiritwalker? Would your reaction differ if the person in question were of an entirely different socio-cultural strata?
*Is my English bad? I can't tell anymore.


Jan 4, 2000
Originally posted by oosyxxx

Well, The Spiritwalker? Would your reaction differ if the person in question were of an entirely different socio-cultural strata?
*Is my English bad? I can't tell anymore.
My writing lacks clarity and, per se, draws far too much attention to itself. <====== so does this sentence, DAH!
/goes to dank corner and manically recites lyrics of, "Several Species of Small Furry Animals Grooving Together To A Pict."
Edit: Several Species of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together in a Cave and Grooving With a Pict

Lruce Bee

Transcending to another level
May 3, 2001
Sherwood Forest
You gotta be mature and diplomatic in situations like this - you know - communication at street level

Try this next time and everything will be OK

"Yo! Mother F****r - Turn the slap**** down - Any jivetalk and I'll blow your f*****g brains all over the parking lot - you jive arse me one more time man and I swear I'll f**k you - your sister and that bitch you call a mother.......

Put a 20" scratch down the side of his motor with his OWN keys - take a dump on his dashboard and nick his stereo - you'll get loadsa respect



no I don't think that my reaction would have been different..
the car in question wasn't even a "lowrider" type of car..
just a non discript car..
and I really don't think that I would have pegged the guy that I argued with, as the owner.. til he opened his mouth..

but here is something odd...

my first post here.. I wrote it in X/P word.. and did my spell check..
the damn program tried to correct EVERYTHING.. grammer, and such..

but for some reason.. it DIDN'T have a problem with me typing KKK..



Originally posted by oosyxxx
See if it tries to correct NAACP.

basically the same thing if you ask me.. and I think that's what you are implying ... right?


Jan 4, 2000
No, they're not the same, but I like them about equally=not at all. Wait, I like the KKK for their comedic value, and thinking about the NAACP gets me psyched up for lifting, so I guess they're of some use to me.


Strangely compelling...
Mar 18, 2001
No, your clearly not a racist. A racist is not someone that simply doesnt like the majority of black people but someone that would not like someone simply because they were black. I could say "all the black people i know are complete idiots" and not be a racist ( not that i would say that ). Racism is being predjuduced, not holding an opinion based on experience.

Cat Fuzz

Qualthwar's Minion. Ph34r!
Going into a store while leaving the keys in the car is the ultimate in arrogance. Around here just as many white kids have those stupid ground pounding stereos in their cars and black kids. They are purely for showing off, nothing more and this guy just wanted to show off. I don't mind hearing loud music coming from a car, but when its nothing but bass booming and it rattles your windows as the doof drives by, its just stupid showing off. Same with chirping car alarms.

I would have been just as disgusted as SW whether the dumbass was black or white. I prolly wouldn't had the balls to shut the guys car off though. You could get shot for that in some parts of the country.


Coffee overclocks the overclocker!!
May 15, 2001
Over here!!!
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I really like it when their car is such a piece of shit that the fuckin rust is rattiling on the outside with every bass beat but they can`t hear the rust rattling cause they are playing the fucking lamest music you could possably play!!

Our town and the one next to use really cracked down on loud steros and are giving huge fines for violators. They gave warrnings for a week then the tickets!! I think it`s like $175.00!!

The guys some hoods leaving your car running with the keys in it would render you without a car when you got out of the store!! :p


bNasal Implant=True
Dec 6, 1999
the real world.
ditto rukee- i dont have a kickin system so if i saw the keys in the car i would've drove away with my new system.

buy me a duplicate wreck with clean title and a quick switch of the VIN's, license plates, and new paint and yer rollin.

i dont care what color yer skin is... if yer an ass yer an ass.


From the land of sky-blue wa-AH-ters!
Nov 7, 2001
Minneapolis, MN
Someone who leaves their car running, keys inside, windows rolled down has obviously never lived a day in his life in the 'hood.

I'd attribute the behaviors of this individual to the arrogance of male youth. I know a lot about that 'cause I was an arrogant male youth once myself, but finally grew out of that to become the arrogant male adult I am today.

It's also impossible, I think, to say someone either is or is not a racist. Everyone has prejudices and preconceived ideas about a person based on looks, and that's simply human nature. The first thing you get to know about someone is the superficial, the first impression. If you can't look beyond that first impression thereby never really getting to know that person, then you're a shallow individual. I think most of the time the term "racist" is attributed to people who are shallow and stupid, really.

I think you did excatly what you should have done in that situation: you stopped an annoyance for yourself and everyone else and, who knows, probably even saved the guy's car from getting stolen by detracting the attention is was drawing. Him complaining about people fuking with his car is a sign that the guy's an ungrateful dip****. Nothing more and nothing less.

One important thing to keep in mind is there ARE differences between different racial and ethnic groups. I think it's another form of racism to pretend that the differences don't exist, in fact. The definition of race is and has always been cultural. The idea of the melting pot in America has been more about cultural assimilation than a real mixing of the cultures. There is a definitive American culture, and most people fit into that and are "like us" reguardless of ethnicity.

Those who are not "like us" are often considered too foreign to be "real" Americans. Be they blacks in the ghetto, a 1st generation Hmong family (Mpls/St. Paul has the 2nd highest population of Hmong in the country), a deeply traditional Jewish family, a deeply traditional Christian or Irish Catholic family ... you name it. Not even 100 years ago, in fact, Irish Catholics were not considered "like us" and the slums of New York were full of "those people." After they became more established and more "like us" the slums became more populated with Jews, who dubbed it a "ghetto." After the Jews came southern blacks ... etc. etc...

I guess *my* point is racism isn't simply a matter of you either think black people are all right or you burn crosses...