All coders, skinners, modellers, anyone interested in helping make a better mod.

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New Member
Jun 27, 2004
First off, Hello. I'm new to this forum (And UT in general). I'm planning a full mod for UT2004. But since most of my skill is purely in skinning/texturing/modelling, I'll need some help. An outline of my project:

1. Intro to Project
A. Theme: Fantasy/Future
B. Weapons: Psuedo-medieval guns, swords, spells, crossbows, as well as large siege weapons.
C. Vehicles: Psuedo-medival mechanical carts, creatures (Dragons, etc;), single-man airships.
D. Maps: Large, plenty of secret areas.
E. Features: HUD HP/MP tracker, Level system, reduced game speed for more tactical maneuvers, race specific and level specific abilities.
2. In depth.
2.1. Theme: The theme of this project will be in a fantasy world with a defined good/evil. It will be a world half mechanical, half magical.
2.2. Weapons:
A. Melee Weapons: Melee weapons will include swords, staves, knives, etc;.
B. Guns: Guns will be: Cross bows, Slow-action powder guns, "magic" (fireballs, etc), and magic-guns (Guns that SHOOT fireballs.)
2.3. Vehicles: This will include teleportation services through flying creatures, flying creatures (Dragons, I use that term lightly, although they may breath fire), running creatures, and "carts", steam propelled wooden wagons, racers, and tanks.
2.4. Maps: Maps will be chock full of secret areas, areas reached only through special abilities, examples: A spell caster may teleport to a higher position on a cliff to get a vantage point to cast spells, a certain alignment may be barred from certain strongholds. Maps will be large and games will be fought with tactics. Will also double-over for single player.
2.5. Features: Oh, where to begin. HUD will display an HP bar, an MP bar, and a rage bar (Much like health, ammo, and adrenaline). The rage bar will allow players to do certain combos like adrenaline, examples are special attacks, enhanced physical abilities, damage multiplication, beserking, etc;. Another feature is the level system. This will serve so different-quality players can play on the same server. A high level player will not be able to attack a low level player unless engaged upon. Engagements will ban anyone else from attacking the engaged party until one player dies. Dying will constitute a loss of currency and special items like enhanced weapons etc;. Currency will be kept to buy training, weapons, and powerups, all items, potions, powerups can be stored to used later.
2.6. Questing. We as a team should this project succeed will release quest maps, and players in a group can start new quests. The quests can only be saved and resumed by the original party. Quests will result in anything you'd expect from an RPG game, powerful weapons (Which cannot be dropped, because we all know thats a bad feeling), special abilities. Quest servers are also a possibility.
Well, that should be about it. I'll be watching my post and get back to anyone as soon as possible, if you take interest and have anything to contribute, any comments or constructive criticism, please post!

Again, I realize this is a large amount of things for an unpaid team to do. I realize some of it may be unreal (no pun intended), I think that something more tactical would be great and a first in FPS Tactics... MSU anyone?


New Member
Jun 27, 2004
LP said:
sounds like a list of what you want as apposed to a "plan"

Can you expand on that? Yes, it is a list of what I'd like to see. Brainstorming would be part of the planning.... this list is what I've come up with and I want to put it out so I can get a public reaction. Just saying it isn't a plan doesn't help so if you can expand a bit and tell me just what it is you're looking for, well then perhaps I can help.


New Member
May 7, 2004
Is this an RPG?

Check out my sig. I am working on a RPG+RTS, so if you might be interested in that.

Btw, what would your role be in this Mod? In order to recruit, you will need to say what you will provide, otherwise people might think you're just the idea guy which is dime a dozen on any game development forum.


New Member
Jun 27, 2004
GuruKnight said:
Is this an RPG?

Check out my sig. I am working on a RPG+RTS, so if you might be interested in that.

Btw, what would your role be in this Mod? In order to recruit, you will need to say what you will provide, otherwise people might think you're just the idea guy which is dime a dozen on any game development forum.

Oh, I suppose I didn't expand on what I would offer. No, I have quite a few years of 3D Modelling (Most of it modelling car addons for the NFS games), and texturing. I agree that an "idea guy" is a dime a dozen, but I'm not one. I'm actually working on weapon models and static meshes for the game right now, it think the biggest thing I need is someone familiar with the Unreal engine and some people who are good with making maps.

I looked at what you're working on. Interesting idea! I can't say I was ever a huge fan of RTS's though, except for some really great ones like AoE and Starcraft. I'm thinking of something more RPG oriented, something that will make online play more fun then jump around and kill.


New Member
Jun 28, 2004
Add me to your msn, if you discuss with me a bit more about what this game world is like, I can write a backstory for it, etc. it sounds interesting :)


New Member
Jun 27, 2004

A sword I did in about... 20 minutes with a low-res texture I made for it (Actually, didn't even texture the hilt, as you can see). Not sure why I put it here but I want to use it to test out for the mod. I need somebody who knows how to do the custom weapons like I've seen people doing.


New Member
May 7, 2004
Thats a nice style for a blade. Though maybe the other side could use some sort of razor or spikes. And the hilt seems too uncomfortable for a blade that looks pretty powerful. Perhaps widen the hilt?
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