AFA East Server: Map Cycle and Settings

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


[AFA]'s unoffical godfather
Apr 4, 2001
United States of America
There is nothing like charging over the top of a hill with three of your buddies hoping that the sniper will only be able to take out one or two of ya. :D

People! Compile some Maps lists! I can have another 16 player server up soon! Post map suggestions (big 'uns, too!) I need to submit a map list in order to get this ball rolling.