UE2 - UT2kX Actor Classes ASinfo help

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New Member
Aug 8, 2009
I need to add the Assaultinfo actor to my map, or so I have been told, in order to order the objectives in my trial map. However, I can't find the assaultinfo actor I've searched under Actor classes>info but can't find the actor I need.
I'm new to Unrealed 3.0 and don't know where else to look.
Help please


Official Kantham Stalker
Mar 28, 2008
There is no such thing as an "Assault Info". Whoever told you that is full of fail.

To order an objective use the Defense Priority value in the objective actor.

Heres how to use it:

1. Objective 1 : Priority 3
2. Objective 2 : Priority 2
2. Optional Objective for Obj 2 : Priority 2
3. Objective 3 : Priority 1

and so on.

EDIT: Oh god... Think i've gone and confused myself. Its either that, or the other way around. Somebody correct me on that.. to tired to think
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