Accuracy,not realistic

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Who Dares Wins
Oct 6, 1999
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Hey Angel Of Death, Acuracy dose not just depend on the person firering the rifle it also depends on the rifle and how well it groups. (a good rifle can put 3 rounds into .5 of a inch at 100 yards, 1 inch at 200, 1.5 inches at 300 etc etc)



New Member
Apr 14, 2000
Good to know.

For some reason I was under the impression the firing system was finalized with no more planned changes. Having never fired an M16 I wasn't sure if it was actually supposed to act like that, or even if it was just me. If I came off as 'impatient' I apologize, I wasn't in a good state of mind to be posting the first time around.

- Anolis, "INF wasn't meant to be played on small Team Deathmath UT maps with 16 bots."

- Anolis, "If you choose not to decide you still have made a choice."


New Member
Jun 12, 2000
well cougar, that sure isn't a very good rifle. The ones with better accuracy get .25 moa, and even so, it still depends on the person firing the rifle. A gun like the m82 is rated to like 1500 meters, but could I hit anything with it at that range? HA! With a rifle with .25 moa, at 400 meters, a decent sniper could hit within the first ring of the target more or less consistantly. Hardly anything to write home about or complain about. With the center dot on the cross hair of the robar being so large, I really don't see the possibility of hitting things beyond 500-600 meters as feasible, but as for accuracy within 400 meters, it seems reasonable enough for me. As for firing w/o a scope, damn, I don't know if I could make out a person at 400 meters, much less hit one...which is why I'm questioning the functionality of the m16 w/o a scope. I'm sure not gonna stand in a corridor squinting to make out the guy and take pot shots at him when i could either be trying to find a way to flank him or at least stay behind cover until he gets within a couple hundred meters...basically until he gets to the range where the mp5 can be just almost as effective as the m16. And in close quarters, when the gun actually shoots where you point it, you can pretty much spray the mp5 w/o praying (now I mean CLOSE quarters, maybe 80 degree firing arc,) unprofessional and dangerous, i know, but hey, this is a game and if you're point and you're fairly sure you won't run out of ammo why not? I never use up more than a clip anyway, unless I get scared by some bots and start spraying covering fire while I backpedal, then run like the ****ens.


Apr 27, 2000
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Oh yah, Anolis, you can thank Shakken for not being able to shoot from the hip. In the previous versions of INF, people were using a little cello-tape with a dot on it to get around the weapon shouldering mode. Thus they could shoot from the hip without any trouble. Shakken made it his mission to disallow this.


Specops Spook
Jan 11, 2000
I can probably have beppo remove this now since the tape no longer works. Instead, I'll make hip fire have AN ASSLOAD OF RECOIL! BUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAH! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

3D artist
special operations consultant


Tommy Vegas
May 11, 2000
Newark, DE
For me, M16 is most accurate at hip

Personally, after playing INF 2.8 for a couple of days, i've found that the M16 is the most accurate weapon when firing from the hip. Because of the 'free aim' system in 2.8, the gun isn't necessarily pointing at the very center of the screen--i.e. a piece of cellophane tape with a dot is basically useless.

However, the M16's barrel is long enough that I can shoot an imaginary ray out from the end of the gun along the path of the rifle to determine an approximate location of impact. I've found that I have about 80-90 percent accuracy by doing this. With the other shorter-barreled weapons, it is signifigantly harder to guestimate an impact point.

One little peeve I have about the M16 is that the 3 round burst mode can get very annoying in a heavy firefight. Apparantly, it stops the rifle firing every 3rd round, even if you let up the trigger between bursts. If 2 rounds are fired in the first burst, the next one will cut off after only 1 round rather than firing a full 3 rounds. As far as I can tell, only the M16's burst mode does this, not the other weapons. I'm not sure if this is how the real M16A2 functions, but I have had this 'feature' screw me over many times against the bots (ie, I thought I fired 3 rounds in the last burst but only fired 2, I run into a bot and fire off another burst expecting 3 rounds to come out and kill the bot, but only 1 round comes out and mearly pisses the bot off. I die shortly afterwards.)

Personally, I think it would be nice if one depression of the trigger fired 3 rounds, no more no less rather than having to hold it for the entire burst length. At least being able to fire a 2 round burst immediately followed by a 3 round burst would do well.

Otherwise, I think this mod blows anything else out there out of the water. Looking forward to the next release!


New Member
Apr 24, 2000
Chandler, Az, USA
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Well, I believe in Real Life, When you let up the trigger early, The gun does not continue to fire the rest of the burst.

I like how the m16 only fires 1 or 2 shots sometimes, It gives it a real feel. Not computer Predictability.



Tommy Vegas
May 11, 2000
Newark, DE


Tommy Vegas
May 11, 2000
Newark, DE
Yes, but what i'm trying to say is that in the current release of INF, there are times when the limiter kicks in after only one or two rounds, not three. This can be very irritating. It seems more like the 3 round burst mode is more like "stop firing after every 3rd round in the magazine", not "stop firing after 3 rounds leave the gun".

I've often had it come to situations where if the game slows down due to a heavy firefight involving a large number of bots, firing the M16 in burst mode is wholly unpredictable.