i am mature enought ,
its just when i am drunk
and no , i don't guess i should be a reviwer
@redfist ,
stop saying a must grolw up , you filled Cursel souls's mail box of full flaming mails cauz he gives ur Arto deck map a 1.5
its not becaus i am 16 years old i don't have a good jugement on how to make post and commenting
yes my spelling is very anoying , sorry for that , (a least , i admit it)
red fist , look at yourself before say i must growl up , this is your opinion (im sure manticore share same thug whit you)
dear poor )hidra(
owned by AHK gang by full of revenge ratting map , he dicided to leaves
sad . only 4 person knew him (or her if you prefert)
anyway ,
why are you ambarassing urself on me
i am here to have fun , map , and now skining
if i do imatures things , just ignore me (i am drunk)
i will remove all the stupid comments later (or admin will)
one last thing 'poing de sang*
aprend a mapper , seulement la Gang des AHK aiment tes cartes
i wish one day nc3 will be more popular - kantham