A tip for all of you having troubles with UT!!

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


New Member
Dec 23, 1999
montgomery, al usa
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Just a note on the long load times. All of the Unreal Engine games seem to have an extended initial load time, but if you really pay attention in game, the between-level load times are pretty compressed for a program this complex. Most games task the loading and cacheing of info to the load times of the individual levels, making them hella long and pulling you out of the zone the game tries to put you in. But by putting a lot more effort into the initial load time, the Unreal engine manages to keep in-game interrruptions to a minimum, with the exception of the fact that it's still a RAM whore. So yeah the game's loose and a bit buggy, but don't dump on the load times, theyre better where they are: at the beginning.


Dec 20, 1999
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None of the new games run properly yet.
Ive found my version of UT to be prone to crashing, but that doesnt matter, patches will fix that sooner or later. As for the re-installing of your system, thats just common knowledge


New Member
Nov 28, 1999
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From what I read nobody stated exactly what type of errors they were receiving.. Im running on a bastardized system with an old install.. Have reinstalled windows overtop of the then present installation, and had other probs.(which was quite awhile back) But UT rocks on my system! I love it and have played and own all fps games since doom...
Now I do get one error every once in awhile stating "Assertion Failed: actor class[file e:/unreal220engine" ect.... heres a work around:

Epic receives reports about UT CD Problems:
We are seeing reports of several different problems that appear to be due to problems reading files of the game CD.

For example:

Critical: appError called:
Critical: Assertion failed: InPos>=0

There are also other examples, such as problems with running a particular map. Some people have reported problems applying the 402 patch because some file (such as botpack.u or umenu.u) is not recognized properly from their CD.

You might try the following reinstall procedure, simple as it
seems it has helped a lot of people with weird errors.

Corrupted files are sometimes installed without any error messages with some
CD-ROM drives; data is copied to your HD with read-errors, but for some
reason the CD drive doesn't warn the installer and everything appears to
have installed OK.

Copy everything from the CD to the hard drive, (running scandisk first to be
absolutely sure there's nothing wrong with the hard drive) then install from
the hard drive to the final destination folder. (you'll still need the CD in
the drive for playing.) Also, please make sure you install into a clean
(new) folder, not on top of any existing UT or UT-demo content.

If your only problem is with patching, you only need to copy the system directory from the CD. When the patch installer asks you for your CD directory, give it the directory in which the temporary system directory resides (if you copied the system directory to c:\UTtemp\system, then tell the patch installer that c:\UTtemp is your CD.


this was ripped from: http://www.cached.net/Essentials/Essentials-U.htm

Now get it fixed and go kick some *** !


New Member
Dec 22, 1999
Ventura, CA
I completely hosed up my system trying to tweak my UT performance and was forced to reinstall Win98se and all of my drivers. 5 hours later everything, including UT, worked a lot better.

It's painful but it might be necessary.