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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Yeah, that's a great price and Trine is a great game.

So far this sale I've only picked up:
Bit.Trip.Runner ($2.99)
HOARD ($2.99)
Tropico 3 expansion: Absolute Power ($2.49)
Fortix 2 ($4.99)
Fallout New Vegas DLC: Dead Money and Honest Hearts ($5.98)
Alien Breed: Impact ($4.99)

$24.43 so far. Not too bad. Alien Breed: Impact and Bit.Trip.Runner were my only real impulse buys.


Sep 13, 2003
In a bubble
This summer camp is ruining my credit card... but so far I've made a few great purchases:

Assassins Creed Pack! Yay finally!
(I only had AC1 before, pity I couldn't gift the extra copy.)

Stalker: Clear Sky and Call of Prypat
(The franchise pack and the latest STALKER is not available in Germany!!!)

Monday Night Combat
Because some BUfers told me it was great? Dunno...

Kane & Lynch
Finally also a cheap Steam version for me. I love this game! Fuck the reviews!

Just bought it. Cool trailer, maybe?

Just bought it too... Dunno why...

Again, I am absolutely angry about the silly German laws: Borderlands GOTY was censored, so I didn't buy it again! OH what a great deal would that have been...


amateur de bière
Jun 14, 2003
Under a black flag.
Monday Night Combat
Because some BUfers told me it was great? Dunno...

Just bought it too... Dunno why...

MNC is great fun, if you like chess, it feels a bit like chess sometimes, i always play as assault and have got good with that class :)

I also picked up Just Cause 2 + DLC and haven't been in the least bit disappointed (except for the voice acting)


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
What on earth could they have censored in Borderlands??
The blood. Has to be robot green. :p If Germans see blood it is as bad as tasting it. Then they turn into ravenous beasts and try to take over the world again.


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
Yeah, no blood, no gibs, and NO elemental effects on enemies!

Steam should allow you to "import" games. Can't be that hard to do. Legally, I mean. Maybe they should have someone look into that.


if (Driver == Bot.Pawn); bGTFO=True;
Aug 24, 2002
Since todays Steam Summer freebie was play a free demo I opted to snag Homefront
Not too bad, tho at the low settings each team stands out like a freaking glowstick
Mouse control felt ok, but still a bit of "pudding" even with mouse smoothing and accel off

Heli controls vs heli drone controls were a big "WTF"
Drone: Mouse controls looking up/down and turning left/right
Heli: Mouse controls looking up/down but strafes left/right with KB for turning


Sep 13, 2003
In a bubble
What on earth could they have censored in Borderlands??

No blood, no limbs separation, no splatter effects.

Take a look: http://www.schnittberichte.com/schnittbericht.php?ID=5984065

And like in most cencsored versions, you only can choose the German language. Which frankly ruins lots of jokes and atmosphere due to a usually poor translation.

MNC is great fun, if you like chess, it feels a bit like chess sometimes, i always play as assault and have got good with that class :)

I used to be a strong chess player! I love chess, it's just hard to find good people to play with, IRL :)

Yeah, no blood, no gibs, and NO elemental effects on enemies!

Steam should allow you to "import" games. Can't be that hard to do. Legally, I mean. Maybe they should have someone look into that.

You cannot import steam games, the only legal way is via gifting. So far, only Kal976 was gentle enough to help me out of my misery sometimes.

This repression is unacceptable!


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
@schnittberichte link for Borderlands: The pics you see are only from the uncut version you know already. Unfortuantely the article doesn't convey what it's like to see the game without any of these effects. Not that's supposed to, but for the purpose of this topic it might have been interesting. I'm glad I played the UK version, which I imported legally via amazon.

@Polychron: Some steam games you can import, actually! But that's not what I meant. My idea was an option inside steam that lets you "import" a game instead of buying the version that is available in your country / NOT available in your country.

Like say, Germans could finally buy UT2004 on steam, and we could import certain games that are cut in Germany. I doubt there are enough people who really care about getting their games uncut, but for those who do it would be another advantage steam could have over the retail market. Ah. What do I know. I'm a bear. I suck the heads off fish!
Last edited:


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
My wallet hasn't suffered a ton of damage this time. Probably due to stocking up on previous sales. So far I think the only purchases have been Bit.Trip Runner since I played Bit.Trip Beat for the sale achievement and it was a lot more forgiving then I thought (I'm not great at rhythm games). Also grabbed both Serious Sam HD remakes since I've heard good stuff about them. Gold Edition was tempting but if I want the old ones I can get them off GoG with their soundtracks in tow.

I still haven't played Killing Floor yet. Is it worth picking up the character DLC since that's on sale too or should I wait until after I play it a bit?

Since todays Steam Summer freebie was play a free demo I opted to snag Homefront

I went for the DNF demo. Boy was that a meh time. The boss took way too long to kill, and the desert level was... ok I guess. I dunno, it was really obvious that level was built with a lot more monsters intended to be present. Like all the explosive barrels outside the mine shaft? Never even needed them.

Also, why fill one of the half-corridors outside with about 5 different weapon types if I can only carry 2 at a time? Utterly baffling and about what I'd expect from a game stuck in development hell for a bit under half my current age.


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
I still haven't played Killing Floor yet. Is it worth picking up the character DLC since that's on sale too or should I wait until after I play it a bit?

All the character DLC is purely cosmetic and exists solely to give you a means to voluntarily support the free DLC that they provide. If you like the game and appreciate what they do, then buy it.

I will say that I have favorites amongst the packs: Nightfall and London's Finest.

I went for the DNF demo. Boy was that a meh time. The boss took way too long to kill, and the desert level was... ok I guess. I dunno, it was really obvious that level was built with a lot more monsters intended to be present. Like all the explosive barrels outside the mine shaft? Never even needed them.

It's a shame they used that as a demo. It really doesn't show what the game has to offer and it made me want to cancel my pre-order, though I ended up appreciating a lot of the game.