@schnittberichte link for Borderlands: The pics you see are only from the uncut version you know already. Unfortuantely the article doesn't convey what it's like to see the game without any of these effects. Not that's supposed to, but for the purpose of this topic it might have been interesting. I'm glad I played the UK version, which I imported legally via amazon.
@Polychron: Some steam games you can import, actually! But that's not what I meant. My idea was an option inside steam that lets you "import" a game instead of buying the version that is available in your country / NOT available in your country.
Like say, Germans could finally buy UT2004 on steam, and we could import certain games that are cut in Germany. I doubt there are enough people who really care about getting their games uncut, but for those who do it would be another advantage steam could have over the retail market. Ah. What do I know. I'm a bear. I suck the heads off fish!