Wh... what? You seem to have a nice little hole in your gaming history knowledge. Little as in "jumped from Pong to Descent" little.Fast paced arcade shooters don't work from the side.
There are no fast paced arcade side scrollers. If you think Duke Nukem is fast paced, you might be the one missing a hole.
There are no fast paced arcade side scrollers. If you think Duke Nukem is fast paced, you might be the one missing a hole.
I meant to type shootersSonic is not a shooter.
66% off everything Borderlands!
I finally picked up Zombie Island and Underdome Riot. Hopefully this means the next DLC is right around the corner.
AARGH! Steam you do we wrong once again! I just picked up all but Moxxi's last week or so.)
oh well got Moxxi's tonight for the fluff of it. It probably adds zilcho to single player, but they did such a nice job on the game in general I don't feel bad kickin' in the ~$3 tip.