Originally posted by Sven_ya!
I don't like you guys anymore..
well according to a new study, from a few months back, the scandinavian countries are the happynesst indeed, lemme see of i can find it somewhere
Originally posted by jreister
I don´t believe it.
A finnish friend told me that they (The Finnish) like to be in a depressive, calm mood if they are sober. After some glasses of wodka they become communicative and behave like middle europeans after some glasses more they want to kill their grandmothers.
I don´t take it too seriously.
Originally posted by -_-T()()L-_-
It was hard for me to pick, I either wanted to live in the future and have a robotic girl friend that I can ****, or live in the pre-historic age with cave men (which wasnt even a option here, and thats lame)
Originally posted by Astyanax
The USA is not the richest country in the world. It's only the country with the biggest ego! The richest country is Swiss and the country with the highest percentage of happy and content people is Sweden. Just because America has the biggest military potential doesn't mean they are the best. I'm really sorry if I offended anybody, but all that "God bless America" just makes me puke!
Originally posted by BangOut
that's not a good thing. being quoted in my sig makes you uber-mongoloid... you know... retarded.
Originally posted by BangOut
that's not a good thing. being quoted in my sig makes you uber-mongoloid... you know... retarded.
Does that meen you smell like groin....or you smell groin???Originally posted by mister_cope
im not the one who admits to smelling of groin.