A Game of Thrones

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Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Through what? PS3? Xbox? laptop. What say you.

(also, you changed your number and some random guy answered my text)

PC to TV with HDMI.

Oh, that's my cousins number now. I'll hook you up with the new digits. Find me on IRC during the day... I lost your number too.

Also, I finished season 1 last night. Holy shit!
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Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
I'm caught up (yes, in a little over a week :D). But I'm now sad that I don't have any more to watch. I'm actually thinking about going to the books (I know. Books! lol).

But I have to say, GoT is the best thing I've ever watched. I can't even call it a show because it's more than a show. It's like a 30 hour work of pure genius. The cast, the music, the story! Ah! I can't sing enough praise about it. Amazing. Simply amazing. Can't wait until season 4!
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Deadwood is still my favorite series of all time followed closely by The Sopranos.
after that it's Game of Thrones in solid 3rd place. maybe 2nd place as Deadwood and Sopranos are essentially tied.

but yeah, it's a pretty outstanding production.
I would avoid reading the books Al; unless you mean the first 3 books corresponding to the first 3 seasons on TV.

but don't read ahead of the show.
I feel sorry for book-readers because they already know what's going to happen. sort of ruins the incredible shock that show-watchers get from our ignorance. I wouldn't want to spoil anything for myself before it happens on screen. I want to be surprised and scared and held in suspense.

I'm definitely going to read the books someday in order to get all the fleshy details of the backstory, history, lore, and relationships that are glossed over on TV. but not before the TV series is finished.


Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
I feel sorry for book-readers because they already know what's going to happen. sort of ruins the incredible shock that show-watchers get from our ignorance. I wouldn't want to spoil anything for myself before it happens on screen. I want to be surprised and scared and held in suspense.

And this is what is keeping me from getting the books right now. I want to know what happens in the show before anything else.

It's just so good and I'm already going through withdrawal lol.

But, I'll probably do what you're doing, Jacks. All of the show, then the books. It's just hard to not want to go deeper into that world. And stay there.

P.S. Hodor.
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
It's just so good and I'm already going through withdrawal lol.
maybe you should have paced yourself :lol:

are you into any other premium shows?
this Summer I know that Boardwalk Empire will be holding most of my attention in absence of GoT. there's also the final season of Breaking Bad to look forward to.


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Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
are you into any other premium shows?

Nah, I only watch GoT and TWD. The only one I'm interested in watching would probably be The Wire.

[edit] Someone I work with is going to lend me the first book. I had to accept his offer. But seriously, if I see that reading starts getting close to the show, I'll stop.


lol :):tup:
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Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
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I feel sorry for book-readers because they already know what's going to happen. sort of ruins the incredible shock that show-watchers get from our ignorance. I wouldn't want to spoil anything for myself before it happens on screen. I want to be surprised and scared and held in suspense.

As a book reader, I would strongly disagree. The excitement and anticipation of seeing what we've read come to screen is awesome! I was as giddy as a school girl anticipating the beheading and the Red Wedding. Besides, the books are so much more detailed (and gruesome, if you can believe it) that you are missing out on a lot by only watching the shows. On top of that, there's so much content in the books that's not in the show.

One other point - in an odd way, the shows can ruin the books. One example (spoiler tags for those who haven't watch season 3 yet):

In the books, we assume Theon is dead when Ramsey takes Winterfeld. He disappears for an entire book, which is an eternity for readers who've waited years between books. Two books later, a character called Reek shows up, and you don't realize it's Theon until you read about how he got his new name).

So, I would say that there's nothing wrong with reading the books. Trust me, it has not ruined the show one bit more me. If anything, it has given me a deeper appreciation, understanding, and excitement for the books.

I CAN'T WAIT for season 4 to see how the producers handle the......



Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
As a book reader, I would strongly disagree.
of course you would.

and I disagree with your disagreement.
sure, you can be "giddy" while waiting for Ned to lose his head or Robb to be skewered at the wedding. I believe you can feel a certain amount of anticipation.

but you still knew what was happening before it happened.
it's nowhere near the level of shock that or surprise that the rest of us go through. for you it's just the morbid curiosity of watching OUR reactions to the shit you already know is coming :p

I'd still rather be a show watcher than a book reader before the fact.
but I'll definitely read through the entire series when the show is finished. because what you said about "a deeper appreciation" and "understanding" doesn't make sense. shouldn't it be the other way around? the books will provide a much deeper appreciation and understanding of the show for those of us who didn't read first.

Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
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And I would disagree with your disagreement about my disagreement (wait, did I get that right?).

The shock factor that you get in the shows...10x more shocking in the books. Take Ned for instance. Instead of 8 or 9 episodes to get to know him, you have several hundred pages of character development, and the execution is much more descriptive in the books than in the show.

So yeah, the show is great, but nothing is as shocking as seeing it in written text and letting your imagination paint the picture.


Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
I have to go with Jacks on the way of getting the story. I'd rather watch the show having no idea what will happen next. I guess it has to do with how you got the story first (book or show). I'm currently reading the first book and I'm enjoying the extra information I'm getting from it, but I will only read up until where the show currently is. It's also cool to be able to add a face to the characters in the book.

But I can understand both sides. I say no matter how you get the story of GoT, it can only be a good thing.
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Renegade Retard

Defender of the newbie
Dec 18, 2002
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I'm currently reading the first book and I'm enjoying the extra information I'm getting from it, but I will only read up until where the show currently is.

The only problem with that is, the books and the show don't always adhere to the same timelines. In fact, two of the books run parallel to each other - two books happening at the same time, but each focusing on a separate group of characters. The show isn't doing this.

But I can understand both sides. I say no matter how you get the story of GoT, it can only be a good thing.



Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
The only problem with that is, the books and the show don't always adhere to the same timelines. In fact, two of the books run parallel to each other - two books happening at the same time, but each focusing on a separate group of characters. The show isn't doing this.

Ah. Well, I don't know what I'm going to do after I finish the first book then lol

Still 600 pages to go.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
just stop reading.

there's plenty of stuff to do in the meantime.
I won't read a page of any of the books until the show has completed its entire run.

I don't want to accidentally spoil anything.