a few more ideas thrown in for good measure..

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New Member
Jun 2, 2000
Well, I am sorry this irrational little bit is occuring as well. Allow me to use my patented bullet style post again to clarify some things:

1. My intent was not to give ajy a hard time; it was merely to illustrate that only ajy gives ajy a hard time.

2. It was not a solicitation for ajy to present his "world-wide corporate-sponsored forum" credentials, nor give him any more opportunity to wallow and writhe in the deep end of his persecution complex.

3. It was not written to inspire debate on the specific ideas he presented. You'll notice I never offered my opinion on any one of them.

4. It was an expression of my gut response to the melodrama that oozes out of just about every one of his posts.

5. It was most definately not a raised fist chant to have the forum's policy on managing creative feedback re-examined.

6. The "Politician's Handbook" crack was not to suggest ajy was affiliated with politics nor was it suggestive that politicians are underhanded and devious. I find most of them too weak to be either.

This entire string is a perfect example of "political correctness" and how it destroys a good conversation and debate. PC ethics protect the weak and fragile character at the expense of the strong-minded and opinionated. Sure, it helps everybody feel like they are worthy contributors and inspires ideas, but at the same time it dilutes the resource pool with those same mediocre ideas. And most of the time, those ideas, unchecked by any "quality control" just make it harder to sort through the good ones.

p.s. The above paragraph, ajy, is not directed AT YOUR SPECIFIC IDEAS presented earlier for the mod. It is instead directed at the current social rules that allow you to conduct yourself in such a style. Please don't get confused again. Be strong and just tell me to "shut up" and get back to your posting undaunted by the critisism you (so far)infalliably perceive. That's all I'm looking for...



New Member
Apr 11, 2000
Okay, now this is it. F uck you. DEMANDED that you stop posting? What the fu ck are you talking about???? Look at my last post!! I was trying to create peace, you idiot! Maybe you should grow a brain before you antagonize me. I was trying to be nicer to you and this is what I get? Well f uck you, you immature bastard!!!!

--Gringle, webmaster of The Redeemer
"The harder you fall, the higher you bounce." -Anonymous


New Member
Apr 11, 2000
After having calmed down...

Okay, after having calmed down from that rather juvenile post before, I would like to clarify my point instead of just yelling. I feel angry because you have chosen to antagonize me after I tried to be a lot nicer to you in my last post (which was not easy considering our past relations). Now, what really hurts me is that I tried my best to be nice to you and asked if you would consider posting on a different board because your suggestion posts always seem to get blown out of proportion somehow. You threw this back in my face and said I was demanding that you stop suggesting. This is what makes me angry the most. I wish you didn't react that way to a post where I tried to mend our broken relationship. Normally, I am a nice person, hard as it must be to believe after what I've said to you, and while I am often sarcastic, I am almost never downright mean like I have been. That's what I have to say, minus all the clever implementation of censor-evasion. I hope you can re-read my last post and get something else out of it this time.

--Gringle, webmaster of The Redeemer
"The harder you fall, the higher you bounce." -Anonymous


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Gringle asked me to come here and check out this thread. All I can say is this: The long winded list-off-of-reason posts are tedious to read at best, explaining your actions. At least when I write a novella it contains bitter, sarcastic humour to make the reading easier.

Shak is right on all counts, the new version suggestion forum is where people make suggestions. I've made a ton of suggestions, and just about the only one that even got considered was when I suggested the ability to skin the arm/hand models in the first person view so that they could be released with a skin, ie: an urban camo skin has urban camo arms to go with it.

What does this mean? It means that if you post and it gets shot down, don't take offence. "It doesn't fit into the time frame", "It isn't feasable with current technology", "It is feasable with current technology but doesn't fit into the infiltration mold" are all valid and legit reasons. Frankly, I've just woke up, me and my girlfriend are in a huge arguement, I've only got one smoke and no breakfast in me, and this goddam thread isn't helping my crankiness any. why can't people just accept the fact their suggestion wasn't accepted and shut the hell up?

Jesus people, do it. Shut the hell up, drop this thread. Or I'll come back, and I'll be mighty as hell pissed off.

2000 years gone by and only 165 days of world peace in them.


New Member
Jun 2, 2000
Bad Mojo,

I challenge you to a literary fight to the death for the title of Most Bitter and Sarcastic Poster.

Unsheath your blade, rogue!



New Member
Apr 11, 2000
Heh...BM is pretty skilled at cynisism and sarcasm...that would be a grueling fight, to say the least. /infopop/emoticons/icon_cool.gif

--Gringle, webmaster of The Redeemer
"The harder you fall, the higher you bounce." -Anonymous


New Member
Jun 2, 2000
I shall toss him away much like a wadded tissue used to plug an oozing nostril after a viewing of Gone With The Wind. And I shall use run-on sentences to do it!



Infiltration Project Coordinator
Nov 24, 1999
Portland, OR
LOL! /infopop/emoticons/icon_eek.gif "..and these are the days of our lives.." I spent my lunch break reading this thread and am simply amazed.. speechless.. this is like one of those circle jerks that starts out with one person saying something, then getting passed around the room, and ending as something totally different.

Here is all we ask when it comes to suggestions..

1) Don't suggest a weapon, unless it is already planned and you have questions or comments about it. Failure to comply results in immediate ... well, it'll hurt REAL BAD!

2) Keep the suggestions applicable to the goals of Infiltration. If you've read the roadmap, and I know you all have.. ... /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif ensure your idea makes sense to apply. This is a realistic mod.. not realistic hollywood. If you saw it in the movies, ask if it's real before making it your official suggestion.

3) Be constructive. Whether it be in your suggestion for something new, something to be improved, or a comment on someone's idea. If you think thier idea is impractical and/or improbable, let them know this, and why.. be analitical and non-judgemental. It's the least we'd ask of anyone suggesting improvements for Inf.

4) Use Common Sense(tm).. This is the kicker.. most important. Unfortunately, this is rare these days. It basically encompasses all the rules above. Stick to these and you'll make the job of the Inf team much easier, which means development goes quicker.

<hr align="left" width="50%" size="1" color="#00FF00"><font size="1">Warren
Project Coordinator
i n f i l t r a t i o n

Questions? Are you a FNG? Check out our Roadmap
Then check out our FAQ</font>

[This message was edited by Warren on Jun 20, 2000 at 15:30.]
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