I am not being irrational.
Fact: I do not care if people shoot down my ideas
Proof: read my previous bloody post!
Therefore the reverse is true. You are being irrational for being irritated at me, when I am doing the SAME as everybody else. Suggesting in a suggestions forum. That is a fact is it not?
Fact: This is a suggestions forum, yet you command me not to give any suggestions.
Fact: (and this is the clincher!!!) 99% of all my ideas have been done in other games - which proves they ARE feasible. It's only a question whether the Inf team have the time/desire to do it or not - and how am I supposed to know which ones they personally would like to attempt? You are asking the impossible. To even THINK that the things I said were supposed to be magically foreknown as obvious/"unfeasible" by everyone living in the world is stupid. You mean you are going to personally trash all newbies? Sorry, but the protocol is to have a FAQ - if newbies don't read that, then that is the ONLY time you are allowed to trash them. Other than that, you are just being aggressive and quite arrogant I might add.
And you call me emotional and irrational? The facts speak for themselves. I am just defending my right to SPEAK. If you take the time to suggest things, and are told to shutup I think you would do the same IF:
1) you are NOT breaking any laid down rules
2) you have NOT been told what is 'obvious'
3) you are NOT being purposely offensive.
As it is, everything some people said is objectionable, confrontational and not to mention offensive. I have been called names, implied that I am two-faced with some devious ulterior motive (go figure), and that I should not suggest anything in a *suggestions* forum (go figure) - finally to cap that off, it's suggested that I am the irrational and the emotional one. Now pardon me for thinking people are looking at themselves.
Now you gotta ask yourself. How did this degenerate into such a juvenile argument? I suggested something, and people made it as if I was being *evil* and demanding. HA! Prove it! I dare you, because not once did I criticize anybody, not this mod, the modders, nor did I make demands, nor did I care if anybody ignored me (unlike others), nor did I make any fuss about my ideas if someone thought they were impossible or silly. So HOW, may I ask, does one even conceive those ridiculous ideas about me? Just because I defended myself, when it was suggested that I shouldn't state the 'obvious' whatever that is? HA! Even then that was wrong, I defended the right to MAKE a suggestion - not the fact that my ideas were silly.
In the end you can't win, because my posts are there for everybody to see, that I did not in any way break protocol, nor was offensive, nor did I repeat anything in the roadmap. What do you have? nothing. Furthermore, can you say that I am doing ANYTHING different to all the other people making suggestions? Why pick on me?
Please, what is wrong with you simply ignoring what you don't like. What purpose (and this is a genuine question) could you possibly serve by constantly harassing me for something you don't like. Just use your back button.. it works for me. Now that's rationale!
Lastly, you are very rude. On whose authority have you to demand that I make no more suggestions on a *suggestions* forum. Let me demand that of you, and see if you will act any differently to me. Let me trash you just because you make a suggestion (rather than just the suggestion itself), and let me see how rational you will be. I again reiterate: what the heck am I doing that everybody else making suggestions is not doing. Go bug those who can't even read instructions - leave me alone!
ps. I have over 2 years regular attendance on a world renown hobby forum (presidents of famous brand name companies participate here), and not once has anyone been so rude as they have been in this thread. People were absolute gentleman, and it was the REGULARS who defended the newbies who were trashed (by other relative newbies!) for asking questions asked hundreds of times before. Keeping that in mind, please understand why my reaction to such aggressive opposition was both a shocked one, and provoked such essay-like defense. In olden times, I would have simply slapped you across the face with my glove and thrown it on the ground.
pps. I appreciate those who 'helped' me in this thread. It goes to show, I am not some crazy maniac, and that I am right when I say I am doing the same as everybody else. It also goes to show that there are only a few snobs (not Shakken) that think otherwise.
Don't frag me, love me.
[This message was edited by ajy on Jun 20, 2000 at 04:24.]