Has anyone done this with UT3 or UT2004 and is it worth it?
Has anyone done this with UT3 or UT2004 and is it worth it?
I like the iZ3d technology better. It uses two simultaneous images that polarized glasses filter for each eye. No shuttering!
My only hold up at this point is that I run an SLI configuration, which iZ3D doesn't yet support.
eh, not a fan of iZ3D. It's pretty glitchy and the supported games list is pretty hit and miss with no real promise of future support, especially since blu ray 3D standard has been finalized and will be using shutterglasses with high refresh rate monitors, it's quite likely that you'll probably be able to go between your tv and computer with the same hookup (instead of having two separate systems)
Where have you heard that the blu ray standard will have anything to do with shutter glasses? What I've heard is that they are creating a device independent standard that can work on lots of different 3d display technology. The blu ray standard is all about the file format and backwards compatibility. Alternating images and shutter glasses might end up being the way the ps3 and certain hardware venders go, because it is the easy, old-fashioned way to do it. But not as good. Passive glasses are overall a much better idea than powered glasses.
I tried playing games with shutter glasses quite a while back and was quite disappointed. Not really about the 3D effect, that was ok with a 120Hz CRT. But it's almost impossible to aim precisely because the entire HUD, including the crosshair, is very close to you while the enemies are further away and thus you can either focus the crosshair or an enemy, but never both. Closing one eye doesn't quite do the trick as it not only destroys the 3D effect, but it's also pointless because the crosshair will be off to the left or right.
I tried playing games with shutter glasses quite a while back and was quite disappointed. Not really about the 3D effect, that was ok with a 120Hz CRT. But it's almost impossible to aim precisely because the entire HUD, including the crosshair, is very close to you while the enemies are further away and thus you can either focus the crosshair or an enemy, but never both. Closing one eye doesn't quite do the trick as it not only destroys the 3D effect, but it's also pointless because the crosshair will be off to the left or right.