Rate the last game you played

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Perhaps we need a sub-forum for rating things ets...

Going on my second run through of Mass Effect.
I loved this game alot 9.5/10. The only thing that bugged me, which is really minor is the texture loading. Simillar to GoW and BioShock texture problems. I guess it's a UE3 "feature"

After my second run through, Mario Galaxy is next in line.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
Perhaps we need a sub-forum for rating things ets...

...or perhaps we should just merge the threads into a "Rate Random Stuff" thread since a lot of the time people don't rate stuff they just played or watched anyways.

For instance right now I'll rate Deus Ex and give it a 10 out of 10, play it and you'll see why. (if someone hasn't yet) :p

Plus this also covers other stuff you can buy that someone might want to rate. :D
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The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
...or perhaps we should just merge the threads into a "Rate Random Stuff" thread since a lot of the time people don't rate stuff they just played or watched anyways.

at least movies and games should stay separated. I quite enjoy seeing what games are decent and in the case of movies I trust a few selected peopel to have exquisit e tastes. I wouldn't enjoy seeing these people drowned in a flood of metal albums being hailed as the 2nd coming of christ and tartprince raving on and off about toystuff he deems 10/10.


Mass Effect, the more I played this game the better it got. I'd say 8.8 because of it being brilliant with a load of minor issues.
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Foregone Destruction
Jan 20, 2008
Serious Sam 2
****in crazy,but cool game,the story is like the story of the other games good,the characters are funny and new visuell effects and environments are very nice.I really enjoyed it to play the game,it is very good,but nothing has changed,my old favourite gun is still the minigun and rocket launcher.Say Hello To Papa! Kleeeers,come out to play!!!9/10.:)


Mostly dead.
Jan 4, 2004
I buyed mostly fighting games in the Christmas Season.

King of Fighters XI (PS2): Some nice old-school fighting action but as always with SNK, there is always that ludriciously hard boss (I'm looking at you Magaki!). I fight usually as: Oswald (L), Iori, either Kim, K' and perhaps some others i don't remember. (9/10)

Neo Geo Battle Coliseum (PS2): Even MORE old-school fighting action but i had to play some characters (Nakoruru mainly) differently because of some special moves changed commands... and 4 ludriciously hard bosses (the first is EVEN harder than Magaki!). I fight usually as: Iori/K', Iori/Kaede, Iori/Kim and more teams i don't remember. (8.5/10)

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (PS2): YET another fighting game, filled with some f**ked up characters (lol @ Faust, Eddie, Venom, Zappa and more), Heavy Metal music and some ROCKIN' FIGHTING ACTION with still some of the best graphics for a fighting game. I usually fight as Chipp, Ky and Dizzy. (9/10)

Big Bang Beat (PC): ANOTHER fighting game but for the PC this time. Take some High School students (including some badass guy with a bokken, some guy who fights like Bruce Lee on crack, numerous cute girls including a pair of twins and, not to end strong, a blue fish. ...WTF?!? ), insert complex but still straight-foward gameplay, insert head-exploding demon-related story line (lol Japanese) and add the fact that you must beat the crap out of your opponent like a pinata to boost your power bar. How did i find this? [insert grinning pirate smiley] (8.5/10, -0.5 for not understanding the story since it's in Japanese and i can't read Japanese and anyway, the story would be too confusing to me anyway.)



Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Just finished MOH: Pacific assault (finally). O.k. but not great. 6/10

Playing Oblivion again. This game is vast even after 296 hours. 8/10

Tiger Woods 99 PGA Tour Golf. Hmmmmmmmm..... I suppose if you like golf it's good. 7.5/10


Wangosaurus Rex
Feb 26, 2002
In a Nuclear Missile Silo
If you think Oblivion had a lot to do, play Morrowind. You won't be able to go back (well, you might, but you will feel something lacking).

Currently playing through X3, since I recently purchased a real joystick (for IL2 and Mechwarrior 4 :p), and now that I have finally forced myself to get used to the new menu system, I am having the time of my life. All the fun of X2, but much more forgiving.

X3: The Reunion: 8.7/10
Fun, but the difference between the ship classes is kind of drastic. Great soundtrack.

I will also rate IL-2, since I have been playing that a lot too

IL-2 Sturmovik (46): 9.3/10
The best combat flight sim, period. Sure you don't have fancy missiles or jets (well, you actually do have a few jets, but they are WWII-era), but the dogfighting is amazing. Few things are more exhilarating than pulling out of a Split-S and ripping a ****er's tail off.

Wild Weasel

New Member
Mar 20, 2001
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I will also rate IL-2, since I have been playing that a lot too

IL-2 Sturmovik (46): 9.3/10
The best combat flight sim, period. Sure you don't have fancy missiles or jets (well, you actually do have a few jets, but they are WWII-era), but the dogfighting is amazing. Few things are more exhilarating than pulling out of a Split-S and ripping a ****er's tail off.

I second that for IL-2. It's just a pure awesome dogfighting game. After watching the History Channel's dogfighting series I fired that game back up :)


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
+1 Morrowind is far more immersive than Oblivion, and your character can do so much more.
I've played it and it's still installed on machine after many years.

When I get tired of Oblivion I go back to Morrowind.

Believe it or not, I'm still trying to activate the Clockwork City quest.
I second that for IL-2. It's just a pure awesome dogfighting game. After watching the History Channel's dogfighting series I fired that game back up :)
I've seen this game on the shelves. It's beginning to sound interesting.
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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
The most recent game I've finished was Crysis and at the moment I'm working on Splinter Cell: Double Agent.

Crysis is probably the single greatest FPS I've ever played next to Half Life 2 and I realized this in the first mission. HL2 only reigns higher due to its driving story and brilliant acting. But Crysis has delivered an experience I've been searching for since I first got really into FPS games. Graphics aside, which are almost truly photo-realistic and absolutely stunning, the gameplay is far beyond anything on the market now.
The ability to tackle any scenario you encounter in a completely unique and open-ended way is cause for near endless replayability. It's up the sheer creativity of the mind of the player to complete his mission any way he sees fit, by any means necessary. It's like one big, intense puzzle. Not a race to a checkpoint or free for all Rambo shooting spree. The realism in the way enemies react to the environment per your presence is astounding.
I can't say enough good things about this game.
Crysis - 9.5/10

A better story and acting would have yielded a perfect ten.


Official Photography Thread Appreciator
Apr 29, 2001
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I never finished Planescape: Torment the first time I played it, so I went back and did that recently. I know everybody's handing out high scores already in this thread, but I gotta: 9/10, amazing game.

Just started Flatout 2 (ported to computer), and it seems like an excellent waste of time. :tup:


Wangosaurus Rex
Feb 26, 2002
In a Nuclear Missile Silo
I've played it and it's still installed on machine after many years.

When I get tired of Oblivion I go back to Morrowind.

Believe it or not, I'm still trying to activate the Clockwork City quest.

I've seen this game on the shelves. It's beginning to sound interesting.

46 is going to be the best deal you can possibly get. The next IL2 expansion/sequel is actually a new engine, so 46 is essentially the GOTYE of all the great stuff from the first generation.