Finished this. I'd already seen the film so I knew the story but it was still a compelling read. Highly inventive.Yeah; I just read about that.
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Finished this. I'd already seen the film so I knew the story but it was still a compelling read. Highly inventive.Yeah; I just read about that.
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Just thought that it isn't a book that people normally would read in my opinion.Still awesome to read through though.If it looks like a book, smells like a book, reads like a must be a book.
Does reading Guinness Book of World Records Gamer's Edition 2012 count?
It sure is.Tons of info. Unfortunately the book so far is missing the Unreal Tournament series of games. Only Gears of War series.Maybe the UT series was mentioned in a previous edition.That looks quite interesting.
It's a short read and a photo journey (as well as the music on CD).Love Is the Song We Sing: San Francisco Nuggets 1965–1970 is the fourth Nuggets box set released by Rhino Records. It was released in 2007 and packaged as an 8 1/2 x 11" 120 page hardcover book, the first 73 pages of which were made up mostly of vintage photographs. The compilation focuses on San Francisco Sound bands. Its title is derived from the first line of "Get Together," two versions of which open (Dino Valenti) and close (The Youngbloods) the four-disc set.
That was a merry romp amongst monarchies and Joan of Arc. It's a trilogy so parts II and III come later......Manticore said:
William Shakespeare-King Henry VI Part I
Manticore said:
This was a great read. I was lent this book by a friend and I did think it would be all a bit too "new age" for me. I steamed through this in a week. An intriguing story to say the least.