Anti TCC + Linux 64bit: long freeze during verification

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New Member
Feb 5, 2011
Hi all, I play UT2k4 on Arch Linux 64bit: when I connect to a server that embeds Anti TCC (only tested version 2009r6) I experience quite long freeze periods (30 seconds up to more than 1 minute, and yes, I mean complete freeze, not just a slow down) during the Anti TCC check at the start of online matches, precisely during "verifying classes" or "verifying your client" (depending on how Anti TCC is set on the server) operation; after that the game runs flawlessly. Sometimes those long freezes make me get even kicked for idling.
I can reproduce this behaviour on Ubuntu 10.10 64bit installed on the same machine, while this does not happen on Ubuntu 10.10 32bit at all (still on the same machine), so it's obviously architecture-related.
The tests I have made on Ubuntu have all been done with clean installations of both UT and operating system.
Is there anybody who can reproduce the problem? Or knows how to solve it? Or just wants to say his/her opinion?
Thank you!

EDIT: I forgot to make clear that I obviously correctly patched UT to 3369 version.
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New Member
Feb 5, 2011
Thanks for replying!
I'm running the 64-bit binary and it works perfectly for me, except for the Anti TCC thing. Of course I had to change the line that launches it in the .../ut2004/ut2004 script, otherwise it would try to launch the 32-bit version as default, and on a 64-bit system it would obviously fail (this is the official standard procedure to make it work on 64-bit).


New Member
Feb 5, 2011
Yes, that would be similar to dual booting with another 32bit system like I'm doing now, but it wouldn't be a solution to the problem, it'd just be avoiding the problem.
The main purpose of this post is to find somebody who can reproduce and confirm the issue, so I can make sure it's a bug in Anti TCC and submit it to Wormbo (the developer) (well actually I've already reported this to him, but if it could be confirmed by more people it would be better).


New Member
Feb 5, 2011
No need for being rude, I just never happened to read any official statements about that. :)
My apologies for bothering you, then.

EDIT: For those reading here with the same problem, the next-best workaround, like GreatEmerald suggested, is to launch the 32-bit version from your 64-bit system by installing 32-bit libraries: this has no impact at all on the game performance, so have no fear.
In Arch Linux 64, the libraries to install are: (for other distros, the names could vary)

lib32-nvidia-utils (this is for NVidia cards, if you have an ATI card or you use another driver anyway, you have to install the analogous 32-bit version of this package, if applicable)

But this is not enough, you have to link the 32-bit libSDL and openal into the ...ut2004/System/ directory: (here I suppose you have installed the game in ~/.ut2004/) (the lib32 path could change depending on your distro)

$ mv ~/.ut2004/System/ ~/.ut2004/System/
$ mv ~/.ut2004/System/ ~/.ut2004/System/
$ ln -s /usr/lib32/ ~/.ut2004/System/
$ ln -s /usr/lib32/ ~/.ut2004/System/

Lastly, don't forget to edit your .../ut2004/ut2004 script to launch the 32-bit executable inside System directory (thus actually restoring it to default).
Now you should be done, enjoy!
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