Hey - You have no idea how much I worked on these since then.
I so to say consider them as my own work right now ... . >
1) I bet your "work" isn't even a quarter of mine when I actually fixed the skins, added scaling support, took out the team lock, and all of this because you were actually lucky that I know the "insides" of this vehicle system in particular, otherwise you wouldn't have a thing.
2) I did this with the best intentions and only since you just wanted to play with bots yourself, and therefore the fix, since I actually like to help people (although I don't visit this forum that much).
3) It's not your work, and you have ABSOLUTELLY NO IDEA how complex is that mod. It is even more complex than Rocket-X or StrangeLove for example. And although I am used to deal with kinda complex mods, you're clearlly aren't. That work is from .:..:, and when I fixed it, that didn't mean I owned his work, therefore after the fix, it's still his work and not mine, nor yours either, but modified by me, and without any kind of permission because I really thought you would follow what I asked nicelly and to keep them for yourself for your enjoyment.
If I intended any public release, I would personally ask .:..: permission first, otherwise it can be considered disrespect and stealing regarding his work.
But I intended to keep it private so you could have your own joy, and that's it, and as long it keeps private, you don't need permissions to modify open source work.
What you're doing right now is disrespecting all the efforts .:..: made to do those packages, joking with mine when I just tried to help you and even steal work which is not obviouslly yours.
And in case you don't know, .:..: marked all his scripts with his name and date of production, which only proves that it's not yours.
I will do as AI said (although his post got deleted), and report that post and ask for the links removal. And everything I asked was to remove the links, and post them only if .:..: agreed with that, period!
If this is what I get paid when I try to help someone in this forum (which is not the first time), well... help no more from this side, just going to keep developing my own mods at my corner
I guess I trust to much on people...