Do you get worse in UT2004 after playing UT3?

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lolol First blood betrayals
Nope. I think I've gotten better at UT2k4 after playing UT3 - especially with the rockets. Flak secondary is the only thing I have a little bit of a hard time adjusting to when switching between the two games. That and the now slow-ass shock cores of UT2K4. For the most part, UT3 is more about reflex shots than careful aiming, so my reflexes have improved - thus being slightly better now at UT2K4.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Pser, stop trolling. Obviously the weapons handle differently. As Kantham said the only things that are similar are the names and the basic ideas behind the weapons. The weapons in each UT iteration have their own feel regardless of their similarity.

@OP: I get better. The weapons feel at least twice as consistent in UT2004, so hitting no longer feels like luck and instead like things are working as they should be. Also, the input system of UT3 feels f**ked up for some reason and no amount of tweaking will make it feel as solid as UT2004. D:

UT3 has prompted me to play a lot more UT2004. I'd basically taken a break of 6+ months from UT2004 prior to UT3's release, but now that it's out I can't stop playing UT2004. I've been trying to stay away from UT2004 1v1s, as that's what caused me the most frustration back when I played all the time, but I've gotten a few under my belt against my better judgment and haven't lost yet. :p


Jan 29, 2008
woah your quick to call names. I have seen my share of games from wolf3d to ut3 and similar weapons behave similarly. If you think otherwise you dont understand whats causing the different "feel", its mostly the settings. But there is nothing different in targeting with q2 railgun or ut3 sniper. nothing.


Your reward is that you are still alive
Apr 4, 2005
I was expecting that playing UT3 would boost my UT2k4 skills since it is more difficult to aim/avoid in UT3. I think the opposite happened. Is it just me?

Nope ... UT3 is a more difficult game that requires you to lower the difficulty setting (for MOST people let me make that clear before the elite players hit this thread) and the movement is so different as well as the timing of the weapons plus no LG. So now when you go back to UT2K4 you just don't have the same superquick moves that you did before nor the aim ...


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
woah your quick to call names. I have seen my share of games from wolf3d to ut3 and similar weapons behave similarly. If you think otherwise you dont understand whats causing the different "feel", its mostly the settings. But there is nothing different in targeting with q2 railgun or ut3 sniper. nothing.
Let's not argue semantics. One could then argue that they're all guns and the goal is to shoot them at the enemy. And that would be pointless.


Jan 29, 2008
The player either understands how it works, or not. Case1 - he owns, case2 - he sucks. Has nothing to do with any particular game. Because, and you agree, guns are all the same.

Added: but whatever. Please continue.
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Feb 12, 2002
hitscan is hitscan

So if you're top notch at using the UT2004 Shock rifle primary you're going to be just as good using the CounterStrike M4? k...

No idea how you can say the weapons behave similarly from UT version to UT version.
UT 2004 rocket launcher fires slower than it's UT3 counter part (so the timing is now much more different and going from one game to the other you're going to have to get used to the timings again). One has the nade function the other doesn't. Lockon's are different etc. etc.
They resemble each other, but they sure as hell don't behave identically.


Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
I doubt that I'd be to far from where I was. It may take a map or two, but I'd probably get right back with the pew pew rather quickly.


A Loose Screw
Nov 13, 2005
So if you're top notch at using the UT2004 Shock rifle primary you're going to be just as good using the CounterStrike M4? k...
They're adjustments.

But yea -- I found that UT2004/99 *seriously* helped me with a lot of games like Battlefield. In (I believe) every ladder match I played in a clan I had a commendation from the clan for high KDR, high kill count, whatever.

For crap's sakes I killed people laying down carrying belt-fed 200 round machine guns from ~10 feet away bunnyhopping like an autistic oil tycoon popping my pistol 4 times in the dude's head.

Yea -- UT99/2k4 does *seriously* help with aim. That being said -- I did jump back to UT2k4 for a bit {from UT3} and I noticed it did hurt me quite a bit.

Basically -- your internal clock is all screwed up. As you get good at something, you'll get an instinct to know roughly how long it takes to do something. When you screw with that (by changing games or something) you'll tend to feel like you "got worse" at something (can't lead, aim, whatever). You just need to get readjusted to the timings.

Also something's really screwie with the Hitscan in UT3...
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Apr 22, 2005
Florida, US
Hitscan in UT3 is almost useless.

Actually It's kind of a good thing hitscan isn't so dominant this time around. I kinda wish it was a little better though. Sniper Rifle isn't all that great in my opinion but then again I really hated the Lightning gun when I first started to play UT2k3 over UT99. Now I love the lightning gun more than the sniper rifle. I think people just need to get used to the new guns and gameplay and it wont be so bad.


Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
Feb 24, 2006
I've found that I have been a lot worse at ut2k4 since I started playing ut3... but that might be because I'm also playing less games in general.


Sep 17, 2004
Also something's really screwie with the Hitscan in UT3...

I played some Instagib the other day in UT3, and got distracted by the laser effect that always came 1/2 second(s) late on a 70 ping server. And sometimes my shot didn't seem to hit even tough I was on my target.

What I don't get is the fact that I can hardly miss in UT2004 online with hitscans, but UT3 is just another story. Offline I didn't seemed to have any issue though.
