What the f*cking sh*t?!

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New Member
Dec 7, 1999
What the hell. We get 2 inches of freezing rain and ice, the roads look like sh*t... everything points to a snow day BUT NO! OUR F*CKING STUPID SUPERINTENDENT DECIDES TO MAKE IT A DELAY! F*CK HIM! The plows have not even cleared the streets as far as I can see from my house! How the F*ck am I supposed to get to f*cking school!? We have not had one f*cking snow day this year thanks to the sh*tty winter and the lack of snow and now on what is possibly the last chance we'll have to get a day off, out f*cktard of a superintendent says "NO! I F*CKIN HATE YOU!!" and gives us a f*cking delay!! WTF!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


Sep 1, 2001
Could be worst, every school in an area of about 75 km are closed, but I still have to go to college. How do they come to the conclusion that the weather was to ****ed up for elementary school and high school, but not for us...


New Member
Dec 7, 1999
Every school, private/public/college is closed or has a 2-3 hour delay at least. OURS DOES NOT. IT SUCKS. Now I am stuck in HTML design for an hour. Its like a really boring study hall with internet access.


Uni bum
Mar 10, 2001
Canberra, Australia
Beat this: never had a "snow day".

However we were supposed to get to go home if it was above 40 degrees but the few times it was they didn't let us......Now that was gay.


If U wanna know Y U get killed, ASK UR SELF
Mar 23, 2001
Yo, schools and ESPECIALLY Universities CANT afford to have no CLASSES for one DAY. It's very expensive and hey it happened in U of M that a GUY SUED the University cause they didnt have calss for a day and he didnt graduated on time.

Remember WE R in a recession


Sep 7, 2001
Mmmm... zen....
Yeah, baron, but while in high school we peons have these things called 'parents' that have the possiblity for cruel and unfair punishments for such foolish behavior. :p

[5 more months until college, 5 more months until college...]


Active Member
Sep 27, 1999
I could barely walk to and from my bus stop it was so damn icy. It was literally like a sheet of glass on top of the sidewalk and road.

Part of the reason it was only a delay is because the school is being demolished at a set point (remodelling), so any snow days we get we can't make up at the end of the year. So, I figure unless a glacier pops up in front of the bus yard, we'll be going to school.


Tommy Vegas
May 11, 2000
Newark, DE
That's not terribly fuc<b>ked</b> up. Here's something that's terribly fu<b>cked</b> up:

Get to school. Its snowing. Its accumulating. A lot. Everyone expects early closings. 10 AM rolls around. PA Announcements: No plans to close early as of yet. Snow is really piling up outside. Roads are NOT plowed. Students are getting edgy. 10:30 AM rolls around. PA Announcements: No plans to close early as of yet. Faculty is now getting edgy. 11:30 AM rolls around. Break for first lunch period. Students goings nuts watching the snow outside. Faculty gathering in corners sipping coffee and cursing about having to drive home in this sh<b>it</b>. Principle is nowhere in sight. PA Announcements: No plans to close early as of yet. 12:30. Back in class. PA Announcement: School <em>will</em> be let out early, but no one may leave until the busses arrive. Classes are to proceed normally until that time. Students cheer. Faculty cheer. Principle is nowhere in sight. 1:30 PM. An hour has gone by. Still busses. Students who are close enough to walk home are forbidden to leave until the busses arrive. Students are getting pissed off. Faculty is getting pissed off. Principle is nowhere in sight. 2:30 PM. Busses finally pull in after having been mired in snow for two hours. This is the normal time at which school lets out, so the early closing was a total bust. Students clambor on board busses cursing and spitting. Faculty clambor aboard their cars cursing and spitting. Principle is <em>still</em> nowhere in sight, but that would be because he left at 10:30 AM <em>with his daughter</em> to head home. He assumed that school would be closing early due to the incelement weather. Of course, he never told anyone this before he left, and he never returned to tell anyone this. Thus, left without any authority at all, the entire Staff just didn't know what the hell to do.

Most fu<b>cked</b> up snow day, ever.


New Member
Aug 5, 2000
Visit site
hey i had like a shteet of ice on my driveway, almost broke my neck gwtting to the bus, but we didn't even have a f*cking delay


Aug 14, 1999

well come to find out, today's snow day wasn't all that good. I found out that my dad has 2 blocked artories and on thats close to 70% blocked. :hmm: not cool at all. He goes in for bypass surgury next thursday.

at least I got some work done to keep my mind off of it.
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New Member
Dec 7, 1999
Bane, I remember that day. No wonder the old superintendent was fired afterwards! We had 3 feet of snow on the ground as school ended... students helped shovel out and push buses so they could make it onto the street :lol:


New Member
Aug 17, 2000
Well i've only ever had one snow day ever, and that was because in two days, we piled up 5 feet of snow, drifts up to between 8 and 10 feet. That was f<b></b>ucked up. After they ploughed, you could drive down the street and not see anything but snow on either side of the car. No sky, just snow. Hey Gryphon, remember...1997? I think it was about April, good 'ol Winnipeg.

Right now i'm in the midst of a teachers strike that is expected to last anywhere in excess of 2 weeks, with no defenite end. Maybe months.

Oh well, hopefully 2.87 will kill some of the time :)


Self appointed voice of reason
Dec 14, 2000
Upstate NY
How's this....

Dusting of snow....my place of employment? Open.
1-3 inches of snow....possible transportation delay...still open
4-6 inches of snow...definate transportation cancellation for 'consumers'...STILL open.
6+ inches of sleet and snow, high winds, 'state of emergency'...absolutely no consumers will show up(noone is stupid enough to drive them in)...STILL open, and if you can't make it in, you have to use your sick, personal, or vacation time.

Twelve years I have worked in human services with individuals with mental retardation and other disabilities, not ONCE have we closed...even though several times my area of NY has been under a 'state of emergency'.