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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
I don't care what genre of game they want to fill.
RPG, FPS, open world, linear.

I don't care.
but I want the emphasis shifted back to crafting a quality experience, not just trying to serve as many kids as possible in an online competition. everything nowadays is multiplayer or COOP focused because the only "successful" game anymore is one that reaches the widest possible market... which means they all cater to the lowest common denominator.

video games right now are about trying to please everyone.
and the only way to please everyone is to churn out bland, recycled, off-white paste. nobody is trying anything bold or original or creative. everyone just wants to launch a BLOCKBUSTER online shooter that they can clone and duplicate for the sake of an endless franchise.

I dunno man.
I've gotten awfully jaded with the gaming industry in the last 2 years.


Soulless Automaton
Feb 16, 2014
and the only way to please everyone is to churn out bland, recycled, off-white paste. nobody is trying anything bold or original or creative. everyone just wants to launch a BLOCKBUSTER online shooter that they can clone and duplicate for the sake of an endless franchise.

I don't see why you say that. It's not like we have dozens of open-world zombie FPS out there. Oh wait.


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
I think they could make a really good arena shooter still. Something like UT3 with better lighting and performance, tightly integrated with Steamworks with Steam Workshop for providing mods, maps, and mutators instantly instead of having to hunt around for them. One of UT3's biggest flaws (granted, one of many) was that custom content was not a priority when developing the game. It barely even worked properly when the game was released. That's a bad thing for a series that has always depended on community content for its popularity.

I'm not sure Epic is ever going to make a game like that, and nobody else seems interested in it either right now since stupid F2P/P2W crap is infesting every genre and every platform.

That's exactly what I'm saying. I don't want then to change the weapons or movement. Just do an HD remake with better modding and community support. It doesn't even have to come with tons of content. Let the community make it all, or sell stuff through a player store. It could just be a part of UDK since that didn't really take off. Nostalgia sells. It would let them build stuff for the engine that would attract f2p developers. Would make perfect business sense with the direction Epic is going
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UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
1. Release Unreal Engine 4.
2. Remake UT in UE4.
3. ???


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
I don't see why you say that. It's not like we have dozens of open-world zombie FPS out there. Oh wait.

The next Unreal franchise game should be an open world/sandbox/mmorpg/horror/survival/arena/shooter............. turn based with micro-transactions. ;)

One of UT3's biggest flaws (granted, one of many) was that custom content was not a priority when developing the game. It barely even worked properly when the game was released. That's a bad thing for a series that has always depended on community content for its popularity.

Quoted for truth. Word. Custom content was ace with the Unreal franchise until UT3 killed that pretty much stone dead.
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The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
I don't see why you say that. It's not like we have dozens of open-world zombie FPS out there. Oh wait.

Uh, we do? DayZ, The War Z (which may as well not even exist at this point) and the Dead Island series (ditto on not existing) are the only ones I am aware of, unless you count Call of Duty (I don't.)
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Soulless Automaton
Feb 16, 2014
Zombie games underway ? Dying Light, Contagion, 7 Days to Die, Rust, the list goes on and on and on and on. The zombie gamemodes tacked on CoD adds to the general impression.


The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
Zombie games underway ? Dying Light, Contagion, 7 Days to Die, Rust ...

Okay, so there's a few more open-world zombie FPS games then. Still, there's not that many of them out there.

Oh, and Rust is not a zombie game; they took the zombies out a while ago.

I have played 7 Days to Die, and while it has zombies, the focus of the game is on building. Playing it is honestly more like playing Minecraft (which also has zombies.) The only time the zombies even matter in 7DTD is at night, and even then, only if you suck at base building.

... the list goes on and on and on and on.

It does? I ask again ... what are all of these dozens of open-world zombie FPS games you guys keep talking about? Besides the five we have both already mentioned (at least two of which are still in early alpha) I really cannot think of any others. Maybe the STALKER series? I mean, it's kind of open-world and it does have the brain scorcher/emission zombies :D

The zombie gamemodes tacked on CoD adds to the general impression.

Again, I don't count the zombie mission in CoD. Call of Duty 4 had a mission after the ending where you blew up a commercial airliner, but we don't consider CoD4 an Al-Qaeda simulator just because of that one mission now do we?
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Soulless Automaton
Feb 16, 2014
Wasn't aware of Rust taking its zombies out. I don't follow the news too closely :p

As for the rest, I'll agree with you that I got carried away with the "open world" part. Because in fact, most of them are not open world. That was more of a sarcastic comment.

But really I was thinking about zombies. Want more names ? Amy, Dead Effect, The last of Us, The Walking Dead, Nether, hellraid (admitedly a quite different one), etc. If you count browser games, mobile games and mods, the list becomes bottomless. Zombies are fasionable right now, they're everywhere. I'm not counting CoD as a zombie game (you must have misread me), I was just mentionning that the fact that even it had to have at least one zombie game mode showed that this was what is the current trend.

And I'm not saying all, or even most of them are bad. It's just that zombies are everywhere.


Malcolm's Sugar Daddy
Sep 16, 2004
There's far too many zombie games out there. It's just annoying at this point. I get it, Walking Dead is cool, but come on. People are just trying to cash in on a fad. Look at how many there are in just the last couple of years. It coincides with Walking Dead on TV.


That being said, it doesn't matter. If King can file for an IPO for making a silly Candy Crush Saga game there is no hope anymore. We now live in a world where horseshit money-making schemes rule the game industry. There's no going back. Gaming is no longer something nerds do for activity while the jocks secretly stroke each other's butts in the shower room. Gaming is now something grandma does while in line at Starbucks.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Everything now in gaming is value added; micro-transactions, DLC, season passes and we are now buying games in beta. We now pay to beta test games for devs..... that I find a it much to take.


It's time I look back from outer space
Feb 12, 2008
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I'm going to just leave this here since not one of you thought to put it here.


But really, I find that it's been a more engaging means of interactive entertainment than movies or television. Books, however, should never fall to the wayside (as I've unfortunately neglected to finish reading a few because of various things).

Games are one of the best ways for me to relax at the end of a day... and for you individuals to continually consume the same thing over and over again, I suppose that's where your boredom stems from, and the endorphins released from discovering something fresh and new have started to fade away. You no longer look at games with the same eyes that you did 5 years ago, or even a year ago.

There's a hell of a lot more to this world than triple A titles.
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European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
Yes, the few moments I still play, I have lots of fun with stuff coming from the HumbleBundle and a few other indies. Also old games and emulation stuff. I rarely play a superproduction AAA title nowadays.


The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
It's just that zombies are everywhere.

Fair enough :D

I have been a fan of zombies and apocalyptic fiction since way before it became popular and I'll continue to be a fan way after the fad has passed. The popularity doesn't really bother me. It's actually interesting for me to see so many different takes on the concept.

It's also interesting for me to see so many people become interested in the apocalypse (because let's be honest - any good zombie-related plot includes an apocalypse of some kind.) I really think apocalyptic pieces like 'The Road' and 'The Stand' owe their recent surge of popularity to the zombie fad, and that can only be a good thing because they're excellent works.

There's far too many zombie games out there. It's just annoying at this point. I get it, Walking Dead is cool, but come on. People are just trying to cash in on a fad. Look at how many there are in just the last couple of years. It coincides with Walking Dead on TV.

As much as I hate The Walking Dead TV series for taking an awesome comic and turning it into a second-rate soap-opera, you can't actually blame it for the current zombie trend. There was plenty of popular zombie-related fiction (including games) around before TWD. George A. Romero and Max Brooks were already doing a pretty good job at getting zombies into the mainstream. The Dead series has had a rabid following for decades, and the Zombie Survival Guide and World War Z had no trouble selling millions of copies when The Walking Dead was still just an obscure comic series.


Tastefully Barking
Jan 17, 2005
Honestly, DarkEd, I think you'll have to go very far to find someone who doesn't like a good zombie smash even once in a while..
But yeah, as said, the videogame market has become so bloody saturated with zombie-themed titles these days that, tbh, all the rotten meat is really fouling up the place. We really need some metaphorical fresh air!

I've gotten awfully jaded with the gaming industry in the last 2 years.

You're definitely not the only one there.
Two months ago I overheard a 16 year old (!!!) in a game store bitching about the staleness of modern fps to his buddies.

Now where is that videogame crash that's sorely needed??
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May 19, 2009
I myself as an Unreal fan and gamer I wouldn't mind seeing a reboot or remake of Unreal 1 but with updated Unreal 4 engine graphics and if that work great then we can possibly see another UT game made with the same engine.


Manic Brawler
Jan 31, 2002
Quiet Island
I think they could make a really good arena shooter still. Something like UT3 with better lighting and performance, tightly integrated with Steamworks with Steam Workshop for providing mods, maps, and mutators instantly instead of having to hunt around for them. One of UT3's biggest flaws (granted, one of many) was that custom content was not a priority when developing the game. It barely even worked properly when the game was released. That's a bad thing for a series that has always depended on community content for its popularity.

I'm not sure Epic is ever going to make a game like that, and nobody else seems interested in it either right now since stupid F2P/P2W crap is infesting every genre and every platform.

A lot of truth here. Arena shooters aren't dead by obseletion as much as lack of developers pushing this type of game forward. There is still definitely room for innovation in this FPS sub-genre, and one great title would be enough to get the ball rolling.

One thing an arena shooter would need to figure out these days is how to approach persistent rewards for players; a feature that's pretty much necessity in an FPS these days (and unfortunately so imho). There's also the worry of how to keep the game approachable to new blood; if skilled FPS gamers dominate servers it's just going to alienate a large portion of the potential playerbase.

At least Titanfall is more sci-fi and crazy than previous modern FPS titles.


It's time I look back from outer space
Feb 12, 2008
Fort Lauderdale, FL
There's little mechanical variance in zombie games, unfortunately. I mean, I'm hard pressed to find a zombie survival game that stands out from the rest in terms of gameplay. Doesn't have to have amazing visuals, just has to be different.