Weapon Smacking

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New Member
Jan 7, 2003
Gnam said:
Hitting someone with a melee attack would be an immediate, instinctive, almost involuntary reflex response. If Inf is going to claim total realism, the Inf player should be capable of this response too.
Well said. Even if your weapon is loaded when the enemy is almost ontop of you, you still might not be able to aim and fire a large rifle at them.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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What the hell are you talking about? I'm playing CS?? Where the hell are you getting that from?

And no, I'm not offended of the fact that others play more than me. I was offended by the way you were patronising me saying I don't play much online so I wouldn't know what I'm talking about, and making assumptions about things you obviously have no clue about. For your information, I played Infltration as Almost last night. I don't play CS at all. I don't even have it installed and I never have. I sometimes use an alias, not because I'm "being hounded", because I'm not. I sometimes use an alias because sometimes I don't feel like living up to the expectations of someone who has played the game since 2 weeks after 2.80 was released.

Whatever. I'm not wasting any more breath on you.


Jan 29, 2000
Portland, OR
Not that I hate this idea, but I would rather they spend their time implementing an additional weapon. I play a lot and I agree that the best option is to shoot them. Sure the straffing situation happens, but I run for cover and reload, I rarely charge with a knife...cause you have no idea who else around you still has ammo.



Jan 27, 2002
Keihaswarrior, nobody's arguing with you. We all know you play Inf more than any of you. Hell, you even posted your stats on that game tracker site :p


Back to champion the L85
Sep 15, 2001
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keihaswarrior said:
Almost, you may have betatested a lot and played for the first two weeks that 2.9 came out .... But I have barely seen you at all since then. Also, Tiffy doesn't exactly live on the servers.

This doesn't make your opinions or arguements less valid. It is just that you may lack some experience with those relatively rare instances where resorting to your knife is your best option.

Well I'm bloody sorry for saying anything. I'll try and stay up to behond midnight every day so that everone can see me playing online.

Keisas it's time that you started to reaslise that there is a life outside INF that involve working for a living and that not everyone in the work lives on bloody American time be it EST, Central or whatever.

I stated the RL situation and if we really want to start a pissing compition then the other thing that needs fixing is the time taked to change weapons. Christ this game allows me to sling my rifle and draw a pistol in a time frame faster then I could DROP the rifle and draw a pistol IRL.

Lets fix the thing correctly and then see about adding melee combat.

Gnam - I agree it someone is close enough to be hit with your rifle and your really in the ****, then you'd hit him with the rifle not drop it and grab your knife. But if he's THAT close then you have to wonder what you've been shooting at.


Meckon (Mech-on)
I personally think bayonets and/or melee striking would be a great "Next Gen" idea. Since there is already weapon collision w/ the walls, players etc I don't think it would be that big of a stretch.

IMHO, I would like to be able to have a melee strike for my primary weapon. Just the option could be neat. Personally, I wouldn't charge if I ran out of ammo, I would draw my pistol.

I use my knife only for silent kills, and even then your dreaming if you think the guys not going to team chat where you got him.

My feeling is, with this issue as well as 'more weapons' etc, I don't want it for necessedy, I want it for style :cool:

Also, if I'm able to knife someone, I don't mind having to double tap my "1" key, I'll leave my pistol on Quick Action.


Mar 19, 2004
If you look at call of duty, bascially the heavier your weapon is, the more melee damage it does, but the longer it takes for recovery time. Sure you could pull out your knife, but that takes too long, and might alert someone. I think it would be great in the next version to have your actual weapon as a melee weapon, that way you could go for on powerful hit, rather than trying to knife someone. But I guess that's just preference.
Apr 11, 2002
Dallas, TX
One reason for the melee attack is simply for stealth. Another is for the sheer fun of it. This game is ment to be realistic, but it is also ment to be fun. A melee attack acomplishes both. For the next round of INF, it would make a pleasent addition, IMO.


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Tiffy said:
Well I'm bloody sorry for saying anything. I'll try and stay up to behond midnight every day so that everone can see me playing online.

Keisas it's time that you started to reaslise that there is a life outside INF that involve working for a living and that not everyone in the work lives on bloody American time be it EST, Central or whatever.

I stated the RL situation and if we really want to start a pissing compition then the other thing that needs fixing is the time taked to change weapons. Christ this game allows me to sling my rifle and draw a pistol in a time frame faster then I could DROP the rifle and draw a pistol IRL.

Lets fix the thing correctly and then see about adding melee combat...

PWNED!! :lol:
Apr 11, 2002
Dallas, TX
MeckonOmega said:
I use my knife only for silent kills, and even then your dreaming if you think the guys not going to team chat where you got him.

I don't, and I know many that don't. Some people know that ghosting is unrealistic and lame and just don't do it. Too bad they are the minority.


Sniper - May be harmful to your health.
Jul 13, 2001
Maryland Bitch.
I think its a waste of time. There are plenty of suppressed weapons if you want to be stealthy, and quite honestly, by the time you get that close you're generally either already dead or you've already killed the enemy.


Don't hate me because I'm pretty
Feb 19, 2002
Houston Texas
Tiffy said:
I stated the RL situation and if we really want to start a pissing compition then the other thing that needs fixing is the time taked to change weapons. Christ this game allows me to sling my rifle and draw a pistol in a time frame faster then I could DROP the rifle and draw a pistol IRL.

Lets fix the thing correctly and then see about adding melee combat.

Finally someone other than me (and someone with a clue to boot) has said something about this. Let's face it one of the major things that makes inf so unbalanced is the ability to instantly change to any weapon at any point. Let's face it if you have a SAW and need to switch to anything else you are not gonna be able to do it in a short amount of time without just dropping the SAW. If you are prone the situation is even harder to manage. If you need to get at another weapon when you are lying on the ground, you will have to just leave the SAW where it is. Plus you will have to deal with the fact that you may be lying on top of the item you are trying to retrive. In any case in general the bulkier the weapon the longer it will take to stow or deploy it.

Back to the question of melee combat. Given the facts above, at melee distances, it would be suicide to drop the weapon in hand and go for another even if the weapon question was empty. A 3' blundgeoning weapon beats an 8" stabbing weapon any day of the week. Even if you were going for a pistol, at close range it is very likely that the opposing force could bash you good before you brought your weapon to bear.