UTComp features in 2k7

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.
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Wow. what the heck happened to this place....

I can't help but laugh at every single one of you (all ten) that thinks UTComp "ruined" the game.

And yes, please, don't talk about the competitve side of the game, because you certainly don't know the first thing about it.


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Alarion said:
Wow. what the heck happened to this place....

I can't help but laugh at every single one of you (all ten) that thinks UTComp "ruined" the game.

And yes, please, don't talk about the competitve side of the game, because you certainly don't know the first thing about it.
I know all I need to. They need to light me up like a Christmas tree to be able to hit me.

edit: And considering your last post was over five years ago, I'd be interested in hearing what you think happened to this place, seeing as you haven't seen fit to be part of it. Speaking of not talking about what you don't know.
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Jun 23, 2004
The skill with utcomp is sticking the xhair on opponents, outsmarting, and outmoving them, not trying to differentiate them from their surroundings.

Being able to spot people and follow them when they blend into the map around them, is a skill that is inconsistent, depending on the models the players are using, the teamcolor the other team is using, the .ini settings being used. Gamma settings also have a big effect on player visibility and bskins lessen gamma setting's effect on player visibility.

Some other skills that are inconsistent, because they depend on the information from the game which is inconsistently communicated to the player, not because the player lacks the concentration or skill, but because the game just is sporadic in communicating to the player, is being able to see if you have struck your opponent. Hitsounds compensate for this gameplay effecting inconsistency.

I'm not a fan of newnet, but that was designed to lessen the ping's effect on the game outcome. It was essential for competitive play and ladders, because there were so many disputes about servers and west coasters had 70-130 ping whenever playing east and etc. Public server admins adopted this feature, because they thought it was cool, and it allowed the occasional euro celebrity to stop by. It isn't perfect. UTC weapon balance is shifted more towards hitscan. But hitscan was always overpowered in the beginning just people with certain settings could hitscan better than others just because of their settings. There are still settings that allow people to hitscan better than others, but the annoying ones have been eliminated. This ruins the experience for the lesser players that wouldn't do well anyways, but the game seems less fun, becuase people are killing them more often and they are getting hit when they are behind corners and etc.
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Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
briachiae said:
I'm not a fan of newnet, but that was designed to lessen the ping's effect on the game outcome. It was essential for competitive play and ladders, because there were so many disputes about servers and west coasters had 70-130 ping whenever playing east and etc. Admins adopted this feature, because they thought it was cool, and it allowed the occasional euro celebrity to stop by. It isn't perfect. UTC weapon balance is shifted more towards hitscan. But hitscan was always overpowered in the beginning just people with certain settings could hitscan better than others just because of their settings. There are still settings that allow people to hitscan better than others, but the annoying ones have been eliminated. This ruins the experience for the lesser players that wouldn't do well anyways, but the game seems less fun, becuase people are killing them more often and they are getting hit when they are behind corners and etc.


"When you take the difficult part out of the game, I ROCK!!"


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
You forgot "artifically low ping server". Believe it or not, Euros will have toruble playing on American servers and vice versa.

It's part of the Internet. It happens. If this is how people feel like they are earning some kind of victory, that's fine. I refuse to be a part of it, and don't appreciate that being called skill.

Any retard can light someone up in neon yellow and see them across Torlan, and pick them off. The only people who call that skill are those who have none to speak of.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Or just being able to adapt to the situation.

Oh, but I forgot that the game should be exactly the same whether you're playing in a pitch black rainstorm or a bright sunny map.

and briach: your post after my last post was extremely and unnecessarily condescending. I've already directly adressed the "run your own server" argument. It just plain doesn't work in the context of this discussion.


Nemephosis said:
I know all I need to. They need to light me up like a Christmas tree to be able to hit me.
nope, even without brightskins the result would be exactly the same. nice try though.

Nemephosis said:
edit: And considering your last post was over five years ago, I'd be interested in hearing what you think happened to this place, seeing as you haven't seen fit to be part of it. Speaking of not talking about what you don't know.

Just because I don't post, doesn't mean I don't lurk. Again, nice try and thanks for playing. Maybe next time, eh?


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Plumb_Drumb said:
UTComp should just branch off and make thier own retail game.
They already think they can do it so much better than Epic, so I would enjoy seeing this.


Jun 23, 2004
Sir_Brizz said:
and briach: your post after my last post was extremely and unnecessarily condescending. I've already directly adressed the "run your own server" argument. It just plain doesn't work in the context of this discussion.
Sorry, I apologize for being abrasive and flamish. I don't know why I acted like that. That behavior was not called for and isn't acceptable at BU. I wont make posts like that anymore. Sorry to anyone that was offended. Sorry to JaFO for being abrasive and I wont act like a troll anymore. I respect your posts, because without contrasting posts, opinions don't take form. But with contrasting posts, opinions are grounded and better formed so the readers and posters may better understand them. Sorry to any I may have offended or annoyed the slightest.


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Alarion said:
nope, even without brightskins the result would be exactly the same. nice try though.

Oh. So then you don't really need the brightskins, it's just one more thing to have an advantage with. Why didn't you just say that in the first place?

edit: damn you, drumb....... :p


Neighborhood godless fragger
Mar 30, 2000
Yorktown, VA
because we like them? if you don't like them, don't use them. I play on pub servers that have them on and some that have them off (actually, don't even have utcomp installed).

I would much rather have hitsounds and no brightskins, than no hitsounds and brightskins (if I had to pick one or the other).

I still don't see what the problem is. The only people I see whining about are the ones who want to camp the entire game and snipe. You do know there are servers just for you out there right?


Jun 23, 2004
Plumb_Drumb said:
then what's the point of brightskins?
I realize this question is not meant to be answered, but read my posts and try debating my points from there.

"What is the purpose of this thread?" many would like to ask.

The point of this thread, is the game designers need to reduce settings players can exploit to have an advantage over other players as far as player visibility.

The point of this thread, is the game makers need to reduce hitscan effectiveness.

The point of this thread, is the game makers need to balance the game for near ping environment.

The point of this thread is to make a better vote function. The vote function sucks. UTComp makes voting worlds easier, you can even change server settings through utcomp's vote menu. I prefer playing with utcomp in InstantAction, because it makes it easier to change maps.

The point of this thread is to make an easily accessible in-game menu to change settings that affect in-game play not have to go through the more indepth menu that requires you to hit esc and etc.

The point of this thread is to have a teammate information bar to promote teamwork in a pub when TS isn't available.

The point of this thread is for the game makers to implement a warmup feature.
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Neighborhood godless fragger
Mar 30, 2000
Yorktown, VA
Like I replied to Neme (in pm) -- I don't see what the big deal is.

If Epic includes features from UTComp (BS, HS, warmup, etc) but it's all optionable (and maybe even defaults to off) -- you still don't want it in, because it goes against *your* philosophy of what the game should be. Never mind the other 7000 players out there and what they might want.

I really don't understand some of the arguments against UTcomp some of you are putting forth. Brightskins does not make you easier to hit. Easier to see on some maps, yes. There are a couple maps where several models (especially when on the blue team) are practically invisible -- even when moving.

Without brightskins and without newnet, I still get juggled by primary shock spam from halfway across the map. I still get headshotted like crazy. I still get rocket and flak spammed all to hell. I still get killed, still get capped on -- and I return the favor just the same.

Brightskins makes the game more "fair" in a competitive setting *such as ladders and tournaments). For pubs, sure, turn them off. Though, the competitive scene people (which I am sort of a part of) will want them on, on the pubs *they run*.

The main problem, is a lot of you cry to totally remove something because you don't like it. Well, I don't like low grav (anymore) or 150%+ game speed. TAKE IT OUT NOW!

But see, you don't see "us" asking for that do you? It's an option and if you want to play with those settings, more power to you.
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