UT2kX Unreal II/XMP weapons mutator

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Apr 11, 2006
A bit of an aside: Does anyone have converted versions of any of the Unreal 2 monsters / native life forms? I know EvilEngine (?) converted some of the Skaarj and someone converted the soldier models, but I'd really like to see the Araknids and Drakk and Seagoats and such in UT2004. Would make for some really killer invasion creatures.


Jan 20, 2008
They would, but unfortunately U2 uses LegendMeshes instead of Skeletal Meshes... And no one has decrypted them yet. So basically you need to redo them from scratch.


New Member
Mar 26, 2001
I noticed these weapons don't cast any dynamic light when fired, any chance you'd add that in there just to make it look a bit nicer?


Jan 20, 2008
Whoops, I forgot to add one file... Will reupload, but if you have already downloaded or can't wait, create an empty U2Weapons.UCL file in your System folder and add this to U2Weapons.ucl:
Mutator=(ClassName=U2Weapons.MutU2Weapons,GroupName=Arena,IconMaterialName=MutatorArt.nosym,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.MutU2Weapons.FriendlyName,Description=U2Weapons.MutU2Weapons.Description,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.MutU2Weapons.FriendlyName,FallbackName="Unreal II or XMP Weapons",FallbackDesc="Add the Unreal II weapons to other gametypes. Fully customisable, you can choose between Unreal II and XMP weapon behaviour.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2AssaultRifleInv,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2AssaultRiflePickup,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AssaultRifleAttachment,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2AssaultRifleInv.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2AssaultRifleInv.Description,FallbackName="Duster Combat Assault Rifle",FallbackDesc="The M32 Duster Comber Assault Rifle is the standard infantry weapon for the Terran Military grunt. Very effective overall - you can hose down an area using the primary fire mode or deliver a lethal single punch with the alternate fire.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2AutoTurretDeploy,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupAutoTurret,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2TurretAttachment,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2AutoTurretDeploy.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2AutoTurretDeploy.Description,FallbackName="Auto Turret",FallbackDesc="The Automatic Turret is an automated deployable, used as field support or as an automated defence. It has a dual mounted chaingun that has properties similar to the ones of Combat Assault Rifle.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2DeployableInventory,AttachmentClassName=Engine.WeaponAttachment,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2DeployableInventory.ItemName,FallbackName="Deployable Item",FallbackDesc="Deployable Item")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2ProximitySensorDeploy,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupProximitySensor,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AttachmentProximitySensor,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2ProximitySensorDeploy.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2ProximitySensorDeploy.Description,FallbackName="Proximity Sensor",FallbackDesc="Proximity Sensors are small devices made entirely for scanning the area for any activity. When in the area, scanned by radio waves, a living object appears, it has to have the team's identification badge, otherwise the Proximity Sensor automatically sets off an alarm.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2TurretWeaponRocket,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupRocketLauncher,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2TurretWeaponRocket.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2TurretWeaponRocket.Description,FallbackName="Shark Rocket Launcher",FallbackDesc="Nothing beats the primary fire mode of the Shark Rocket Launcher for accurate, long-range devastation with significant splash damage. The alt-fire drunken missiles are wildly unpredictable, but are good for saturating an area or providing suppressing fire.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponAutoTurret,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2AssaultRiflePickup,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AssaultRifleAttachment,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponAutoTurret.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponAutoTurret.Description,FallbackName="Duster Combat Assault Rifle",FallbackDesc="The M32 Duster Comber Assault Rifle is the standard infantry weapon for the Terran Military grunt. Very effective overall - you can hose down an area using the primary fire mode or deliver a lethal single punch with the alternate fire.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponEnergyRifle,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupEnergyRifle,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AttachmentEnergyRifle,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponEnergyRifle.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponEnergyRifle.Description,FallbackName="Shock Lance",FallbackDesc="The Shock Lance Energy Rifle is the favourite weapon of the Izarians, the strike force of one of the Skaarj clans. The Izarians use the weapon mainly for frightening enemies, as a beacon for Skaarj or to fry electronics. Therefore it isn't at all effective against enemies, but extremely effective against vehicles and deployables.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponFieldGenerator,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupFieldGenerator,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AttachmentFieldGenerator,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponFieldGenerator.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponFieldGenerator.Description,FallbackName="Field Generator",FallbackDesc="The Field Generator is a small device that, when within proximity of another Field Generator, creates a strong force field that stops enemies from going through.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponFlameThrower,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupFlameThrower,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AttachmentFlameThrower,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponFlameThrower.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponFlameThrower.Description,FallbackName="Vulcan Flamethrower",FallbackDesc="The UA69 Vulcan Flamethrower is the most lethal short-range weapon in the Terran arsenal - you can incinerate entire squads of enemies at close quarters.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponGrenadeLauncher,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupGrenadeLauncher,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AttachmentGrenadeLauncher,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponGrenadeLauncher.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponGrenadeLauncher.Description,FallbackName="Hydra Grenade Launcher",FallbackDesc="The M406 Hydra Grenade Launcher is an amazingly versatile and effective piece of military hardware, perhaps the best all-around portable weapon in the Terran arsenal. It uses universal Grenades that explode in various ways.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponLandMine,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupLandMine,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AttachmentLandMine,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponLandMine.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponLandMine.Description,FallbackName="Land Mine",FallbackDesc="Land Mines are explosives that detonate when anyone trips over them. They are extremely lethal - there is almost no chance of surviving the blast if you trip on one. Be very cautious, because friendly mines are almost as dangerous as enemy mines.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponLaserTripMine,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupLaserTripMine,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AttachmentLaserTripMine,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponLaserTripMine.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponLaserTripMine.Description,FallbackName="Laser Trip Mine",FallbackDesc="TG-17 anti-personnel explosive Laser Trip Mines are often useful for sealing off areas. They emit a small laser beam that helps them scan the area for any kind of movement. Once it's detected, the Laser Trip Mine detonates.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponPistol,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupPistol,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AttachmentPistol,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponPistol.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponPistol.Description,FallbackName="Magnum Pistol",FallbackDesc="The Magnum is the most powerful sidearm out there. Best for medium range targets, when you’re too far away for the shotgun, but too close for the sniper rifle.|The pistol uses special 0.50 caliber explosive bullets that are quite rare, but powerful. They explode a few miliseconds after hitting the target, effectively incinerating its internal organs.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponRocketLauncher,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupRocketLauncher,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AttachmentRocketLauncher,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponRocketLauncher.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponRocketLauncher.Description,FallbackName="Shark Rocket Launcher",FallbackDesc="Nothing beats the primary fire mode of the Shark Rocket Launcher for accurate, long-range devastation with significant splash damage. The alt-fire drunken missiles are wildly unpredictable, but are good for saturating an area or providing suppressing fire.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponRocketTurret,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupRocketTurret,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2TurretAttachment,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponRocketTurret.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponRocketTurret.Description,FallbackName="Rocket Turret",FallbackDesc="The Rocket Turret is an automated deployable, used as field support or as an automated defence. It has a dual mounted Rocket Launcher that fires rockets similar to those of the Shark Rocket Launcher.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponShotgun,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupShotgun,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AttachmentShotgun,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponShotgun.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponShotgun.Description,FallbackName="Crowd Pleaser Shotgun",FallbackDesc="The M700 12G Semiautomatic Riot 'Crowd Pleaser' Shotgun is absolutely devastating at close range - perfect for clearing a room or taking out an enemy (or small group of enemies) right in front of you. Don't use it at long distances, the effectiveness drops off quickly as the pellets scatter.")
Weapon=(ClassName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponSniper,PickupClassName=U2Weapons.U2PickupSniper,AttachmentClassName=U2Weapons.U2AttachmentSniper,FriendlyName=U2Weapons.U2WeaponSniper.ItemName,Description=U2Weapons.U2WeaponSniper.Description,FallbackName="Widowmaker Sniper Rifle",FallbackDesc="The T72 Widowmaker Sniper Rifle is a highly specialized weapon that should be used only for long-range sniping, but it does its job very, very well. Its targeting system compensates for wind and other variables to create an instant hit on virtually any target you can see.")


New Member
Apr 27, 2008
Thanks a bunch, I've been waiting for something like this.

I was testing it with some bots, and I noticed I wasnt' taking any damage when the bot shot me with the flamethrower. Might be a bug.


Jan 20, 2008
Hmm... Can you replicate that? I set it to deal even twice the damage (flame damage + U2FireDamager flaming damage). Hardly possible that it would do such thing...


Mar 22, 2009

U2ProjectileEMPGrenade AS-FALLENCITY.U2ProjectileEMPGrenade (Function U2Weapons.U2Projectile.XHurtRadius:016C) Runaway loop detected (over 10000000 iterations)

History: FFrame::Serialize <- UObject::ProcessEvent <- (U2ProjectileEMPGrenade AS-FALLENCITY.U2ProjectileEMPGrenade, Function U2Weapons.U2Projectile.Touch) <- TouchTo <- AActor::BeginTouch <- ULevel::MoveActor <- U2ProjectileEMPGrenade  <- AActor::physFalling <- AActor::performPhysics <- AActor::Tick <- TickAllActors <- ULevel::Tick <- (NetMode=0) <- TickLevel <- UGameEngine::Tick <- Level The Fallen City <- UpdateWorld <- MainLoop <- FMallocWindows::Free <- FMallocWindows::Realloc <- 10910191 0 FArray <- FArray::Realloc <- 0*2 <- FMallocWindows::Free

I was just about to lose the match (17 sec remainning). I shot the EMP grenade from my hydra into a... very complex web of red fences :)

U2 Weapons have crashed my system before. Once I shot a U2 Rocket into my feet and it crashed.

As a feedback: Shotgun is overpowered and flamethrower is only good as a lightsource. I do like the quality of the conversion though and would like to see those remaining U2 weapons converted too.

Because of the custom damagetypes & pickupnames this integrated really well into utstatsdb! \o/\o/\o/


Jan 20, 2008
I can look at U2Projectile.XHurtRadius, but I doubt it would be of much use, since it's Free Monkey Interactive code so I'm not sure how it works. Anyway, I could find a way to debug it, but I need to have a way of reproducing this crash (otherwise I won't know if it's fixed...).
Personally I've also crashed one time when I concussiongrenaded into a wall in XMP-Alcazar. Guess the force was so over the top that I actually fell out of the world :D


Jan 20, 2008
And there we go, RC3 of this mod is officially out!

The highlight of this release is Power Stations. This pack now has two additional mutators, "Unreal II Power Stations" and "Shield Reward", the first one replaces all of the health and shield pickups in the map with health and shield stations that require you to stand still while it replenishes your health or shields, making things like CTF a lot more strategic. The second mutator allows you to take unused shields off fallen enemies like in Unreal II.

Another very important feature of RC3 is that it now works perfectly online, therefore it can be put on servers (although it's not final yet, so if you do, make sure you're ready to update when necessary). There are also many other fixes and additions made in this release.

You can see the full, long changelog and the download links in the first post!