[UK Election] Who are you going to vote for?

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Who are you going to vote for?

  • Labour

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • Conservative

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Liberal Democrats

    Votes: 19 43.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Don't Know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Rather Not Say

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Not Voting (fool!)

    Votes: 14 31.8%

  • Total voters


<img src=http://img349.imageshack.us/img349/9838/e
Nov 10, 2002
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give me a rough overview about the goals, opinions and the leading persons of the party and I'll comment your choices


I am the Hugh Grant of Thatcherism
Mar 26, 2000
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Already voted. Liberal Democrat, and I hope it'll be the last time I have to do that.

Although I don't agree with the Lib Dems' socialism or general hippieness, they've been the only party to have the courage to stand up for civil rights against the Orwellian politics of Labour. The Conservatives haven't taken a courageous stance on anything, whether civil rights, taxation or pensions.

As for Labour, they're completely beyond the pale. I can't imagine why anyone could consider voting for them. With the exception of granting independence to the Bank of England, their management of the economy has been inept, they dragged us into a ridiculous American war, they wasted hours of government time over fox-hunting, they treat the EU as God and their directives as Gospel, and they spend too much time reading the Daily Heil when it comes to crime and immigration policy. Economic liberals won't vote for them. Economic socialists won't vote for them. Social liberals won't vote for them. Who exactly is voting for them? Apart from the fictional people involved in the vote-rigging, of course (isn't it a remarkable coincidence that the postal vote scandals have erupted in the marginal constituencies around the Longbridge Rover plant?)


Queen of BuFdom
May 1, 2001
Over the street. With binoculars.
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Sam_The_Man said:
Who exactly is voting for them?

I WOULD be...

Labour actually has managed the economy quite well, I don't know why you'd say they haven't.

Other than that the only thing going for them is that they're to the left of the Tories (although sometimes you wouldn't know it), although I forgot to mention I don't think it was just an 'American war'.

Bloody Lib Dems...if they actually formed an identity that wasn't based on 'being to the left of those other partys and then being apologetic about it' i'd easily be a natural voter for them but they're too wishy washy.

OST said:
give me a rough overview about the goals, opinions and the leading persons of the party and I'll comment your choices

There's a quiz and a graph that demonstrates where the partys lye here, although i'm sure we'll be fine without the commentary.



Dec 8, 2000
I like the lib dem's student view, but there's little else they're proposing that sounds as if it would work imo.
I can't vote Labour. They've had 2 chances and they've ****ed up, so it's a choice of Lib Dem or Conservative. I prefer Con's to Lib Dem's way of things.


Queen of BuFdom
May 1, 2001
Over the street. With binoculars.
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Do the quiz deepsy and post the results...i'd be interested to know.

I wanted to think the conservatives had changed from the right-wing crap of the past, however this assylum seeker quota and some other things Mr Howard has said has made me think they're still the same underneath.


Nov 12, 1999
Shooting from the Left Wing

_Zd_Phoenix_ said:
There's a quiz and a graph that demonstrates where the partys lye here, although i'm sure we'll be fine without the commentary.


My political choice seems to match up :)



<img src=http://img349.imageshack.us/img349/9838/e
Nov 10, 2002
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_Zd_Phoenix_ said:
There's a quiz and a graph that demonstrates where the partys lye here, although i'm sure we'll be fine without the commentary.


had to click on "other" a couple of times, because often there were no useful answers(like the question: your boy is bad at school and is getting fat, what to do? bitch at school, more money to the school system, etc... I would try to be a better parent, but it only had stereotypical answers)


Active Member
Jan 28, 2001
Just to see where I'd fit on the British politcal spectrum...


The upper right seems to be underepresented as far as parties go, but then again, it is the same way in the US.
Last edited:


Sim senhor, efeitos especial
Sep 26, 2004
"Are you smelling what I'm smelling?"

I'm going to vote Lib Dem. Basically they are the only party that seem to be built around civil/social policies.

I've had to register with the embassy here (Portugal) to be able to vote, and if I were still living in England I'd probably vote Labour...I can't stand them really, but compared to Thatcher's bitch Howard, I'd vote Labour simply to keep the satanist Tories out.
Just seeing his learned by rote speaches - "hard working Britains" and the Tories inability to fight an election on policies, rather just picking non-issues (immigration, gypsies, etc) that will appeal to the fvcking Daily Mail reading middle Englanders, makes me want to give him a slap. Blair's not much better, but compared to Howard he looks like a saint.

But fortunately, I don't have to live in England any more so I feel genuinely free to vote for the party I like most. I guess because I have no intention of ever going back it shouldn't really matter to me....but there is something fundamentally wrong about the Tories having power...and I'd be embarrassed to call myself English with Howard in charge.


I am the Hugh Grant of Thatcherism
Mar 26, 2000
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_Zd_Phoenix_ said:
I WOULD be...

Labour actually has managed the economy quite well, I don't know why you'd say they haven't.

The economy has grown despite Labour, not because of it. Labour boasts of the uninterrupted economic growth during their term, but that period started in, er, 1993.

New Labour sees business as a load of mugs to flog hospitals off to and a source of future employment for disgraced ministers, while Old Labour sees business as an easy, voteless target for tax rises at best and a load of capitalistic pigs to be slaughtered at worst.

Other than that the only thing going for them is that they're to the left of the Tories (although sometimes you wouldn't know it), although I forgot to mention I don't think it was just an 'American war'.

How was it ours, then?

Bloody Lib Dems...if they actually formed an identity that wasn't based on 'being to the left of those other partys and then being apologetic about it' i'd easily be a natural voter for them but they're too wishy washy.

As far as I'm concerned, they're the only party that ISN'T wishy-washy. I disagree with them on tax, on student fees, on the environment, on pretty much everything economic... but if they got elected, it would mean that the electorate hadn't fallen for the cheap American-style tricks of the Tories and Labour. They won't be, of course, but we can always hope for a hung parliament.

The three lasting legacies of Tony Blair will be the Iraq war, the Millennium Dome (remember that? unless you read Private Eye, probably not), and foot and mouth disease (ditto). Remember, that was the time where if you were unfortunate enough to live in the countryside, DEFRA could come along and Final Solutionize your entire flock, plus any pets you had lying around, without any real reason. Illegally, obviously, only they passed legislation to make it legal AFTER the event. If voters had an ounce of sense, Labour wouldn't receive a single vote on the basis of foot-and-mouth alone.


Ethically Challenged
Mar 4, 2002
i'm not voting and im not a fool voting in the uk is undemocratic and pointless,
beacuse of the 'first past the post' election process, if one party has ten more seats in Parliament than the other, all the people who voted for that other party effectively have no voice. (A proportional representation system, for example, would force politicians to co-operate, which, despite European suggestions to the contrary, is ultimately a good thing.) Any system that forces competition is ultimately a divisive thing, at whatever level it works.

does it make me a fool knowing that there is no chance in hell my vote would count?

if i did vote it would probobally be for the socialist workers party, but then i would have thrown my vote away


Jul 30, 2004
In britain in a small town.
I wish they'd make it compulsary to have an exam to vote, and clever kids could take it. Some kids know more about politics than the adults (well, the Sun and Daily Mail readers anyway) sometimes.
If I weren't only 13, I'd vote LibDem. They're the only party which aren't insulting (they might be but I can't see it) the other party leaders. If I could, I do like the idea of some of their economic policy, and their student policy (I think about that as I'll be a student in 3-4 years). I think it would be a slightly better Britain. Look at Michael Howard, his campaign of insulting Tony blair isn't going to win this election. Bringing up non-issues like Gypsies and the like also aren't going to win the election unless the Sun puts VOTE TORY as the last headline before the election.
Getting on to Labour, Blair has lied to the public many times, and people are still giving him their support. He boasts of economic growth, that was happening at the beginning of the end of the Conservative era. Fat chance, Tony.
Belly-up projects:
Millenium Dome
Using illegal means to stop an outbreak:
Foot & Mouth
Iraq (well duh)
The Economy
Political views of a 13 Year old. Probably wrong, but then again, I can't vote.


Jun 12, 2000
I can't vote this eyar afaik because i moved and haven't re-registered for the vote (duh) but i'd go with Lib Dem...

1) they actually make sense on most things
2) they're not vindictive PR spinners
3) They're actually already quite strong in Scotland
4) Tories have no ****ing change in hell in getting any more than 1 seat in Scotland.
5) Tories shouldn't be voted for anyway, considering the backward semi-fascist anti-state view on things
6) Labour's not proven themselves - if Brown was head of Labour and not Blair then maybe, they're strongest point's Brown's work, the economy.. but i doubt labours intentions, as i've not seen any improvement to anything other than the strength of the £ since they've been in.

p.s. 'intelligent' people may be more likely to vote tory, due to their upbringing, so you'd have a skewed electorate.

Euphoric Beaver

impeccably groomed
Apr 19, 2001
Great Britain
stoned_jedi said:
does it make me a fool knowing that there is no chance in hell my vote would count?

if i did vote it would probobally be for the socialist workers party, but then i would have thrown my vote away
That is nonsense. The only reason asylum is being raped by the Tories is because of the success the BNP and UKIP had in the recent by-elections.

Personally I'll be voting green mostly to try and get climate and environment issues on the agenda and partly because I agree with most of their views such as removing tax breaks the aviation industry currently has.