Trash talking in UT - funny or annoying?

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New Member
May 21, 2000
Derry, NH USA
I was wondering how you all feel about trash talking in UT.

I admit it - I am a sore loser. And when I get shot, I tend to swear a lot. But when I score points in CTF, I sometimes Just say "Boo ya" or "Sweet" or something like that. It's all in good fun for me, but last night some people got pissed at me and kicked me off the server. I was just trying to have some fun and be a bit goofy, but I guess these guys were a little too sensitive...

So how do you guys feel about it?

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The Rat

New Member
Feb 10, 2000
I am an Admin on "The Rat's Nest" UT server, and for the most part, I do not care what the "talk" is about. HOWEVER, if it is abusive or just outright irritating, I will boot that player but AFTER a warning or two....


The Rat's Nest


Local Legend
Jan 4, 2000
Fort Mill, SC
Depends on the people you're with.

With PuF'ers - it's generally accepted (from PuF'ers).

We understand it's all in fun, and not gloating.

Clan matches - BAD idea.
Public games - probably bad idea.
Scrimmages - probably okay.


Defenseman for |C|ondemned


Neighborhood godless fragger
Mar 30, 2000
Yorktown, VA
Hmm, well like Rooster said, it depends.. if you know everyone and are friends.. you can prolly talk all the smack you want :)

There are times in public matches where I have blurted out "That's BS" (like one time where I was all in one guys face with a flak at point blank.. could have swore I hit him like 5 times.. and he ended up fragging ..and I had 199 health and shield belt!!!).. but usally wen I die I just keep going, sometimes pause to say "nice" or "ouchies" or even "MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!"


Sometimes if I get a nice frag on the flag carrier I will a comment.. something like "leave my flag alone.. it don't wanna play dammit!!! :)" but i usually add a smiley to make sure they know it's all in good fun!


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A legend in his own mind
Feb 9, 2000
Southern MD, US
I use autotaunts, most of the public servers I've been on do a lot of that. It doesn't really bother me. I love giving a YEEHAW! after a cap.

After I get fragged, I usually get something like "Did you like that"

I politely give them an acknowledgment "Roger"

The obcene language, that I really don't like. I have a nine year old son. When he plays I always turn mature taunts off. The really no need for that.

[This message has been edited by Stosh (edited 06-01-2000).]


I tend not to notice the autotaunts in DM anymore, you hear them so much and there's so much going on that they fade into the background. BUT... there is one great purpose for autotaunts in CTF. It lets you know that the threat is gone.

Example: I'm gaurding the flag. I hear MrSmallberries hoot "incoming!". 3 seconds later I hear MrSMallberries giggle "That had to hurt!" I know the Incoming guy is now Respawning guy. ;)

As for the actual typing of trash talk...I've found that in PuF games there's rarely any of that. In fact, it can be a regular comedy hour with some of the stuff that goes back and forth. Every CTF game I've seen with a PuFer in it, teams compliment each other on a well executed cap and things like that.

When I get fragged in a particularly heinous way, I always say "I'm under heavy attack", and if I frag someone really violently (6 rockets in the face as they come around the corner) , I tend to hit the key for "That had to hurt!"

As long as it's done at the right time so there can be no doubt as to the humour of it, then it's cool.

Saying "you guys all suck" after a CTF match is probably not a cool thing....


Dot Com CEO
Feb 15, 2000
If someone beats me in a DM by playing suicidal redeemer BS, I talk a little trash.

for instance, they have..

30 frags, 20 deaths

and I have..

27 frags, 2 deaths

That irritates me, so I say something like "I die less" or "All you guys are suicidal"

That usually pisses them off, other than that, I always cuss when I do something stupid and die, but I'm not talking trash on people, just on myself for sucking so hard.



New Member
Apr 17, 2000
I think trash is both... funny, so i let my bots do it and I don't mind when others do it, but annoying because, who knows that's just a little bit of extra processing time... so I turned it off. Actually, really I turned it off because it seemed to be annoying some peeps... and really, I didn't care if I had it on or not, so out of politeness I turned it off (plus i have no skillzzzzz). If something worthwhile happens (like after being spanked by Mr. Smallberries 4 times in quick succession I frag him red handed with my flag) I will type a nice note (like "Yeeeea biotch! hee hee") but I will add some chuckling or a smile to show the good nature of it - plus I play a lot with friends, so they all know they can own me anyway =) I don't normally talk in random games. No point (I only trash talk when it's funny=).


The undisputed champion of Respawning.
Hehe, I like being called biotch Jing, so it's all good. :D

I have no problem with taunts, autotaunts, or whatever. It's just background noise to me most of the time, and like Trolls said, it helps your awareness sometimes in knowing when a potential problem is de-problematized (making up words is big fun). The only thing that bothers me in games is when someone complains about getting killed fair and square. I just had this happen to me personally for the first time a couple of days ago.

The situation: I was playing Lavagiant, guarding the flag. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not much of a shock whore, and in fact I'm not all that great with the combo yet. So I was practicing the combo this particular game because all my favorite weapons are a bit of a march from the base. I was actually getting the knack of it, managing to log some nice kills. So this guy starts in with something resembling, "LOOK A$$HOLE! STOP SPAMMING, OR I'LL MAKE IT MY PERSONAL MISSION TO STOMP YOUR A$$!" I ignored it at first, thinking he was talking to someone else. After he addressed me by name a few angry messages later, I suspected he was probably talking to me. :) He was screaming about unsportsmanlike conduct and the like, all because I kept shocking him into bouncy giblet goodness. We exchanged words, and I ended up leaving pissed, which is *never* how I should feel playing a computer game.

The moral? Laugh off what bothers you, and remember that there are plenty of servers in the virual sea.


Now that I think about it...there's a couple things that will get me trash talking. And I don't make excuses for it, it's probably not the best way to conduct yourself, but darnit some people can get me soooo mad ;)

Basically : campers who don't have the decency to hide the fact they're camping. Sneaky people I don't mind, hey..props for getting into some weirdass place and no one can find you. But totally out in the open campers trying to rack up frags and being retarded about it: THAT will get me trash talking.

My shining moment was back when I'd first started playing..I was in Pressure, and getting my butt kicked all over the map. I had played tons of Quake 2 so even tho I was a newbie at UT, I had this ingrained hatred of campers. Some dude is standing up on the beam by the flak. Raining flak down on people. He got me like 3 times in a row. I stopped dead underneath him, not caring that there was a sheildbelted frag god heading down the hallways towards me with an amped up rocket launcher. I typed out. "GET THE HELL OFF THAT BEAM AND COME DOWN HERE AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!!".

If my girl coulda shook her fist she would have.

So I'm known for trash talking things like "hey, need a tent?" "you camping p*ssy" and the like. Lately tho I've learned that the time spent typing a comment could be better spent aiming your xlocator or shock bubble at them. ;)


I dont really trash talk unless I know the players Im playing with. After I kill some one I really only say "My House!" and I like when people trash talk me because it just shows that your a better player if ya can get some one that pissed off about you.


AKA Ruffrider
"My House!"
In the words of Boom... "Boom!"

LordKhaine "Wonders why all the PuF women seem to hate him, even though hes never insulted any of them:("
Ruffrider "They are afraid of your big penis LK"
LordKhaine "ROFLMAO!"

Currently Available for recruiting.

Das Fragmeister

Well, you see, when you're as good as I am and everyone else sucks, there is no reason to talk trash because you're confident you own everyone.

That way, people don't have to wonder if you're being sarcastic.


I like talking trash...but it has to be clearly self-depricating or tongue-in-cheek. I got beaten in a match once 20-0, and I kept asking "Best out of 3?" People have fun when it's light like that. :)

The trash talk that's totally uncalled for is when really bad or really good players spam "You suck" or "My team sux, my team sux, my team sux." That's not funny, particulary when it's true. :)

Other times, I taunt llamas. Chronic spawn-snipers, in particular. I declare "So-and-so Spawn Sniper Goes Bye Bye."

You have to live up to it, though. Take their heads off a few times in a row.

I usually get a laugh or smile after awhile, because they know they're guilty, or if they're REALLY llamas, they cut out.

As was said in other terms:

If you're REALLY GOOD, don't talk trash among anyone but the closest friends.

If you're REALLY BAD, don't talk trash unless you're among the closest of friends.

Everyone else, be clear you're being tongue-in-cheek always. Adding "LOL!" as a bound key, or "Doh!" lets people know you have a sense of humor about what's going on.

And, um, helps to know how to spell....llamas all seem to share a severe learning disability when it comes to spelling...


aka "Master of All That's UT" (except all the things I ask for advice on daily in PuF) :)


New Member
Mar 27, 2000
i seldomly trash talk. and when i do it's only after i've managed to win a particularly heavy battle. i've got the "Yeehaw!" key bound for such rare occasions. :)

but, as Troll already mentioned, there are situations that require detailed typing. the other night i was playing Command, instagib CTF. i was on blue and one of my team mates kept the elevator up by standing under it.
in instagib mode it's impossible for the red team to reach the flag when the elevator is not accessable, which makes the game lousy for both teams (well at least so i figured, being in the blue team.)

after repeated messages from the red team to get away from the elevator the guy still didn't move. so i went there, shot him a couple of times to get his attention, and then told him firmly to get out of there (with all words in capitals, thrice repeated.)

he seemed to get it finally for he moved away. fortunately the red team didn't hold any grudges and refrained from additional comment, so we played along normally.

btw, if it were regular CTF i wouldn't have said anything. after all, in such occasions red players can translocate to the blue flag area.



"I don't pay attention to politics."
"You should. It's bareley less important than your own heart beat."
"I don't pay attention to that either."

[This message has been edited by gramps (edited 06-01-2000).]
Reading through this, I thought of one more thing that really bothers me. Actually, this is the thing that bothers me the most playing online, and it's something I see often. People that talk sh!t about their own team. That's just the worst. "We'd have won, but my team totally sucks." Eww, I just hate that kind of thing.

Blatant Bastich

Bite Me Fan Boy!
Feb 8, 2000
Culver City, CA
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Yeah you gotta watch when you do it! The other day playing RA with my buddy Blatant_Faust we were calling each other every name in the book, shooting each others corpses, and doing the hump over each others dead body. Well, a couple of guys came in and must have spec'd for a few then left calling us poor sports and inmature before we even played them. I would never play like that unless I know the person really well and they know I'm just kidding around. In fact on-line I perfer to compliment people on good jobs rather than smack it up.....well unless I know ya ;)



"UT is full of great people who I want to kill"

Diving Mullah

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Jan 11, 2000
Los Gatos, CA, USA
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I brought this up before, never got a response to it, but here it goes anyway!

How can you have time to taunt, in MOST CTF, things are happening too fast. The auto taunt, is somewhat silly, if I cap the flag, I get back right on defence, I see someone taking the flag, I try to intercept them! Very little chating!

I have one taunt though, that is "BOOM", If I do something cool, like get a multi, or Ultra Kill I say "BOOM"

If someone pulls a cool move on me, I say "BOOM"

If someone use faul language is say "BOOM"

If someone is just being a jerk, I say "BOOM"

So here is to you "BOOM"
