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Oct 22, 2002
I don't think they FORCE us to do it at my school, but EVERYONE else does and if I was the only kid not doing it I'd come off as a real ass hole.


Oct 22, 2002
No, it's just that if I didn't say it, I'd be the only kid in the class not saying it. What I mean is, I'd come off like an ass. Especially with the kids at the school I went to last year. I'm going into the high school this year (HS starts at 10th grade here) so I think it'll be alot more acceptable at this school if I don't.


Oct 22, 2002
They're both public schools. But there are 2 junior highs (6-9th grade). The one I go to is like 99% conservative (no offense to conservative people, I'm just saying they're alot different then I am) and not very open minded, where as the other junior high is more like me. The high school will be the people from those two schools mixed, if you know what I mean. I really want to meet new people lol
No, it's just that if I didn't say it, I'd be the only kid in the class not saying it.

Welcome to my world. :) I dont care if I come off as an ass, people will think whatever they want to think regardless of what you do or dont do. Just the way the high school mentality seems to be. I advise you to take a stand for what _you_ believe in, and not give into mob mentality. :)