Six Million NV40 Polygons in Unreal 3?

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Chief Muckety Muck
Aug 17, 1999
Pottstown, PA, USA
The Inquirer reported on the recent GDC demo of the Unreal 3 technology as pumped through their new NV40 card. Here's a snip:

This engine and NV40 brings a new technique that apparently "far surpassed normal bump mapping and displacement maps", the currently widely used marchitectures to show the bumps and terrains in the games and this means that this engine will bring some extraordinary stuff. In 2006.

The incredible claim that the engine will run a model with six millions polygons is, simply, incredible but the game developer told us that this number must refer to models in 3D studio Max while the actual game models even in games such is Doom 3 are still limited to only 5000+ polygons per character and approximately 100,000+ polygons for the whole scene.

With the NV40 only about two weeks away, we're sure there will be much more news on the performance of this exciting new chipset.


Danger Mouse
Mar 10, 2003
Portsmouth, England
In another article on the same topic, that 6 million polygon referece was to the model in the modelling program, which was then used to create the bump map etc for the lower polygon model. So the in-game model may appear to have as many as 6 million polygons.


New Member
Aug 24, 2003
Once again, the press settles for half-truths. 6 million polygons refers to the source art used to create normal / spherical harmonic maps for the in-game models, which are more like ~5000 polys. It is entirely inaccurate to say the resultant model "looks like" a 6 million poly mesh. Look at the silhouettes of Doom3 monsters and the truth is clear.

Also, this has no bearing on the NV40's release, given that you'll only see that rendering technique used for content in fully DX9-based engines, none of which exist in the public yet.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
And of course nVidia is happy to supply these half-truths ... just like they've done for all their entire ad-campaign for their cards.