UE2 - UT2kX Scripted sequence ChangeLevel problem UT2004

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New Member
Jun 10, 2009
I can only seem to get the ChangeLevel action in my scripted trigger to work some of the time with my single player custom maps. It seems to be something to do with how i save the map that i want to be loaded. Does there have to be a file in the UT directory or something for this to work?

It simply seems abitrary to me whether or not a map will load. Ive tried all naming schemes, putting the maps in different directories, but i havent yet nailed why some load and some dont. My triggers all work.

For eg, lets say i have MyFirstLevel.ut2 and it has a matinee sequence which fires a scripted trigger to load MySecondLevel.ut2. I get it working, but then i save MySecondLevel2.ut2 and change the URL in the scripted trigger to match, but suddenly its broken with a name change and wont load.

Can anyone please enlighten me!!?


Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
All map packages must be in their corresponding configured directories. URL should be the same string you would use in an "open" console command for loading a map manually from console. ("open NameOfMapFileWithoutExtension" should work, so you would be using URL="NameOfMapFileWithoutExtension")

Moved to mapping. I don't see the coding aspect in this thread.
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