RA v2, concerning possible RC-50 removal?

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Will getting rid of the RC-50 be an improvement for an RA server?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 16 34.8%
  • No.

    Votes: 30 65.2%

  • Total voters


is a gamer
Mar 19, 2001
noooo not my favorite gun :)
the only fun in INF sometimes is picking up a robar and rushing
most of the time you die
but i still once in a while get a kill
and thats makes it worth while
Getting rid of that would be horrible
You guys suggest bringing a pistol with robar loads
but what if you suck with pistols
hip-shooting with robars is fine
you have a lot less aim and it takes a while to get another shot out
Its fine the way it is :)


Irony Is
Aug 10, 2001
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An M-40 (or other remington 700 action rifle) would be cool. Or what about that new British rifle? That 7.62 AI?

Stormcaller, I know what you mean. Don't know if it's the weather or what, but everyone (me included - edit: OK. Not literally everyone. Any statement involving the word "everyone" has to be, by definition a gross overgeneralisation, though :D ) seemed really PO'd about the RC-50 for one reason or another last time I played.

Personally, I'd be very happy to see it gone from AFA2.
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is a gamer
Mar 19, 2001
people saying that the robar is used wrong
couldn't i say the same about how you are using your m16
so i think its more opinion than what it actually is

Chow Yun-Fat

Jan 20, 2001
Originally posted by asmodeus
make the thing not shootable from the hip or even standing

How about when someone fires the robar from hip it launches behind them and out of their hands because of the recoil? That'd be amusing to see.


Dont remove it, just make it impossible to use on small maps and remove hip shooting, just disable the trigger when at hip.

And a perhaps extreme suggestion; Force full zooom alll thheee time. So it will be impossible to run around looking through the scope while being fully out zoomed. Or even better make it impossible to run while holding it in your hands...


I am probably better than you.
Sep 29, 2001
Sacramento, CA
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A return to seriousness...

well, how I see it, the only way you can shoot off a gun of that power is to be in crouch position. What Chow Yun-Fat said about recoil with hipshooting comes to mind. If shot from the hip, the aim of the gun should be WAY off, after being shot, and also the player would rotate slightly to the right. If you shoot while standing, the gun might (variable) knock you back a couple inches, and slightly distort your aim. Firing the weapon while prone might make minor problems, which cannot be done in the engine limitations of UT. Anyway, crouch position is the only surefire way of sustaining recoil IMHO.


New Member
Aug 5, 2000
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Well here's a cool solution, but its not very realistic.

You could make the Robar a "m40" just lower the damage to that of 7.62, and those of us with good imaginations can imagine we are using the m40.

It might not look right but we'd finally have a bolt-action 7.62


NOT going to waste another minute on CS!
Sep 18, 2001
I'd rather see it gone than impose on it some of the more outlandish restrictions I've seen on this thread. :con:

Without weapon drop/inertia it's impossible to portray with any convincing realism the difficulty in using such a heavy rifle.


Sniper - May be harmful to your health.
Jul 13, 2001
Maryland Bitch.
I like the PSG and have killed people with the robar with it; in the time it takes them to fire one shot i can fire three or four. But the robar's bolt should be manually operated, i think Cyanide Triscuit has a mutator that does this. The Robar user should have to push his reload button after he fires. That may limit it's abuse.


Aug 25, 2001
New Jersey, U.S.A.
I exclusively play on RA when I play INF and I am tired of playing nice long range fighting maps like Vietnam and some turd brings an RC50 and nails me. I like long range gun fights with assault weapons. I dont want to have to get in close to kill all the ppl using RC50s when these kinds of maps come up. Robar from the hip I have no problem with. Its realistic. But goddamn if the Robar should be limited to one person on big maps...

Stormcaller please disregard 20% of the "No" votes since these are probobly lamers who hate RA and never play on AFA.

You know damn well I am an AFA whore. :D


Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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They way I have it set up, removing the robar would take me 20 seconds. But I am always hesatant to remove anything.
Very interesting thread, storm, and I appreciate all the input.

Storm's seen me use a Robar before in relics - theres something wrong when I beat Storm to the punch (shoot his ass first) 3 out of 4 times in a map that routinely gets my ass handed to me because of my 7 fps.

I don't see how inertia is very realistic - I never have held a weapon that continued to move notably as I turned...

Shooting prone or crouched only is all good, but then you are relying on the overall crapiness of the current prone to kill the robar - and half the 'whorage' of the robar occurs from prone anyway (EP).

I personally think its target aquisition thats too easy with the thing. I can aim it, then bang. I remember in RL when firing from a scope, it was quite possible to "lose" your target when looking through the scope, because all you could see is grass or sky with a slight bump of the rifle.
That hasn't happened to me yet in inf.
The FOV is definantly too large.
Players could not prone on EP and scan the entire road, only to zoom in on hapless targets. Scanning would be too hard - thats why snipers have spotters IRL.
Zooming should be slowed too, as I remember. That and a trigger delay after changing the zoom. I miss the 2.75 method of zooming.
Players using it in CQB should literally see nothing but a bigol' blurb.

Only 2 ways I can think of doing this - increasing the zoom, or attempting to mess with that black circle (no sucess with that yet)
Increasing the zoom would increase the apparency of that horrid
'grid effect'(maybe I should give robar a nonstandard sensitvity?) but it might be a good fix.


aka FURY13RT
I dont think of inertia as the gun continuing to travel after I stop.
sounds more like hesitancy for the gun to be moved in the first place ;)

ex: you point, it follows shortly after

along with the zoom, put in a time delay shake/blur/whatever for when you switch to scope.
(getting a good shot irl takes time, use this to force that issue)

you gotta add something to the hip position. keep them from using it like a shotgun.


May 19, 2001
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Inertia: yes I see a big part of it being that it takes time to move it from a stop as well. And no a gun does't continue to move becuase you are exerting effort to control its movement in real life, right now these guns may as well be made out of paper mache. Since it would basically be adding momentum to the gun which would be directely related to the speed its moving at, it would only be a factor when making sweeping movements, which would simply have to be countered by a minor mouse movement back in the opposite direction. Just another element to target aquisition.

Also, the other use of inertia mentioned was that it could help overcome the grid effect... by giving the mouse a little nudge you would essentially start the gun rolling over a little, so if you are taking time and making a careful, precise shot, you would be able to overcome this effect.

I also mentioned earlier that it seems that the input as it is now is instantaneously tranlsated directly into the position of the gun, ie each notch the mouse moves equals one notch the view moves. I was wondering if this could be replaced by matching the movement of the camera with the speed of the mouse movement rather than its its position... does this make sense? I imagine this creating a continuous movement rather than a 'stepped' one.

Last note(s), I am not offending by being hipshot by an RC50, it really requires quite a bit of luck and lack of awareness on the other persons end, I think it would have been much easier to die at the hands of an SMG personally. And yes a lot of the RC whoring has taken place from a proned position anyway, although one major factor in this (especially on that bitch hill spot on EP) is that you can lean while prone, leaving yourself almost completely obscured and still able to fire from what I imaging would be an extremely awkard position.

I say change the robar, remove it until then if you want, but not permenantly.

Hell, I wouldn't even miss the thing because I never touch it any more so do what you will, I will probably just see the guy who killed me more often :) But I might if sniping were actually made into some sort of challenge again... and when it actually becomes tactically useful...