Please let Hillary run for President!

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European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
Damn, I hate that Hillary bitch. Even Dianne Feinstein, the German-Jewish-American-Israeli-Polish-Russian-Whatever of California pales in comparison.

It's rare for me to hate a woman. Very, very rare.


_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
Hermskii is getting not much of a response beyond 'lol' because that it all his posts amount to.
Postulating that everyone wants Hillary Clinton to run for Office because she is a democrat says more about Hermskiis worldview and nothing about the other posters on this board.

Probably so, but right now, only two Democrats lead the filed in possible contenders for the 2016 nomination, and that would be Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren. If Christie gets ousted before then, we could see a female GOP candidate, thus making 2016 the "Year of the Dueling Vaginas." Wouldn't THAT be a hoot?

Apr 13, 2003
The blood drive was very good but not as good as I had suspected. The final number was about 80 with a great deal of people being turned away for various reasons.

I don't agree about politics not being a hot topic here. i think it is the hottest of topics not including the GIFs, and video threads. Yes, the libs won in 2008 and (again like I have said several times now) will again.

I will continue to post about politics hee and they will seem to often be trolling in nature but I find the jabs seems to get the clearest of responses from those who disagree. The true libs here will never change their mind about anything they believe and that is fine. Sad but fine. I do think that many of you will make it through your youth and realize how misguided your current political beliefs are.

Here is an exercise for you to try to prove my point. I challenge any or all of you libs to watch some form of FOX NEWS in addition to your regular routine for a week. I'd name another news source but literally every other one if left leaning. I'll listen to NPR or watch CNN for a week if you want but I already supplement my FOX NEWS with ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, CNN, MSNBC and several other news sources. Let me know what you think after you have done it. Please don't reply if you are unwilling or not even an American citizen. So now watch what happens. The same libs will reply after not taking the challenge. Those are the ones that basically want to live as socialist in my opinion. I welcome them to do so too but please go to Russia or Europe to do so. It is still a free country though. Go ahead. Rant and hate to heart's desire.

Gotta go. I'm tired from working on my day off to improve my community today.


Nimbusfish Rawks
Apr 18, 2006
socialist in my opinion. I welcome them to do so too but please go to Russia or Europe to do so.

Socialist Russia? Do you know what socialism actually is? You're aware that the Soviet Union no longer exists and that the Berlin wall fell, around 25 years ago right?

Russia is led by a conservative, rightward-leaning party with some centrist views (United Russia). At it's foundations, it's almost exactly the same as what you're voting for when you vote Republican.

If you want to see a socialist state in action, go to Vietnam or Laos. There are none in Europe.

I do think that many of you will make it through your youth and realize how misguided your current political beliefs are.

Hilarious irony.


Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Of course they don't know what Socialism is. Fox News tells them it's bad and evil and they believe it. Why think for yourself when someone else can do that for you?

I do think that many of you will make it through your youth and realize how misguided your current political beliefs are.

That's funny. In my youth (I'm now 31), I was a Bush supporter and a Conservative bigot. Then I grew up and realized the error of my political and religious beliefs.
Last edited:


Jan 20, 2010
Hermskii, if you really want to get a reasonable discussion going, you're going to have to do a few things:

1. Put forth better arguments than what one might find in high school debate clubs. Better yet, put forth an actual argument.

2. Stop being inflammatory. Do you honestly expect to say something like this:
The true libs here will never change their mind about anything they believe and that is fine. Sad but fine.

...and get a fair response? This statement alone shows that you are not going to be changing your opinions any time soon, so why should anyone else?

Your topics seem trolling in nature, and that's because they are. You said it yourself - your jabs get a clear response from people. That is exactly what trolling is - being insulting or saying a controversial opinion in order to get a reaction out of people.

Anyway, I'm not a very political person. The only reason I'm posting this is because one of my coworkers is from Texas; he's an honest, intelligent, and very hard-working individual, and I just hate the thought that the first thing people will assume when meeting him is that he's just like you. He is conservative, but the difference between the two of you in that regard is that, while you try to change the opinions of people on a forum for a 16 year old video game series, he actually campaigns for changes in this small town.

Basically, stop making Texas look as stupid as everyone thinks it is.


Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
Your topics seem trolling in nature, and that's because they are. You said it yourself - your jabs get a clear response from people. That is exactly what trolling is - being insulting or saying a controversial opinion in order to get a reaction out of people.


And it's my fault for falling for it every time.


Sweet Dreams
Jul 17, 2005
Where least expected
Here is an exercise for you to try to prove my point. I challenge any or all of you libs to watch some form of FOX NEWS in addition to your regular routine for a week.


Permanent brain damage is not a part of my weekly routine.


The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
Out of curiosity, did any of you ever read Starship Troopers?

yup, good idea bad baaad execution. I've read better from Heinlein... infact those other books were translated to German and S.T. I own in its english version so this is one of the few works where I *gasp* prefer a german translation :eek:

Apr 13, 2003
Forgive me ambershee and AlCapowned. More later on my apology. Al you are a 31 year old. Please don't consider yourself grown up at the young-young age of 31. You still have much growing up to do.


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
All the financial problems of this country can be traced back to Americans not wanting to pay taxes and voting for politicians that lowered our taxes.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
All the financial problems of this country can be traced back to Americans not wanting to pay taxes and voting for politicians that lowered our taxes.
Really? It can't be traced back to adding social programs that we couldn't afford? In reality, they have been caused by both. Increasing taxes ad infinitum isn't a winning game, either.


Jul 2, 2011
Curious that you should hit upon social programs, which are charity and goodwill toward our fellow humans. Meanwhile 'defense' costs similarly and means programs most of us would be ashamed even to name honestly.

Torture facilities full of innocents are fine—helping the elderly is where we've gone wrong.