Planning my New Gaming PC!

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Dec 14, 2010
If you get 8 with your computer for some reason that is one thing, but I don't get spending a bunch more on Windows 8. What value is there? Other than a few aesthetic things (like the file copy screen), there is nothing to Windows 8. The performance margins are well within the margin of error from Windows 7 for the most part. And you have to deal with the crappy interface that Microsoft will just try to force you into as often as possible from now on. No thanks.

You can shut ofs the metro interface and it won't bug you anymore, to the point where you forget it's even there. But I agree with everything else. Add to that if you're a gamer, expect to rage over some older titles completely unplayable in Win 8.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
You can shut ofs the metro interface and it won't bug you anymore, to the point where you forget it's even there. But I agree with everything else. Add to that if you're a gamer, expect to rage over some older titles completely unplayable in Win 8.
It mostly gets out of your way. They still put every effort into getting you to open the interface at some point. There is no way to "turn it off", and Microsoft makes big bucks on advertising and you spending money on their store crap if you go in the interface. So, of course they want you there.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
It mostly gets out of your way. They still put every effort into getting you to open the interface at some point. There is no way to "turn it off", and Microsoft makes big bucks on advertising and you spending money on their store crap if you go in the interface. So, of course they want you there.

There is some hope that the update in October will help relieve this, but yeah, the best you can do with Win 8 right now is mitigate its annoyances. Ugh.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Mav I will say that the case looks pretty sexy though I would never pay $400 dollars for sexy.

As far as AMD goes if you can handle the lower performance then I say go for it, but certain games will certainly not love you for it.

I had an AMD x4 820 in my previous build paired with a 560ti and cpu bound games were just atrocious. Killing Floor, Saints Row 3, Deux Ex:HR, and even Borderlands to an extent ran like utter ass in certain spots that utilized the cpu more than GPU. Keep in mind this cpu benched on par with the x4 955. Even at 5ghz I reckon you will still hit bottlenecks.


Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
Well one thing about the case is that it will last me 10+ years. I can continue to put new PCs in that case forever. FOREVAR! So that was my thinking behind this.

I've got the AMD 950 myself Toilet, and I've OC'd it to 3.95GHz per core on water. It's lasted me for a good 5 years now (had the 9550 or whatever it was and upgraded when they came out with the PhenomII), but it's about time I built something new, as currently I'm starting to hit walls. I really like how easy it is to overclock AMD, and since I've been overclocking AMDs since the 1990's... I'm a little loyal :p I like their price, and they've always been an underdog, whether they were ahead or behind. I just hope they pick up the pace.
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European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
AMD management screwed up and forced the CPU division engineers to use automated design tools like the ATI guys did, vs designing circuits by hand (at least the performance critical). The end result was a 20% increase in circuit size and similar loss in performance per clock.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I bought an $80 case in 2003. I have never replaced it since then.


Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
So I decided to wait until I build the PC. This spring I'm going to purchase the case, watercooling stuff, HDDs and whatever, then next fall I'll be purchasing the motherboard, RAM, vidcards, based on what's come out with DDR4. Price shouldn't be an issue anymore, so I will see how both AMD and Intel are doing with DDR4 and their new processors being released in 2014.

I've been looking at a different case too:

Still about the same price range as the Lian Li, but again price isn't that big of a deal. I'll end up spending the same amount on the PC's hardware whether or not I spend $300-$500 on a case.

Oh, does anyone have any good 27" monitor suggestions? I'm big into both gaming and photography, I know it's hard to get the best of both worlds TN and IPS... I haven't looked at monitors though in a few years to be honest, I don't know how they've improved.
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Spack Jazzrabbit
Feb 13, 2008
If that case is something you're desperate for, go for it.
It isn't really my cup of tea, truth be told, and I certainly wouldn't spend $440 on it, but to each their own.


Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
I need something capable of holding two water loops. Lian-li's cases have shrunk or gone cube, I don't care for cubes, I can't put them anywhere.


Master Console Hater
Dec 31, 2005
I'd probably get the Corsair 900D if I was going to spend that kind of money. It's cheaper, will easily fit two loops, (the Devil PC can probably fit a bigger rad on the top, but the 900D will definitely fit a bigger RAD in the front and the same at the bottom) two power supplies and plenty of hard drives. Also definitely has better cable management and acoustics. Looks aesthetically better too, in my opinion.
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The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
I'd probably get the Corsair 900D if I was going to spend that kind of money. It's cheaper, will easily fit two loops, (the Devil PC can probably fit a bigger rad on the top, but the 900D will definitely fit a bigger RAD in the front and the same at the bottom) two power supplies and plenty of hard drives. Also definitely has better cable management and acoustics. Looks aesthetically better too, in my opinion.

Agreed. I've seen the 900D and it's just fantastic :eek:


Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
Nice! Thanks for the suggestions, I'm looking at the 900D now. I like this style of case, where it's not TOO over the top gaudy on the outside (thermaltake and coolermaster for example have some of the fugliest cases ever). I like the professional solid steel/brushed aluminum look. Honestly even with watercooling I could do without a side panel, because I probably won't be lighting it. Watercooling will be for performance purposes. If I feel like investing in lighting (which I probably won't, as I like to be able to sleep at night), well, I'm not sure how I'll go about it.


European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
Since it's worthless to rehash the Intel vs AMD discussion, it's time to suggest other components.

Wait for and get a R9-290 with custom cooler. I ordered online a 7970 videocard for coin mining a few weeks ago, the delivery guy made a mistake and brought a Sapphire 290. I managed to use it for a few hours before the guy realized he made a mistake and came back for the switch.

What a fucking Ion Cannon that thing is! Next year in the Summer holidays I'm going to get myself a 1500€ - 2000€ rig, including
Top of the line ASUS Motherboard
Intel i7-4770K or better
16 GB DDR3-2133 Kingston HyperX or similar
ATI R9-290 (e.g. Sapphire Vapor or Asus DirectCU II)
512 GB Samsung EVO SSD, WD Black with flash
Corsair 860W PSU
CPU Cooler Corsair H80

I'm tired of mid-range crap like ATI 7870s, Thermaltake, XFX, OCZ, Seagate, DDR3-1600, Intel Core i3, etc... Always unsatisfactory, either on performance or reliability.
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Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
Benfica, no DDR3, DDR3 will phase out in 2015, best to avoid it at all costs. When I built my current PC it was at the turningpoint of DDR2 to DDR3, and I went DDR2. Biggest mistake ever. Had I gone DDR3, I could still upgrade this rig for another couple of years.

I have two big goals with this system. First, I want it to be my dream PC. I want it to be better than this current one was when I first built it. I want my dream PC.
Second, I want it to last over 6 years (provided that it has the ability to be upgraded). This isn't easy, but it's not impossible, since we're at the start of some new hardware (18nm, DDR4, new changes in mobo bus management, etc), I think I can build something that will last me over 6 years.

My current rig was built in 2008. Again if I could use DDR3 in it, I wouldn't build a new PC for another year or two.
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The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
How is this thread still going? Just build the damn thing already! :D

You're not going to build a machine that will last you ten years. It's just not gonna happen. Five years is possible and you can do that (cheaply, even!) with what is out right now. My 5850 has lasted me over four years; I still haven't found a game it couldn't run smoothly on highs/ultra. So get over it now, buy yourself a decent quad and a Radeon 270X or 290, and you can be enjoying the rig a lot sooner.

As for RAM ... DDR4 is still a year and a half away. DDR3 speeds/capacities are well in excess of what DDR2 offered compared to DDR. Even on most mid-range boards you can go up to 32GB of DDR3 or more at DDR3-1600, which is plenty fast enough. 32GB of RAM is more than you'll need anytime soon. Hell, that's what high-end 4k video editing rigs have.

I'm just saying, it's not worth it to wait the whole year and a half and then pay $300 for 8GB of DDR4 or whatever the next standard will be. DDR3 is available now, is relatively cheap, and is more than sufficient for next-gen.
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Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
This machine lasted 6, and would have lasted longer had I used DDR3 instead of DDR2 (I was being cheap and went DDR2).

This PC still plays newer games, BF4, Black Flag, etc. It's lasted 6 years.

Why can't I build a PC that will last over 5 years? I've already done it before. It's not that difficult to do if you're willing to do some overclocking and make sure you've got the ability to upgrade.

DDR4 isn't a year and a half away, it should be released this quarter in the servermarket and second or third quarter in the PC market.

I refuse to get DDR3 when it will be phased by mid-2015. 4GB of DDR3 will end up costing $300 when it's discontinued.
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European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
Good call on DDR4, I will pay attention. Perhaps one can start with "Value" DDR4 and upgrade further on.

I starting to realize that there are 3 excellent brands that have everything you need to build a fast and reliable PC tower: Intel, ASUS and Corsair. Sure, you will need ATI or Nvidia video chips on that ASUS card, Western Digital Black or RE4 for mass storage, Razer for gaming gear, etc... but there's no need to risk with some "popular" or "hardcore" but crappy brands out there.
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Lover of Earwigs
Dec 4, 1999
Reno, NV
I'm actually leaning toward the LD Cooling Little Devil case, since everyone and their pet dog seems to have a Corsair 900D.

What type of PSU would you recommend I buy? My current one I believe is a silverstone, and its fan is noisier than I'd like. Also, what's recommended for wattage these days? Still around the 650watt area?


European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
Yes, quality 650W is the absolute minimum for an overclocker's system with a single GPU.

Considering that you're investing a lot of money on your build, I suggest a Corsair 850W PSU with 7 year warranty. My basic 650W Corsair already managed to power 3 GPU's mining at full speed (even if undervolted): a 6950, 7870 and 7970.

Get also the Corsair H80 cooler if you want simple liquid cooling, and also a few goodies that you can check out at Corsair's website.
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