Need permission to edit OLD inf

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Proud Leader of Deaths Head
Dec 26, 2004
Ok its pretty apparent the infiltration team has moved into UT forever. I and many othere still play inf on 1998 vintage unreal1. The last release of INF was years ago for unreal 1. And the players want a few new weapons and cheat protections written into it. I have a mod I am doing with new players and a few new guns, for some reason it is impossible to subclass INF and add new playerclasses without editing INF itself and adding them in. I also want to add administrator features and fix a couple bugs with throwing weapons and such. Maybe make a UT console option for clients.. among a few other much needed updates. All I ask is if anyone minds if I do this? I have everything I need and it would go over really well with the loyal 2.65 inf players.

Would someone please say "we don't care what you do with that old thing and we won't sue you " lol



proud CL of Deaths Head


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
Yes, we all love the old unreal, but if there were some additions and such, then we it would change the game around a bit for us. Please, don't kill our INF lifestyle. Cracker knows what he is doing, and I am sure that his changes would only be for the better.


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
It might be possible to work around your problem. What do you mean, it's impossible to subclass it? You might want to take a look at yurch's RAv2 or RAV3 for an example of how to do this - although I'm not certain of the limitations of Unreal and Inf 2.6, that would be the way to go about it.


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
I would like to see some changes especially the gun throw fix.

And if it doesn't work out we can always go back to the older version, no harm in trying though.


Proud Leader of Deaths Head
Dec 26, 2004
Crowze said:
It might be possible to work around your problem. What do you mean, it's impossible to subclass it? You might want to take a look at yurch's RAv2 or RAV3 for an example of how to do this - although I'm not certain of the limitations of Unreal and Inf 2.6, that would be the way to go about it.

Well you can edit the newplayer function in inf and add my playerclasses just fine right... so I tried to subclass it and wrote same thing I edited down but it won't work. Here is what the script is if you have this in inf it works.. subclass it and nothing..

function playerpawn Login
string Portal,
string Options,
out string Error,
class<playerpawn> SpawnClass

local PlayerPawn newPlayer;
if (SpawnClass == class'MaleOne' || SpawnClass == class'MaleTwo' || SpawnClass == class'MaleThree' || SpawnClass == class'FemaleOne' || SpawnClass == class'FemaleTwo')
if (SpawnClass == class'MaleOne')
SpawnClass = class'INFIL_MalePlayer';
if (SpawnClass == class'MaleTwo')
SpawnClass = class'inf2cd_Male1';
if (SpawnClass == class'MaleThree')
SpawnClass = class'inf2cd_Male2';
if (SpawnClass == class'FemaleOne')
SpawnClass = class'inf2cd_female1';
if (SpawnClass == class'FemaleTwo')
SpawnClass = class'INFIL_FemalePlayer';
else SpawnClass = class'INF2CheatDetector.inf2cd_Male1';

newPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass);
if ( newPlayer == None)
return None;
ChangeTeam(newPlayer, 2); // switch to spectator team

return newPlayer;


Proud Leader of Deaths Head
Dec 26, 2004
btw guys I have admin on most all the inf servers and know ever single server owner so its no problem with distribution.

Do any of the inf team have any opinions on this? Who could i email for such a thing I don't know if they will read this or not lol.


Bird Brain
Feb 6, 2002
Cambridgeshire, UK
Well, since I don't have the Inf 2.65 scripts I can't help out that much, apart from one thing I've noticed. It's this line thats bothering me:
newPlayer = Super.Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass);
Is this taken from the superclass? If so, Super.Login will call the old login, instead of the level login as intended. You need to change it to
newPlayer = Super(<thing>).Login(Portal, Options, Error, SpawnClass);
where <thing> is the superclass of the superclass, if you get my meaning. This will make it 'skip' the default superclass and go straight down to <thing>. Think of it as a 'Super.Super.Login(...'.

EDIT: If that is a whole load of garbage (probably ;)), best bet is to email
Last edited:


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
Hello, ive been playing unreal inf for about 4-5 years now. i think it would be great if there were some new changes tossed out there. i agree with cracker and you should help us out :-D


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
me and cracker have been working together on this for a while. im the co-leader of DH ;) proud to be! even though many people hate me cause im good mwuahahha.

anyways as cracker said we're trying to make a mod of a mod... fun!

i'm personally hoping to revamp the entire thing, new players (done) new weapons (almost done lol) new items, new menus, new hud, console, anticheats, admin/moderator scripts, and so much more. we're hoping to push this oldschool game to the limits with enhanced model support and new animations, better gfx, larger maps, vehicles even if we can get them working (we've had a few toys going around but thats about it)

hopefully we make a fun mod! wish us luck ;) and all help is welcome!

remember we want to push this game to the limit! hehe its fun to show people what an old game can do


New Member
Mar 27, 2005
yup these guys are my leaders and i'd put my life in their hands if they asked me to so i have full trust in them

-proud member of ~DH~



Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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It sounds to me like what you should be doing is making your own mod. With all the changes you are planning it might even be easier to start from scratch. It will be a huge undertaking nonetheless.

However, since you are asking to make changes, I believe Beppo has said earlier that using the tools already available to you to make changes is no problem. I also believe he said that the dev team will not release playermodels and such for others to use or change.

This is in no manner, shape or form your final go-ahead as I'm in no position to grant you anything. I'm just telling you what I'm able to dig out from the back of my skull. Then again, I'm so old that I've reached the pre senile stages years ago and anything I say I remember comes with a four pages long disclaimer. I'll point Beppo in the general direction of this thread though. Hopefully he'll be able to set things (and me) straight.


Proud Leader of Deaths Head
Dec 26, 2004
I appreciate all the responses, me and lamelial were working on this last night and came up with some nice additions. In 2.65 if you start to throw a nade and get poped... its like you never pulled the pin you just die and you leave an item instead of a hot nade, and you can't left click to pull pin.. then right click to drop spool while your holding it, its either left click to prime or right click to hot prime. So we fixed this as well now the nades are alot funner :), granted atm we are subclassing all of this until we get an ok for this. Also we made the flashbags a little more potent and are forceing screenflashes=true on all clients so that they can't cheat and shut them off so flashbangs don't work.


Proud Leader of Deaths Head
Dec 26, 2004
Almost said:
It sounds to me like what you should be doing is making your own mod. With all the changes you are planning it might even be easier to start from scratch. It will be a huge undertaking nonetheless.

However, since you are asking to make changes, I believe Beppo has said earlier that using the tools already available to you to make changes is no problem. I also believe he said that the dev team will not release playermodels and such for others to use or change.

This is in no manner, shape or form your final go-ahead as I'm in no position to grant you anything. I'm just telling you what I'm able to dig out from the back of my skull. Then again, I'm so old that I've reached the pre senile stages years ago and anything I say I remember comes with a four pages long disclaimer. I'll point Beppo in the general direction of this thread though. Hopefully he'll be able to set things (and me) straight.

Actually no its not easier to go from scratch, I am moving at good speed and inf standoff is the game we all play... we bother with nothing else if it doesn't say INF we don't care for it. All we are doing really is beefing up what is already there :), its not so hard.

Also i don't need any models, what i did basicaly was just grabed a couple of the UT player models, just two cause I don't wanna change it all and make it look like UT. And though it would be cool if you could toss me some old weapon models lol, see U1 right now doesn't support mesh's with anim funtions in them I don't believe... if it does I can't make em work lol. I'm just picking up a few things from here and there, all I have added atm is a famas for the minigun slot since INF only has 9 weapons and unreal 1 had 10 weapon slots. I'm not sure if I wan't to make alot of new guns or not, like I said I want the original feel of the game... just a shot of steroids and some functionality improvements :).


Infiltration Lead-Programmer
Jul 29, 1999
Aachen, Germany
To get this straight...

Changes on the base code of our UT version of INF aren't allowed. You can subclass everything and get the stuff to work this way too. But you guys are asking to change the Unreal version of INF, not the UT one. In this case you can do whatever you want if you leave a big red alert sign in there that these codes, meshs, anims, textures aso aren't yours and belong to SentryStudios.

And just a tip... you need permission to use the UT models in Unreal (if possible at all) from Epic. And if you plan to grab and mix other things into this too, then you need permission from their original authors too, of course.

For our part, I can give you permission to use our Unreal codes and stuff if you leave our original headers intact and state in your codes and readme that SentryStudios is the original author of it.
But as said in some posts here already, you can get everything to work even without changing our base classes. If needed, then copy the original code parts, change the - maybe hardcoded - script parts and make sure that you then reference the same super class as the original codes did. This way you get our stuff inherited and only change the parts you really need to.
This way is the preferred way... and even easier for editing purposses as to edit our originals cause our original codes will not be lost then. You still have the chance to use the original at the places you need to. Way easier and way more appreciated if you try to go this 'more correct' route than going the 'easy way' that starts to get complicated pretty fast if the original codes aren't there anymore for reference once you broke something. Something to consider...

Oh and on a side note... do not use 'lol' so often... gets annoying (especially in your email) ;)




Proud Leader of Deaths Head
Dec 26, 2004
Beppo said:
To get this straight...

Changes on the base code of our UT version of INF aren't allowed. You can subclass everything and get the stuff to work this way too. But you guys are asking to change the Unreal version of INF, not the UT one. In this case you can do whatever you want if you leave a big red alert sign in there that these codes, meshs, anims, textures aso aren't yours and belong to SentryStudios.

And just a tip... you need permission to use the UT models in Unreal (if possible at all) from Epic. And if you plan to grab and mix other things into this too, then you need permission from their original authors too, of course.

For our part, I can give you permission to use our Unreal codes and stuff if you leave our original headers intact and state in your codes and readme that SentryStudios is the original author of it.
But as said in some posts here already, you can get everything to work even without changing our base classes. If needed, then copy the original code parts, change the - maybe hardcoded - script parts and make sure that you then reference the same super class as the original codes did. This way you get our stuff inherited and only change the parts you really need to.
This way is the preferred way... and even easier for editing purposses as to edit our originals cause our original codes will not be lost then. You still have the chance to use the original at the places you need to. Way easier and way more appreciated if you try to go this 'more correct' route than going the 'easy way' that starts to get complicated pretty fast if the original codes aren't there anymore for reference once you broke something. Something to consider...

Oh and on a side note... do not use 'lol' so often... gets annoying (especially in your email) ;)



Hey thanks man, sorry about the abuse of LOL i'm a little too happy eh. But I promise to notate every part of script I add, also I promise to leave original code there I am just adding to it. For the grenades all we had to do was add a couple things... for the classes same thing the example I pasted was just a quickie the finished one will inclued all the unreal classes as well and just add the two new ones at the bottom. I will try to contact epic thanks for the heads up! The weapons I have I got permision to use, and the rest is a matter of just improving things plugging holes and adding some functions. When I am finished we will keep around the previous versions, I have the very first inf ever made :) it only had a few guns and a version of capture the flag... maybe you member that. Also 2.5 is still around and 2.65 will be as well.

BTW all the old players that remember you say hi btw alot of em still around. Thanks and good luck to all of you guys, hope you build an awesome inf for ut2k4 and that all the infs remain played as long as the original!


arreté pour detention de tomate prohibée
Mar 17, 2003
Paris suburbs
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cool to see that some people still play old inf versions that i never played :D.
maybe in 10 years theire will be a bunch of crazy motherfukcers playing inf2.9 !

cracker, the next inf is for HL2.


New Member
Mar 26, 2005
HL2? OMG! make it ut2k4 instead ! heh (i have ut2k4 not hl2 :p) thanks for the permission beppo btw.

also it may be easier to start from scratch but its more time consuming too... we'd rather work with what we have then make it independant later. mutator to mod.

im working on weapons and a new hud, cracker is working on a new standoff and models. ;) should be fun. and i used to play inf 2.9 but the old inf 2.65 called me back. I'll probably get stuck writing the cheat protections heh.!

besides, i hate fileplanet lines to download big size mods! it takes forever! but the newer inf was really fun, i just had a lot of trouble getting used to it.