my eyes!

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Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
they hurt.
I want the nice soft gray theme back.

otherwise the new software is slick.
for some reason everything feels too big though. like I'm all zoomed in. it's hard to explain.
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Can you post a screenshot and we will see if there is something going on or that is just how it is?


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
I dunno.
font just seems too big. lemme check the spacing using a random wall of text.

Hey guys. I'm in a bit of a pickle here and I'm wondering if you have any tips for what I should do. To be honest I'm a bit shaken up by the last few days, and I'd appreciate advice on what to do next.
I'll start at the beginning: on Monday my friend Alexis brought over some stuff for us to do (drugs) while we hung out. We both had the day off and hadn't seen each other for a few weeks. She and I have both been experimenters of a sort, and she found a guy online that met up and sold her some nightshade (scopolamine). We were going to stick around in the apartment and trip while we did this or that. It was to be a regular hoot, as it were.
So she comes over and we shoot the sh*t, catching up and all that. Eventually she pulls out the package and we mix the leaves of the plant into a tea. Pretty standard stuff. We drank it slow. It tasted pretty bitter but, considering that it was supposed to get me exceedingly high, I didn't really care.
Fast forward a bit, and we're watching some TV together. It's about 7pm and I think the trip started but neither of us realized it until it was too late. I tried to stand up to grab some water and as I'm walking to the kitchen, I realize I actually haven't stood up from the couch yet. This drug is crazy stuff, I say to Alexis. Twenty minutes later she tells me: this drug is crazy stuff.
You see, the nightshade plant is something of a folkloric drug. It has been used by various shamans, witch doctors, hoodoo-ers, and so on, to create an effect of hysteria. Many people liken the effects to a sort of threshold-crossing, a going-into of the spirit realm. Whether that is true, I cannot say. I can say, however, that it feels a lot like you're living in a f*cked up Source Engine existence where all the NPCs are unprogrammed and anomalous.
Alexis and I decided (after an hour of so of intermittent dialogue) to try and drive out to our friend Matthew's place. He was pretty cool (and he had more drugs). It was a pretty easy decision. I noticed Alexis was uneasy-- even a little jumpy, but I attributed that to the fact that she was also probably seeing shadow people dancing around in the hallways of my apartment as we were on our way out.
Anyway here's where it gets weird. On our way there, we drove through a less-than-stellar part of town that was hit pretty hard by the closing of some manufacturing plants. It was the quintessential beyond the tracks type of area. Abandoned duplexes, ripped up roads, drug-crazed homeless people, you name it. Mostly harmless (I lived in there for a good part of my adolescence), especially if you were just driving through.
Being that we were both stoned out of our mind, however, we took a few wrong turns. We ended up deep in the maze of complexes that were mostly condemned by the city. I knew Alexis felt apprehensive about this place-- she had lived in a wealthy upper-middle class place her whole life (not a bit of dirt had ever found its way under her nails). It didn't really strike me. I will say that with it being about 10pm at this point, and the roads being completely sh*t, I was somewhat unsteady.
Even conceding that point didn't explain what we both saw, though. I turned a corner around a broken down former-Salvation Army building and there it was: down the road a bit, some homeless guy was being beaten by a group of guys wearing trench-coats and walrus masks. Now when I say a group, I'm talking like seven guys here. All donning whiskers and tusks, and all beating the absolute dick out of this poor guy on the street.
I didn't know what to say.
We watched them for about twenty seconds before one of the walrus guys looks up and sees our car. Get this, the guy roars to signal to his buddies that there's someone watching. So then they're all looking at me and Alexis. Then two of them pick up the homeless guy and begin dragging him toward a van parked on the other side of the lot that this road was next to. The rest of the guys start running toward us.
My first instinct is to nervously laugh. Alexis grabs the gear shift herself and throws it into reverse, and tells me to “hurry the f*ck up” and “get us out of here.”
I back up hard. We roll over some deep potholes-- my head actually hit the ceiling of the interior on the second one. As soon as I'm able, I turn and drive full speed ahead away. In the rear view mirror I can clearly see at least three guys (wearing walrus masks) running full speed at us.

The rest of the drive to Matthew's is a panic. I'm sure the drugs played a minor role in it all, but Alexis is convinced that we stumbled onto some serious sh*t. She begins telling me all about how she's heard from some friends that there's been a few sightings of weird guys like that (ie wearing masks that look like animals) all over town. She is convinced that we're being followed. Some of it seems sound, but most of it is just nonsense.
We get to Matt's house and tell him the whole story. Naturally, he laughs and gives us some pot to smoke so we can calm down. It's easy enough for me, but by this time (it's around 1am) I can tell Alexis is totally freaked. There isn't much I can do besides try to stem her fear, but she wouldn't have any of it. The next morning we drive back to my place and eat some breakfast together, then I see her off in the apartment parking lot. Fairly normal.

Here's my problem guys: I'm pretty sure I've been followed since then. I know, I know, it sounds crazy. And hey I'll be the first to admit I was on some very heavy sh*t while this went down, and I know it sounds crazy. But here's the thing: I saw the exact same van parked across the street at a liquor place as I was walking out of the grocery store. It had the same dents in the body, the same color, the same tinted windows. It caught my eye even through all the afternoon traffic, and the moment I looked over at it, the van turned on and drove away.
And that's not even the only thing. This morning I woke up and my welcome mat had been flipped over, as if someone was looking for a key. Look, I'm normally a bit on edge about this stuff, but it's gone way farther than it ever has before. I don't think it's a coincidence. I don't want to bring this to Alexis because I think she'd jet out of the country (she's not exactly the best handler of high-stress situations. I'm going to see Matthew again tomorrow-- he hasn't picked up his phone so I'm going to see what's going on in person. I'll follow this up once I have more news. What do you guys think I should do from here?


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Semolina pilchard, climbing up the Eiffel Tower.
Elementary penguin singing Hari Krishna.
Man, you should have seen them kicking Edgar Allan Poe.
I am the egg man, they are the egg men.
I am the walrus, goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob.
Goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob g'goo.


Jul 2, 2011
My avatar seems to have been reverted to something older. And the GIF animation appears broken.

The text size is perfectly fine though. 15px.

Edit: The new layout doesn’t suck on phones!


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Is there other themes...?
Can we now post WebMs?
We will be adding back more themes as time goes on.

I will look into webm support. It's not that hard to add but adding them as attachments is a PITA right now. I am going to be switching attachments to Amazon S3 when I have a chance to figure all of that out. But linking to an external webm should be easy.


Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
I'm using FF with noscript, flashblock and adblock, the site is working just fine for me.

Just disable NoScript on BU and you'll be fine if that's the issue, though you shouldn't need it here at all.