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New Member
May 6, 2000
Thanks to my parents for making me help put up a new fence for at least the past 2 weeks (and its still not finished)
I guess I'll post some screens when I get some more time but right now I have to go to bed because I have to get up early to work on the FµÇkíÑg fence!

-Aspire or Expire-


Infiltration lead level designer
Jun 1, 2000
Washington State
Good fences make good neighbors!

Hey, why don't you try doing like Tom Sawyer did when he had to white-wash his picket fence? It just might work! /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
<h1><font face="symbol">
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"I love war and responsibility and excitement.
Peace is going to be hell on me."

Gen. George S. Patton, Jr.