[lolitics] So... who will do it (Iran)

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Who will spearhead the bombing strikes on Iran?

  • U.S.A.

    Votes: 15 37.5%
  • U.K.

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • France

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • Israel (by default if nobody else does)

    Votes: 17 42.5%

  • Total voters


European Redneck
Feb 6, 2006
kiff said:
Ok, a better one:

There was a little "rumor" yesterday, on Deutsche Welle that a "special committee of expert is examining the option of getting rid of Ahmadinejad and replacing him with a Right wing conservative, Ghalibaf". Ghalibaf was a contender of presidential election in 2005, is an ardent supporter of Khamenei, hates Ahmadinejad's guts--as tape recorded in a private meeting--and is a relatively liked mayor of Tehran, thus likely to calm down the inflamed capitol. Someone (I cannot now recall who) speculated three possibilities that will get rid of Ahmadinejad, while saving the regime's face:

His voluntary resignation
His death or illness
His parliamentary impeachment

Read a few threads if you like: http://iran.whyweprotest.net

Iranian TV in English: http://www.freeetv.com/modules.php?name=Video_Stream&page=watch&id=1318
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Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I like how there is an American flag on Pakistan, who hates us, and only rarely and begrudgingly works with us. (By us I mean the allies)


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
Not sure if this has been mentioned, but Israel has preemptively bombed perceived nuclear threats before.



I'd be surprised if Israel didn't take some kind of action.

I think you have a valid point. On one hand I think that these countries believe they can somehow get away with it. That the world won't have enough resolve to really stop them. On the other hand I have to wonder if they're really that stupid. Israel simply will not let Iran have nuclear weapons, and they're not afraid to strike. It simply doesn't make any sense at all, and that's why I think that Iran is simply just crazy.

I think this Syria incident is particularly interesting. When it happened everyone just kinda downplayed it. It was like Syria was embarrassed that it got caught, and the rest of the world didn't want to make a fuss for fear of conflict. Hence why we all kinda forget about it.


Mar 6, 2008
The Woodlands, Texas
this really sucks. everyone i have met from Iran is extremely kind and happy to be in the U.S. i'm with TWD on this. i think the leadership is just crazy. there are innocent people in Israel and Iran who don't deserve this crap.

Iran also has their fingerprints on support for various terrorist organizations. now those people ARE without a doubt insane. how can other countries sit back and do nothing, they can't. it is just reality that this will not end well.
though being a supporter maybe it is better Bush is not involved to lend
whatever may happen a bit more credibility taking the spotlight off Bush and
this being dealt with as a problem the world needs to address, instead of focus on Bush that was always annoying.

i have to say i am happy, well as happy as one could hope to be with politics on how Obama is choosing to address the issue. hope for the best, but expect the worst. may cool heads prevail.