how too get more pll in ut3

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Killer Fools Pro
Staff member
Nov 8, 2000
So WarTourist, what you're essentially saying is that if a customer goes and buys a product, and that product is unsatisfactory, broken, etc, that person doesn't have a right to complain? If I went to Burger King and ordered a burger, and when I got it the burger was burnt, I would complain and get a new burger. Why should the world of computer games be any different? UT3 still has a lot of major issues that people have been pointing out since release and nothing has been done about them, and that's why people are upset.
Technically that's all they need. After a certain time frame you can't return a game in the US, the company already has your money and that's all that matters. :/


Jan 23, 2008
Technically that's all they need. After a certain time frame you can't return a game in the US, the company already has your money and that's all that matters. :/

Well right now Epic games is fighting a very "noble" battle against returned/used games. :lol:Cliffy needs a new set of rims for his third sports car.

Bishop F Gantry

New Member
Aug 18, 2004
OK everyone what do you guys actualy want to happen to UT3 and the UT series future? By bitching about the games we are all just throwing negativaty at the hole situation.

Maybe we should be trying to posatively sort out the problems and deal with stuff atleast so the developers dont start to hate what thay worked hard on and the game isnt as bad as everyone says in my opionion.

Im all ears, how do we tell Epic to make a game with a good compelling singleplayer experience and an awesome multiplayer component that binds the community togehter?

I still don't see why people hate UT3 so much... I see UT3 as being the highest quality UT game so far. Sure there are bugs but anyone who has played any of the previous UT games unpatched knows they all had their fair share of bugs before and after patching. I'm just excited to see what Epic has in store for us with the expansion :D

Mostly terrible singleplayer game, multiplayer infested by gamespy, Epic trying to reinvent the franchise again, crude UI with limited options, weak ai...

high quality or do you mean looks perty?

I find it strange that someone actually is deffending bugs in a game, this isnt just a design decision someone might disagree with. Its actually deffending the presence of bugs that makes the game unplayable or outright impossible to play the game.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
So WarTourist, what you're essentially saying is that if a customer goes and buys a product, and that product is unsatisfactory, broken, etc, that person doesn't have a right to complain? If I went to Burger King and ordered a burger, and when I got it the burger was burnt, I would complain and get a new burger. Why should the world of computer games be any different? UT3 still has a lot of major issues that people have been pointing out since release and nothing has been done about them, and that's why people are upset.
It depends on the product.

What you're whining about is a problem that spans multiple types of products across multiple formats.

If you buy a movie and it sucks, you can't go unwatch it or return it to the store for the same price you bought it (assuming you opened it to watch it). There aren't demos for movies.

If you buy a CD and hate it, you can't unlisten to it or return it for the same price you bought it for (assuming you opened it to listen to it). Fortunately, there are demos for many (not all) CDs.

In both of the aforementioned cases, you're welcome to complain all you want, but all it will do is make you feel better.

Comparing this to food is ridiculous. Food is a consumable product, you buy it, you eat it, it's gone. There is no relation or correlation in these two industries at all..


Necris Fan
Dec 13, 2008
Im all ears, how do we tell Epic to make a game with a good compelling singleplayer experience and an awesome multiplayer component that binds the community togehter?

Mostly terrible singleplayer game, multiplayer infested by gamespy, Epic trying to reinvent the franchise again, crude UI with limited options, weak ai...

high quality or do you mean looks perty?

I find it strange that someone actually is deffending bugs in a game, this isnt just a design decision someone might disagree with. Its actually deffending the presence of bugs that makes the game unplayable or outright impossible to play the game.

Most of the stuffs already been done. For a start hireing the person who did mapmixer might be a good thing for the UI.


Original UT Owns !!
Jun 19, 2003
Visit site
It depends on the product.

What you're whining about is a problem that spans multiple types of products across multiple formats.

Sorry, but I must differ with you there & go with FuLLBLeeD on this. Read carefully the last sentence in his post.

UT3 still has a lot of major issues that people have been pointing out since release and nothing has been done about them, and that's why people are upset.

He's not giving his opinion there, he's telling the gospel truth. You have to be honest with yourself -- was this the case with original UT or UT2004? We all know full well that wasn't the case. Those games had much more fixed with patch releases, than UT3 has.

Further proof of FuLLBLeeD's statement is clearly illustrated in the latest version of MapMixer, which features a user-friendly UI, configurable bots, will randomly cycle bots with each map change -- the type of features that people have been asking to be implemented into the retail patches, but haven't been.

In my judgement, the $100.00 that I spent for 2 copies of UT3 should be taken away from Epic and given to Sinx -- he's done a hell of a lot more to address the issues with UT3 than they have.


Registered Coder
Mar 12, 2004
The Netherlands
I played the demo when it came out. I played it, trained so I could get better for when the real thing arrived and bought it first thing when it came out. Not because the demo was so good, but it was a beta and it was announced that the finished game would be much better than the beta.

Boy was I disappointed. Nothing changed. Still the same ol' beta. Sure, some bug were squashed. The game is still littered with them. The UI for example is one big bug. It bugs everyone I know who plays the game.

It did teach me to not trust a game company on their word and reputation any more. I loved UT2004 and played it for 4 years straight. Shame that this is the game that had to teach me it.

About half the people on BUF are wrong and don't know what they're talking about? Sounds about right :).

Did you get fired for making retarded comments? Sounds about right :). Calling half the community clueless will certainly help you in your little discussion here.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Sorry, but I must differ with you there & go with FuLLBLeeD on this. Read carefully the last sentence in his post.
For one thing, I wasn't talking about that last sentance. His first claim was that he should be able to complain and actually affect change because he bought the product (the burger analogy), which is wrong.
He's not giving his opinion there, he's telling the gospel truth. You have to be honest with yourself -- was this the case with original UT or UT2004? We all know full well that wasn't the case. Those games had much more fixed with patch releases, than UT3 has.
I'm afraid I have to disagree. That's pretty much a fully biased opinion. Aside from any other argument I could make, let me just remind you that until UT3, Epic has never had a game other than UT to be working on.
Further proof of FuLLBLeeD's statement is clearly illustrated in the latest version of MapMixer, which features a user-friendly UI, configurable bots, will randomly cycle bots with each map change -- the type of features that people have been asking to be implemented into the retail patches, but haven't been.
What is this proof of? Epic doesn't have the time or money to fix every little problem that is happening in the game, so obviously they are going to select the issues that are hurting people the worst. I'm sorry, but the UI is not hurting anyone more than the custom content problems present in retail->1.2 were, and if you think it is, I really can't continue discussion of that any further.
In my judgement, the $100.00 that I spent for 2 copies of UT3 should be taken away from Epic and given to Sinx -- he's done a hell of a lot more to address the issues with UT3 than they have.
He has? Did he fix the dedicated server package? Did he fix the custom content problems? Did he develop the ff-ing game or make any of the content for the game?

FFS... maybe he has done a great job of SUPPORTING the UT3 community and providing them with things they want, but I'd say it's a far stretch to say he has done more than Epic with the issues in the game.

So you want to take all of the money you spent on the game and give it to someone who has spent time modding the game. Great for you.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
Meh. He's a part of that industry; he's playing for the other team. Can't trust Mr. Frank at all, I'm afraid. :)

I am not part of the industry and I agree with WarTourist and "Mr. Frank" as you call him and even with Sir Brizz and such people. I think WarTourist said it right, that sentence you have in your sig and only confirms opinion of many people who are not seen by you that much.

Well on my side of view I cannot trust you T2A, for me you are just a ignorant troll on BUF, sorry.


Original UT Owns !!
Jun 19, 2003
Visit site
For one thing, I wasn't talking about that last sentance. His first claim was that he should be able to complain and actually affect change because he bought the product (the burger analogy), which is wrong.

No, it's not wrong. Please don't tell me that in your lifetime you never complained about being promised one thing and delivered something different -- doesn't happen.

I'm afraid I have to disagree. That's pretty much a fully biased opinion. Aside from any other argument I could make, let me just remind you that until UT3, Epic has never had a game other than UT to be working on.

No, it's not a fully biased opinion. I've seen it with my own eyes and so has everybody else. And what other arguments? Realistically there aren't any other arguments. So, Epic did GOW, too. Big deal! Valve has put out more games than Epic has and always keep them updated & addressed issues in a timely fashion. So have other game companies. Although, I do believe Midway put the heat on them to release it before they really wanted to.

What is this proof of? Epic doesn't have the time or money to fix every little problem that is happening in the game, so obviously they are going to select the issues that are hurting people the worst. I'm sorry, but the UI is not hurting anyone more than the custom content problems present in retail->1.2 were, and if you think it is, I really can't continue discussion of that any further.

LOL -- How could you possibly know Epic doesn't have the time or money to address the issues with the game? Are you an accountant of theirs that lives in their office full-time? Didn't think so. I never said anything about the UI hurting more the game more than custom content problems -- you're way off base and totally out in left field there. Fact is, I haven't had much of a problem with custom content, other than custom characters and server redirect. Certainly, the server redirect issues can be frustrating for full-time online players -- that, I know we agree on.

He has? Did he fix the dedicated server package? Did he fix the custom content problems? Did he develop the ff-ing game or make any of the content for the game?

Considering that he addressed issues that he shouldn't have had to in the first place, I would say, yes he has -- he's given me incentive to play the game again. Did he fix the dedicated server? No, but the problem is Epic hasn't really fixed it either, it's still broken and don't broadcast multiple servers on one machine correctly anymore. MapMixer eliminated the need for me to run multiple servers on one machine, so that me and others who play can enjoy different gametypes from one single server alone. Did he develop the game or make the content for the game? No, but Epic should have hired him and paid him to do so & I'll bet money against you that there's more people that will agree than disagree on that one.

FFS... maybe he has done a great job of SUPPORTING the UT3 community and providing them with things they want

Don't sound so puked out about it & there's no "maybes".

but I'd say it's a far stretch to say he has done more than Epic with the issues in the game.

Now that statement there smacks of a biased opinion. Especially in light of the fact that one man was able to implement features into the game, that an entire development team -- for whatever reason -- didn't, in spite of untold numbers of requests, not only here, but at the official forums as well. Go figure.

So you want to take all of the money you spent on the game and give it to someone who has spent time modding the game. Great for you.

And why would you have any problem with that? You didn't earn those dollars -- I did.
Last edited:


New Member
Apr 7, 2008
Performancewise, the main problem is the algorithm they used to determine settings to apply to the game. It wasn't polished enough and it should have taken feedback from the user on what settings to apply. It was a mistake to automatically implement screen scaling on any PC above say, a Pentium III or something, because thousands of people's first impression of the game were that of disgust with the graphics, even if it did help their performance. Some people will live with 20 fps for a while if they think the game is worth it and will upgrade just for that game.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
No, it's not wrong. Please don't tell me that in your lifetime you never complained about being promised one thing and delivered something different -- doesn't happen.
I didn't say I've never complained, I said that in THIS market, complaining will almost definitely not affect change. The burger analogy doesn't work because that entire market is based on customer satisfaction. The entire game industry, music industry and movie industry DO NOT rely on customer satisfaction. Therefore, the analogy is bust.
No, it's not a fully biased opinion. I've seen it with my own eyes and so has everybody else. And what other arguments? Realistically there aren't any other arguments. So, Epic did GOW, too. Big deal! Valve has put out more games than Epic has and always keep them updated & addressed issues in a timely fashion. So have other game companies. Although, I do believe Midway put the heat on them to release it before they really wanted to.
There are plenty of things I could say here, but it would be frivolous. The patches for UT3 have contained as many or more fixes than the patches for previous UT games. Saying otherwise is just silly. Compare the length of the changelogs please.

What you're really saying is that they are not fixing the things you want fixed, which makes your argument arbitrary and subjective.
LOL -- How could you possibly know Epic doesn't have the time or money to address the issues with the game? Are you an accountant of theirs that lives in their office full-time?
I don't need to. Supporting a game after it comes out costs money with a guarantee of no money in return. So how can you even try to counter this argument?
Didn't think so. I never said anything about the UI hurting more the game more than custom content problems -- you're way off base and totally out in left field there. Fact is, I haven't had much of a problem with custom content, other than custom characters and server redirect. Certainly, the server redirect issues can be frustrating for full-time online players -- that, I know we agree on.
I never said that you said that. I probably did make it seem like I was putting words in your mouth, and that was unintentional so I am sorry. However, my point is still there uncontested. Epic is going to go through all the issues, identify the most painful ones, and put those at the top of their todo list. The ones that aren't causing any pain at all will go at the bottom, and if your issue is hardly affecting anyone, then you can count on it being down there.

Many people have complained about the UI and that is the only reason that I brought it up. The custom content issues were a major game breaking problem, as far as I'm concerned, anything that makes running custom content on a server difficult is a major problem, considering that almost all of the populated servers in every previous UT game are running tons of mods.
Considering that he addressed issues that he shouldn't have had to in the first place, I would say, yes he has -- he's given me incentive to play the game again.
That's your prerogative or whatever. But the fact of the matter is, he could have made a new UI even if the Epic one were perfectly acceptable. That's what people do when they make mods.
Did he fix the dedicated server? No, but the problem is Epic hasn't really fixed it either, it's still broken and don't broadcast multiple servers on one machine correctly anymore. MapMixer eliminated the need for me to run multiple servers on one machine, so that me and others who play can enjoy different gametypes from one single server alone. Did he develop the game or make the content for the game? No, but Epic should have hired him and paid him to do so & I'll bet money against you that there's more people that will agree than disagree on that one.
What the crap are you talking about? There are hundreds of server hosts running UT3 on virtualized game servers...
Don't sound so puked out about it & there's no "maybes".
Why? It sounds like a subjective thing to me... he hasn't done a great job of supporting people that don't care about MapMixer somehow, has he?
Now that statement there smacks of a biased opinion. Especially in light of the fact that one man was able to implement features into the game, that an entire development team -- for whatever reason -- didn't, in spite of untold numbers of requests, not only here, but at the official forums as well. Go figure.
Did you read my post? Obviously you did because you responded to it above, so did you just forget what you read by this point?

Epic doesn't have limitless amounts of time to throw at whatever the hot topic of the day is. Maybe they are working on a UI replacement and are just not happy with it yet. You don't know what they are working on, and that is the core of the problem.

Of course Epic could change whatever they wanted about the game. They made it for Pete's sake! The fact that one person did something that Epic didn't do isn't some amazing thing, he did it because Epic hasn't done it. Plus, he did it in his spare time, pro bono. Something which I doubt someone at Epic would want to do.
And why would you have any problem with that? You didn't earn those dollars -- I did.
I just find it silly that you'd like to not have UT3 and give your money to someone who made a mod for UT3. Doesn't make a lot of sense now, does it?


Curing the infection...
May 20, 2000
Visit site
I didn't say I've never complained, I said that in THIS market, complaining will almost definitely not affect change. The burger analogy doesn't work because that entire market is based on customer satisfaction. The entire game industry, music industry and movie industry DO NOT rely on customer satisfaction. Therefore, the analogy is bust.
Im really hope youre wrong Brizz.

If Epic doesnt listen to all the complaints about UT3 and make sure they dont repeat them for UT4whateverish, it WILL fail again.

Ive said it before, a game like UT needs to SHINE, be soo much better than the competition to draw new ppl in. Being a Sci-Fi shooter IS a disadvantage these days :(