help with ati drivers...

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Third Eye Open
Sep 25, 2004
BooGiTyBoY said:
I also noticed when uninstalling the drivers it shows a 9600xt then under it it also shows another one listed under it as "secondary"
What's that all about.
This means that your ATI card is capable of handling two monitors, i.e. it has two VGA- connectors or one VGA- and one DVI- connector (don't know if a DVI- DVI- model exists).

Do not try to uninstall the "seconary" device although you don't use a second monitor. You may encounter serious problems! Just ignore it :D

And concerning drivers: I had problems with every Catalyst version > 4.5, ranging from bad performance to graphic bugs and sudden reboots while playing. After an OS change from Win2k to WinXP even the "good old" 4.5 wouldn't work properly.

Now I am using the current Omega drivers and I am really impressed. Neither performance issues nor stability probs. Since you shouldn't change a running system: stick to Catalyst 4.12. But if (one day) you find yourself toying with the idea of a driver update, give them a try :D


The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
Thanx Bono, I was still wondering bout' that one. I was pretty much ignoring the secondary. I thought maybe it was picking up the native winXP drivers or something as well. That explains it though. :)

I've used the Omegas in the past on my old ass ATI 7000 and I totally forgot to check them out with this card being I've been using nVid so long.
These 4.12's are working fine but like I aid I'm only really playing 2 games right now. If I run into another one that doesn't like them too much I'll give the Omegas a try. Hopefully I won't have to worry bout' it too long as I'm now saving up for a 6600gt or a 6800. :)


Mar 19, 2004
BooGiTyBoY said:
Thanx Bono, I was still wondering bout' that one. I was pretty much ignoring the secondary. I thought maybe it was picking up the native winXP drivers or something as well. That explains it though. :)

I've used the Omegas in the past on my old ass ATI 7000 and I totally forgot to check them out with this card being I've been using nVid so long.
These 4.12's are working fine but like I aid I'm only really playing 2 games right now. If I run into another one that doesn't like them too much I'll give the Omegas a try. Hopefully I won't have to worry bout' it too long as I'm now saving up for a 6600gt or a 6800. :)

I didn't notice much difference between catalysts and omega's when I used them in the hopes of cranking up the performance of my old Radeon 9600 Pro but to no avail :(

But anyway, I now have a Geforce 6600GT and it runs UT quite well, but please get 1 gig of RAM with the card as ONS runs even worse than before if anything with my 512 mb :hmm:


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Thanatos45 said:
I didn't notice much difference between catalysts and omega's when I used them...
Ditto. I did notice one BIG difference though... The Omega drivers screwed up my advanced display properties so that I couldn't change any of the settings. Went straight back to Catalyst and haven't looked back. :mad:


manta claus
Feb 23, 2004
I've always had good luck with catalyst drivers <knocks on wood> so I've never had a reason to try the omegas. I get ~60 fps regularly now (I toned down all my super-high-detailed settings and noticed that I don't notice much lack of sweetness) on my 9600 pro.


Jan 3, 2004
Turns2Ashes said:
Where's the thing in the INI that lets you cap your framerates different from your refresh rate?

I'd like to know that as well. I just got myself a new rig but with the new rig I also got a TFT screen. I can now run 2k4 at 1280x1024 with everything on normal or up and still get a purty 85 fps online. However, the TFT does give a slight ghosting effect, not much, but still noticable in certain moments. So I was thinking that if my "refreshrate" for the TFT is set at 60 perhaps I need to cap my fps below to avoid some of the ghosting effect. I dunno if that is even possible but it's still worth a try I guess.

Anyone know how to do this?


Jun 12, 2000
No, the response time on your tft is insufficient to the framerate change.

Soz but you need a better monitor.

p.s. never had a positive experience with Omega drivers.


Jan 3, 2004
Well, my responsetime is 12ms and that was the best I could get with a TFT. And because I share the pc with my girlfriend I had to accept the TFT in order to get a fast pc :p

But then I know. Thx for the input edhe!


Mar 19, 2004
dXII][Pa said:
Well, my responsetime is 12ms and that was the best I could get with a TFT. And because I share the pc with my girlfriend I had to accept the TFT in order to get a fast pc :p

But then I know. Thx for the input edhe!

Why would your gf need a TFT monitor, those things are vastly inferior and at least twice as expensive as any CRT... :hmm:

IMO those things are only good if you don't have enough space to put down a CRT monitor.


Jan 3, 2004
Thanatos45 said:
IMO those things are only good if you don't have enough space to put down a CRT monitor.

Give the man a cigar.

Oh, and what I deem to be perfect space for a 21' CRT is at the same time deemed "barely enough space for a 17' TFT" by my girlfriend.

No, I don't pretend to understand girls. Ever. But she's the love of my life, we have two kids, and if she want's a TFT to be happy I'll damn well get one. Oh, and for the TFT being vastly inferior, thats true for games but nothing else.



The ImPaCt-DaMpeNeD BooGeRaToR
kay a new problem has arisen and I've bout had it with this piece of crap-ass ATI card...

Now I get MAJOR hitching during games no matter what I set anything to in my ini, no matter what I set my resolutions and display option too, and I just can't get it to stop no matter what map I'm playing on.

Time to take this P.O.S. out and throw my geforce 4 back in. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....

EDIT: Put my gf4 ti4200 back in... the hitching, it goes bye-bye. No more skitter/jitter either. Damn ATI... grrrr....
Last edited:


manta claus
Feb 23, 2004
Sounds like a code 18 to me - you know, a loose nut behind the wheel?

Fully half of us use ATI cards without hitching....