Gun Control

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Only this, & nothing more...
Dec 6, 2001
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i'd be for gun control, not gun bans.

handguns shouldn't be readily available to the public. yes, the pro-gun lobby is scared because they see it as the first step in 'gun ban' (which I'm not in favor of) or the limiting of freedom. But as it was said earlier in this thread - the US has proven time and again, too many are irresponsible with handguns.


unit 3000-21 is warming
Jan 7, 2001
New York
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I live in NY(not the city) and I feel there is no need for me to own any kind of firearm. I had owned some rifles growing up and they were fun and all, but now I live in an apt. with nowhere to shoot a pellet gun much less a 303. I also think that if i did own a firearm, it would more likely then not make me feel less safe than not owning one.


voodoo rage
Jul 13, 2003
Cambridge, UK
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Hadmar said:
That's awsome, how much did the police officer cost? I imagine it was quite expensive if you can carry it around in your pocket and it insta-grows to a full size human in case of emergency couse that's the only way a police officer will be there to protect you. Unless, of course, all the criminals are so nice to take a time-out while you call the cops and wait for them to arrive.

*edit* Insta-OICWed

Wow, that's amusing :eek:

What I was saying - and I may not have made myself too clear on this - is that in the UK we don't have guns in the public domain so if someone breaks into your house it is much less likely they will be "packing heat". Much easier to apprehend someone with a knife than a gun...

Homerism: "Beer... the cause of solution to all life's problems". Kinda fitting.

If someone broke into my house and they weren't after hurting me specifically, let them take the stuff and reclaim from insurance. Fcuk getting involved, that's for brainless heroes who want a bullet in the chest. Trouble is, some people (not all) have this brainless theory about protecting what's yours. Who gives a crap, it's only stuff.

Tighter gun control is a necessity. Fewer people would die. Surely that's a good thing?

Iron Archer

Holy ****ing King of Trolls
Mar 23, 2000
Zarkazm, you make me laugh out loud, seriously. Are you done talking down to us?? If guns were outlawed in the US, they would be just as available as illegal drugs. Funny thing about guns though, you can actually defend yourself with one and/or kill the criminal that is trying to kill you--eliminating the fear of "gee I wonder if x criminal will get out of jail (very likely) and come back and kill me?" In europe most house burglars will wait until you are gone and rob you blind--I know this from experience, I lived in Europe 10 years and we were robbed 3-4 times--while in the US they will break into your house while you are there and in many cases kill/rape you.

I submit to you this question: You are a female, alone at night in your house. You wake up to noises and turns out it's some criminal breaking in and he intends to steal what he can and rape/kill you. Do you plan to a) appease the crook & take the rape in stride, hoping that he doesn't kill you or b) get your pistol and put your sights on the door, waiting for the eventual criminal to come walking through?

Gun control is an eventual step towards banning guns, don't fool yourself. If you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. I'm not a UK basher, but the origin of gun rights in the US is a direct product of fighting with the Brits over 200 years ago, and I find it funny that many UKers find our gun rights deplorable and "savage".


Jan 10, 2002
But seriously Deadpool_1-0, if some criminals want to kill you do you really think you'll be able to defend yourself even if you owned a tank? When n00bs use guns ppl get killed. Why dont you talk to your republican friends and make them hire more cops instead.
You were robbed 3-4 times in Europe??? Wow now there's some bs. :rolleyes:
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Grey Pilgrim
Feb 2, 2000
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Many gun owners spend more time at the range than the Police do.
Hell, An afternoon down at the Range is a common Saturday for my friends and I.
Just because someone puts on a blue suit and a shiney badge, They are NOT infalible. Oh and where exactly are the police going to come in to Deadpool's argument? Looks to me like his example shows an instance when You have NO HOPE of having the big-bad police save yer but

And do you have proof that he WASN'T Robbed in Europe? Why do you think YOU know his personal experience better than he.


Dapper Rat
May 9, 2000
Great Britain
ZenPirate said:
That's kind of silly, isn't it? I mean it's just as easy to shoot someone with a shotgun as it is a handgun. Maybe you just have less careless idiots in the UK than we do.

I think the total ban on handguns was the result of the shootings in Dunblane Primary School in 1996. For those who don't remember 3 staff and 28 pupils were shot by one man in 3 minutes. 16 children and 1 staff member died.

The weapons used were 4 legally held hand guns including, from memory, two 9mm Brownings. The owner had a license to hold such weapons as he was a member of a local full bore shooting club.

Remember this was a primary school, and the eye witness accounts of children cowering behind chairs being hunter down and shot by this man shocked the whole country. The UK has no gun culture and although we believe in personal freedom the general feeling was that the freedom to own combat handguns is not required by the average UK citizen. As a result legislation was brought in to ban the ownership of such weapons. I believe .22 competition pistols are still legal.

Prior to the ban 50% of domestic killings and 20% of homicide killings in the UK were with legally held weapons.


Only this, & nothing more...
Dec 6, 2001
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ZenPirate said:
That's kind of silly, isn't it? I mean it's just as easy to shoot someone with a shotgun as it is a handgun. Maybe you just have less careless idiots in the UK than we do.

it depends, but in most cases (at least from my experience) shotguns are harder to use than handguns. training, model/type, proximity to target - all factor in.

...take the stereotypical pump or level action shotgun, it's heavy, requires two arms to properly sight, and you need to keep your shoulder pressed in real good (kick), and put your cheek fairly close to the stock in order to aim. a moving target requires full upper torso movement. after 1 shot, you have to use the action in order to chamber another shell - this is usually difficult to do if you're trying to keep since the action itself causes consider jolting (or whatever you want to call it).


Re-edifying the post-panarchic duodonemy
Jan 28, 2001
Location: Location:
DedMeat said:
As a result legislation was brought in to ban the ownership of such weapons. I believe .22 competition pistols are still legal.

I think rifles under .25 are also legal. During my AS year I had extra physics help from a tutor (bloody good one, but I digress) who was apparently part of a gun club. He used to occasionally mention that the first shot he fired after the gun hadn't been used for a while used to be supersonic, which would lead me to believe that maybe you're only allowed subsonic weaponry, too :)


Dapper Rat
May 9, 2000
Great Britain
You're probably right. I know .22 rifles are still legal. My comments weren't aimed (pardon the pun) at rifles, I was trying to explain to ZenPirate why handguns were subject to a ban when shotguns were not.


Not Just Your Ordinary Cod
Sep 12, 2001
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In the US you have to go through a background check, sometimes it may take only 30 to 45 mins, or it may take 7 to 10 days to get cleared to purchase a gun.

I'm with a few others, Enforce the laws we have now, we don't need any new gun control laws. The next time a school shooting occurs you'll see Democrates and soccer moms (who are on some kind of prescription medication, xanax, valium, zoloft etc.) preaching about new guns laws, and how we need to take everybody's guns away and it will be a much safer country, but nobody is asking how these kids got the guns, are their parents that much out of touch with them that they don't know what their kid is doing...Bah!!!

Shotguns -V- Pistols/Rifles Theory

A shotgun will kill ya just as quick or in some cases quicker than a pistol or a rifle, and i'll tell ya something else everybody seems to forget about the "Black Powder" rifles, a 54 Cal. Black Powder rifle will plast your ass all over a wall, and now you can just about reload it as fast as you can a six shot pistol.

Guns laws are crazy, criminals will always have guns. If i'm hellbent on killing somebody me having or not having a gun won't be an issue there are too many ball bats, knives, pipes, etc. etc. ( get the point) laying around to use...
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<img src="
Jan 29, 2002
Super_Cod said:
If i'm hellbent on killing somebody me having or not having a gun won't be an issue there are too many ball bats, knives, pipes, etc. etc. ( get the point) laying around to use...
If I'm hellbent on killing you, you having or not having a gun won't be an issue either.


Dec 21, 2000
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Anyway, I agree with having more cops on the streets...
letting the average Joe to own a gun for self protection is just an excuse to virtually reduce budget for citizen protection.
If there's insecurity, put more cops, fight poverty.... allowing guns,without any control (I don't agree with a complete ban tho) is like saying, "save yourself" 'cos soon it may not matter to the state anymore.


I am the Hugh Grant of Thatcherism
Mar 26, 2000
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D66 said:
And do you have proof that he WASN'T Robbed in Europe? Why do you think YOU know his personal experience better than he.

I've never even seen a gun in Britain. Is that an all-conquering argument for gun control? Nope.

Personal experiences count for nothing whether they're true or not. Of course, with an argument as deadlocked as gun control ("We need guns to protect us from the government taking away our freedoms!" "But didn't your government pass the DMCA and the Patriot Act without resitance and lock up 660 people, including children and Americans, at Camp X-Ray?" "Uhhh.... TITORRIST!") that's all that can really be added to the debate.


Charles leChaud is my hero
Oct 22, 2002
Okay, US-style? Screw gun control. Patent the use of guns in the commission of crimes, and then copyright all crimes. Then, use the DMCA to justify shooting all of the criminals.


New Member
Aug 5, 2000
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How many lives did you see guns save recently? What, are they using pistols to blast cancerous cells out of people's bodies? "Well done Doctor, you saved him!" "Don't thank me, thank... CHARLTON HESTON!"

According to the US department of justice guns are used in self defense on average of 1.5 million times a year. There have been many many studies trying to figure out how many times guns are used in self defense by both pro and anti-gun groups and all fall into the range of 1-2 million times per year.

Misspoopshoot, while your arguements do apply argueably (they are good points, but can be fairly disputed, however i don't want to start that arguement now) to the UK, they show a woeful ignorance of the crime culture in america. I don't mean that to be insulting in any way but in the US criminals have a much higher propensity to kill you then in the UK, and not just with guns either, thousands of murders are commited with knives and blunt force trauma. On top of that there is a thriving black market for weapons in the US, to the point where it is much easier and cheaper to get an illegal weapon then it is to get a legal one, so criminals already use mostly illegal weapons.


And Apple a day keeps the doctor away
Sep 16, 2001
Winnipeg MB
But its simply put, gun controll depends on the person owning one, if he/she can't controll themselves then thus we have another tragic case. Banning guns we all know means nothing becaue you can get them from somewhere, some how. Like prohibition for example, it meant nothing for the determined folks who brewed their own booze.