GamePro Rumour Mongering

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Flak Monkey
Jul 13, 2002
Parts Unknown
I liked GamePro better when it was just Doctor Dave saying how cool the new Street Fighter II game is gonna be (yeah, I'm that old). A couple years after that it turned into a pile of crap that it is today...

LamePro has always been known for stiring sh*t up for years recently and then disguise it as an April's Fool joke when they get called on it. It mostly appeals to school kids who like to spread wild gossip on the playground. And I looked at the recent issue that talks about FPS games to see what they say about UT3...that rag is a freaking joke.

<edit> Well, was at a store and saw GamePro so I wanted to look at the "news" story for a good laugh and it was a prediction for the new year. Not so much an actual news item but more like Popular Science saying we'll have flying cars for several decades now.

Hal, thanks for updating that correction....seems gaming news web sites go even lower than print mags to get more readers. As Bush would say, we just fell for the trap! (Myself included...)

PS. I still stand by my comments of LamePro being a rag...
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