Epic Games Announces: Fortnite

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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
As promised, Epic Games unveiled its next big thing tonight on Spike's VGA show. I'd be willing to bet most people were thinking about the latest Unreal Engine showcase, Samaritan, they released a while back... they'd be wrong.

Fortnite, instead, looks to be something of a tower-defense game. Check out the trailer:

An article on Forbes goes into a little more detail and it mentions that now the trailer is out they will see what publishers show interest.

FORTnITE is unlike any game Epic has made to date. The stylized action game is actually hard to pin down to a single genre. It has various gameplay elements that vary by time of day. During daylight, the multiplayer experience will focus on building up a fortress through teamwork and sharing resources. This fortress becomes crucial when the sun goes down and the undead rise. It?s during this phase of the third-person perspective game that shooting zombies takes over.


Malcolm's Sugar Daddy
Sep 16, 2004
I guess everyone rips off free flash games these days. I don't remember what the hell it was called, but there is a flash game out there that has you build your tower during the day and defend it at night.

Also, as much as I'm happy that they've finally got rid of the steroid freaks with glowing armor, Valve has to be pretty pissed to see this.


Active Member
Jan 21, 2004
An article on Forbes goes into a little more detail and it mentions that now the trailer is out they will see what publishers show interest.

Screw the publishers. This has Steam/XBLA/PSN/App Store for $15-20 written all over it. They can probably get away with self-publishing on those channels. Just keep it the hell away from EA for the love of all that is good in the world.

Also, as much as I'm happy that they've finally got rid of the steroid freaks with glowing armor, Valve has to be pretty pissed to see this.

Eh. It's the same sort of art style but Valve hardly owns that sort of thing.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Looks interesting, but it has "free"-to-play written all over it.


_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
As fun as Fortnite looks to possibly be, I am very disappointed that Samaritan isn't going to be an actual game. I mean, I was fairly certain the latter was a no-go, but still had hopes for it.


Das Protoss
Aug 3, 2005
As fun as Fortnite looks to possibly be, I am very disappointed that Samaritan isn't going to be an actual game. I mean, I was fairly certain the latter was a no-go, but still had hopes for it.

I'm pretty sure Epic said that Samaritan was going to be a game at some point.


if (Driver == Bot.Pawn); bGTFO=True;
Aug 24, 2002
Screw the publishers. This has Steam/XBLA/PSN/App Store for $15-20 written all over it. They can probably get away with self-publishing on those channels. Just keep it the hell away from EA for the love of all that is good in the world.
If a tiny little dev like TimeGate can manage to self-publish Section 8 Prejudice, Epic can sure as hell afford to self-publish this

But yea, Fortnite doesn't look like anything special


New Member
Jun 12, 2010
My guess is that they want to do more low-budget-low-risk titles.
AAA development can be exhausting and if it misses it's target sales you're in trouble.

I'm surprised though, this looks like a very un-epic game, so I consider that a bonus.

And the next person that screams 'TF2 ripoff' should be kicked in the nuts.
Like if Valve travelled back in time to give divine inspiration to Tex Avery or something...
I would not expect this to be a full on $50 game from Epic. Probably $20, maybe $30 (at least that's all i would be willing to pay. It is for sure a cross-breed of games, so I'm sure it will be good. Games that I enjoy too. No game play scenes means I can't really judge the game, however the jest of it seems to be a "Plants Vs. Zombies with TF2 styling and the purple dudes from Abes Oddesy" lol

It's a whole new direction for Epic. It's not a GoW game or UT game, so I'll be waiting for the reviews. They have done a great job in the past with their first installment of franchise games, and this will probably be the same. Hopefully they will not go to EA, as that would be a lost purchase on my part personally, also any "Free-to-play" will result in me not buying it. Also, I hope that it is at least 4 player co-op. 2 player co-op just isn't as fun when you have a good group of IRC Pals players.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Another tower defense game?

It's a whole new direction for Epic.
But it's already been done by others.

Epic really need to get some new concepts going and get ahead of the curve instead of following it.

seems like a mix between minecraft and team fortress

Let's all share.. some resources. It's a caring, sharing online world... with a few guns thrown in.

Samaritan looks awesome. Epic really need to put their thinking cap back on and get on with this instead.
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