UE2 - UT2kX Dynamic (Per-map) server packages

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New Member
Feb 1, 2015
Hello. I am working on a system that is supposed to add and remove ServerPackages in the *ini dynamically, on a per-map basis.
Meaning if some map is running couple of SPs must be added to the list, and all other uneeded must be removed removed,
and when another map is voted, the ones from the current map being removed, and the ones needed for the map to come to be added.
I am trying to do this in a custom gametype, since it will be easier I think.
What I currently have is:
in the "ProcessServerTravel" function, I do a check for the current map, and the map that is coming next.
Depending on the current map, I run a function "RemoveServerPackage" from Elliots mutator, that will remove the unneeded server package (that was used the current map)
and after that I run function AddServerPackage that will add the neede serverpackages for the map that is coming next.
I have tested this on dedicated server, but for some reason I am not getting consistent results, meaning htat when map changes, my game will not always get the information that the server's Server Package list has been updated, and thus leading to failure of downloading the appropriate file.

If you have better idea or suggestion, or even ready made mutator or code please post here, I will be thankful!


New Member
Feb 1, 2015
Hello all, I have tested this :
and it works without any changes although its for UT 99, (of course I recompiled it)
But unfortunately is not very stable: if you put more than 2 DynamicPackages per map,, server will crash at map change.
I am trying to figure out what can be done.
A solution I think would be to use very high setting for ServerTravelPause, I tried putting as up to 20 seconds but did not help.
I guess the function should be called as early as possible, and then the game should wait some time to make sure all the DynamicServer packages have been set properly before attempting map change.