Battle-Field 3

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Apr 11, 2006
This actually looks really good. And, well, it's a trailer so obviously that's going to be the case, but still, quite a graphical leap from BC2 to this. Might be time for a PC upgrade finally.


Master Console Hater
Dec 31, 2005
The "gameplay" trailer made me lose almost all hope for the game as soon as I saw "frostbite 2". Unless they can make it feel more like BF2 than BC2--which I doubt they can--then I'm not going to get this for any reason besides single player.

The trailer is obviously in-engine (plenty of jaggies, HDR identical to Bad Company's), I'd question if it's truly gameplay and not scripted. Nothing about that player's aiming looks natural or human. So unless a lot input detail is lost in recording playback like most engines, I really doubt that was a human.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
The "gameplay" trailer made me lose almost all hope for the game as soon as I saw "frostbite 2". Unless they can make it feel more like BF2 than BC2--which I doubt they can--then I'm not going to get this for any reason besides single player.

The trailer is obviously in-engine (plenty of jaggies, HDR identical to Bad Company's), I'd question if it's truly gameplay and not scripted. Nothing about that player's aiming looks natural or human. So unless a lot input detail is lost in recording playback like most engines, I really doubt that was a human.

Whats wrong with the engine?


Master Console Hater
Dec 31, 2005
Where do you even start? Graphics and physics aside, refractor is superior in almost all ways.


Master Console Hater
Dec 31, 2005
Dedicated server out of the box. Can't find a server you and your buds like from the server list? Have a spare PC, a decent upload and know what the eff you're doing because you're a nerd who also likes video games? Bam, you can have a server up in less than a day with all the admin controls you could ever need physically in front of you. No paying EA for a server you don't even have complete control over and troubleshooting through nothing but web admin and customer service. It's an nice option for people want their own server without hassle, but it's nothing I'd ever use. There's plenty of decent communities to become part of.

Audio. Aside from the cool but cheesy effects you get BC2 (funny doppler, shell shock) the positioning is superior in BF2. The game also has better channel support (that's pretty bad for a game is made when a lot less people had 5.1 and 7.1) and can handle way more simultaneous channel instances. That's kinda nice in large battles...

Netcode. Everyone knows BF2's wasn't perfect but I'd take it over BC2's any day. Far more consistent, accurate and efficient. Handles more players more easily. Can be modded to handle even more players.

Controls and movement. Some people say everything about the BC2 movement is intentional by design. I question that but even if it was, it's crap compared to BF2's. Not to mention it gets even worse with any kind of lag. It'd be like comparing GRAW to UT, one is delayed, slow and frustrating while the other gives you a much better feeling of control and responsiveness. Any kind of delay is a very clear form of gameplay balance, where in BC2 it is not. It just feels like lag and crummy animations.


Master Console Hater
Dec 31, 2005
I know that BC2 uses a modified Frostbite 1 (they call it Frostbite 1.5 most of the time now) and at the time of BC2's announcement it was advertised as Frostbite 2. There's also not a huge difference between the those two (almost solely DX11 support and physics changes) and the trailer sure doesn't make it look there's going to be any. Does that mean I know what it's going to be like? Of course not. But, I have no reason to believe that Frostbite 2 isn't the same engine with some tweaks based on what we've seen and DICE's record.

I can herp-derp-you-know-nothing-stfu too. There's no need to be an ass.


Das Protoss
Aug 3, 2005
Oh wow the comment section is basically retarded, from the people claiming it's a CoD clone, to the people spamming image macros.

Looks okay.. I wish they would show the MP soon though. That's really all I care about in a BF game.
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A Loose Screw
Nov 13, 2005
Dedicated server out of the box. Can't find a server you and your buds like from the server list? Have a spare PC, a decent upload and know what the eff you're doing because you're a nerd who also likes video games? Bam, you can have a server up in less than a day with all the admin controls you could ever need physically in front of you. No paying EA for a server you don't even have complete control over and troubleshooting through nothing but web admin and customer service. It's an nice option for people want their own server without hassle, but it's nothing I'd ever use. There's plenty of decent communities to become part of.

Audio. Aside from the cool but cheesy effects you get BC2 (funny doppler, shell shock) the positioning is superior in BF2. The game also has better channel support (that's pretty bad for a game is made when a lot less people had 5.1 and 7.1) and can handle way more simultaneous channel instances. That's kinda nice in large battles...

Netcode. Everyone knows BF2's wasn't perfect but I'd take it over BC2's any day. Far more consistent, accurate and efficient. Handles more players more easily. Can be modded to handle even more players.

Controls and movement. Some people say everything about the BC2 movement is intentional by design. I question that but even if it was, it's crap compared to BF2's. Not to mention it gets even worse with any kind of lag. It'd be like comparing GRAW to UT, one is delayed, slow and frustrating while the other gives you a much better feeling of control and responsiveness. Any kind of delay is a very clear form of gameplay balance, where in BC2 it is not. It just feels like lag and crummy animations.
1) Dedicated server is an EA issue. Nothing to do with the engine.

2) Audio -- Yeah that's -- complicated.

3) Netcode -- I had SOO much trouble with BF2's netcode I STRONGLY disagree with you... and the people on Teamspeak who heard my curse up a storm would agree.

It was so bad that one day people asked who was playing... someone said "No-one"... I said I was... people said "But you're quiet"... I said "Yeah I'm playing Unreal... I only swear when EA's glitchy **** kills me for no reason"

I don't swear NEARLY as much now that I'm on BC2. Sure, half the players... but still.

I mean it's not perfect -- but it's MUCH better than it was.

4) Controls? If you have a slower computer -- BF2's engine even ignored input or delayed it for a few frames.

As for movement? It's a slower more sluggish game. That's how it's designed... so console players can aim easier.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
1) Dedicated server is an EA issue. Nothing to do with the engine.

2) Audio -- Yeah that's -- complicated.

3) Netcode -- I had SOO much trouble with BF2's netcode I STRONGLY disagree with you... and the people on Teamspeak who heard my curse up a storm would agree.

It was so bad that one day people asked who was playing... someone said "No-one"... I said I was... people said "But you're quiet"... I said "Yeah I'm playing Unreal... I only swear when EA's glitchy **** kills me for no reason"

I don't swear NEARLY as much now that I'm on BC2. Sure, half the players... but still.

I mean it's not perfect -- but it's MUCH better than it was.

4) Controls? If you have a slower computer -- BF2's engine even ignored input or delayed it for a few frames.

As for movement? It's a slower more sluggish game. That's how it's designed... so console players can aim easier.

I'm with this, except I think that BC2 has the best game audio I've experienced. Does it have problems with 7.1? I don't know, I don't have a 7.1 system (and think they're overkill, tbh, and a waste of money for more/lower quality speakers), but it works great with 5.1 and sounds unbelievable. BF2 was fine in the sound department, but nothing thrilling.



Feb 3, 2003
I waited in line to watch a demo of this at PAX East and was supremely irritated to find that it was literally the same as what is in the trailer. HOW EXCITING!


Das Protoss
Aug 3, 2005
BF2 also had supressing fire. If a shot landed close to you, the screen got blurry.

New video looks good, nothing spectacular though. I wish they'd show some more vehicle action. So far we've seen a helicopter, a jet and the inside of a jet, from what looked like a mission.
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