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Feb 10, 2000
0 the hell was I ever good at that game!?
JEsus! I figured "Hey, I'm all l337 and stuff. Owning these newbies who are still playing unreal should be fun"

Not only did my ass get handed to me, I found myself thinking "Hes cheating! Hes using an aimbot!"

The feel of the game is sooooo weird. The ASMD, the dodging, the rifle, and whats worse, you cant change crosshairs! Talk about bad aim! I couldnt aim worth sh!t with that crosshair! *L*

All you l337 doods out there, try the first unreal again.
That will humble ya!


Herald of the Newest Dawn

Geeeeeeze, unreal and UT are like 2 diff games, I play both online, you need WHOLLY different strategies for both but playing both ENHANCES both, such as, Bots in Unreal SUCK MONKEY BALLS. Bots in UT are good (i think of all bots as my inferior, especially when i can have a lockout with 16 maxed out bots on any random UT level, i will get all the frags, they will many? NONE) So I play UT with bots for assault and Domination ( I am Domination god and if you see me playing on gamespy, beware the frigate...BEWARE Morbias ][ and for gods sake don't make me drag you into a CTF game.) Then i go play Unreal 1 and woop some ass in the original morbias (untill today...apparently no one has the same version of morbias that i have....GOD DAMN UPDATES) Untill about noon, then i get my ass some breakfast and get some sleep (this only works on weekends and holidays, i DO have to work ya know) So both are equally enhancing, after playing UT i SPIT on bots in unreal. But then again I spit on bots in UT too. but OTHER THAN THAT, the weapons behave differently, the UT Flakker (love that gun) is WAY different than the original's Flakker, the UT one does more damage with first fire because the projectiles are heated and such, and the minigun, (I love the original what happened to that one? It's way better that the new one) and also, going ut back to U, there is a noticanble lack of my favorite weapon....REDEEMERS, where'd thay go? Wahhhh!!!!!(morbias just ins't the same without the sudden rumble and "mmmmMonster Killl....") So have fun, when you get used to Unreal you'll realize that your better at it than you are UT! it'll happen, give it time.

(opinions expressed in this post should always be taken with a grain of salt.........DIE SLUGS)


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Gabriel dude!

When you own the bots, when they are your inferiors, on what skill do you put 'em? novice? :)

Just kidding :) but i'm kinda curious.. i hate it when people brag about something. (ok so you're a little l337, now cut it out!! =b)

bTw if even godlike bots are inferior to you :) good going but for how long have you been playing UT? and unreal?
again, i'm curious. bla...

Damn I'm glad i found Modplug player for UT and unreal. I really dig the Music!


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Well, I reinstalled Unreal a few months ago. I'm having a blast replaying the sp game. Unfortunately, my map folder has a few hundred fewer maps in it now. :)
You're right, DA, that the weapons require a different tactic. Some people say that the Unreal weapons require more skill. I just think they aren't as powerful and refined.

When you look at the differences between the two, you just have to laugh at the people who suggest that UT is simply Unreal with prettier textures.

So what is the Unreal online gaming situation like these days? Most importantly, is anyone running a server for RealCTF? :)


Herald of the Newest Dawn
To NeoNite

I Pity tha fool that thinks i can't waste a few hundred Supreme bots in 20 mins.

No I have everything (Except Camping) maxed out, accuracy, efficieny, everything, it's fun (i do die quite a bit, but they make up for it by shooting rockest at each other while I dodge) and it's really all about how predictable they are.

I have been playing UT offline with bots for....well since 2 days after it came out, i've been playing unreal for....i don't ever remember not playing Unreal...hehehe But i guess it's patching time, i have 225f now for Unreal (everyone else got it, I don't play UT online much, the modem says no.)

Prolly of me 'n you fought you'd win, I win at bots because i know all the paths they take for CTF (hops from path to path with a transloc and gets in front of them) but a human would take the backroads and sneak up on me, I'd therefore lose, but in DM, bots still being predictable things they are, come into their light, Because mindless killing doesn't take much brain do it? But when you pack 16 ultra hyped bots in a small area (If they hadn't updated morbias, I would have sold my game by now) with big guns, Like the Eightball/Rocket Launcher and Redeemer means that they'll get their own team quitr often, (alowing for me to die and get near perfect scores) Because to make things harder, I play TeamDM (me red, them blue) and watch the carnage.


The Original Brother Ooze!
Apr 7, 2000
Minneapolis, MN, USA
Visit site
Why post?


If you don't care about my opinions...and you don't care, if I care, about your opinions... then you (logically) should expect me, to not care about your opinions.

So my question is...why post at all?

You may actually have something intelligent to say at some point... but I haven't read it yet. If you think anyone is interested (or cares) how you "whoop up" on bots then your wrong... or at least start your own thread.

I'm certain you don't care about my opinion... but if you want to have someone influenced by your opinions then have something to say.


No Soup For You

I got your PM right HERE!
C'mon Gabriel

You can have a "lockout" on 16 bots with the settings maxed on any given UT map?! cough cough bullsh#t cough cough (unless lockout means you lose ;))

Are we talking Godlike bots with accuracy, skills, strafing, etc. sliders maxed out?

I'm extremely skeptical - is this with or without mssr funbot engaged ? :)

Not even Codfish the Great could backup those claims!


Jul 31, 2000
East Fort Sp0rkville
yeah soup, that's what i thought he was saying too.
if you had a maxed out godlike botmatch with 16 bots, and either loque or tammerlane was included, they'd have like 14 kills each with the mini before i could even get to my first weapon!

although, putting them all on the same team in a tdm like he said might yeild different results.
