2.75 STILL hold its own!

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Jun 6, 2000
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now, before 2.80 came out i used to play 2.75 on sobservers ALL the time. but, after the new release of infiltration i faded away from the older version.

because i missed all the guys i used to play with on sob i decided to reinstall 2.75 and get the old maps from realmaps.

to my suprise i went back on sob and the game STILL kicks major ass!! 2.75 is much more "action Packed" in the sense that you can still use the old ut style fighting in it, while using all the kickass guns.(except that dam'ned at4 :D)

so my point of this post is this. A whole bunch of you fellas are getting your panties all in a bunch about the release of 2.85 for the online code. 2.75 is still a great game to play, and if you can't wait any longer im sure it will tide you over.

only problem i see with 2.75 is no desert eagle. :D


Acey4 NA

New Member
Nov 27, 2000
if i wanted to play a 2.75,i could just og onto my maximumcd and get agent x installed

its right out side the door,now testify!


New Member
Apr 24, 2000
Chandler, Az, USA
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Yup, JB and I had a good time tonight playing!

I got a bit sick of bot play and hadn't played 2.75 in a few months, And decided to play 2.75 again.

It is still a blast. Playing style is of course different, but It is great.

Jb and I tried some teamplay. It is not as easy as you think as strategies would have to be talked about beforehand, and you can't really do that on public servers.

Basicly, Johnny just led and I covered his ass the best I could. Of course I always got shot before him.(But he has cable and me 56k).

Anyways, If you want teamplay, There is always 2.75 until 2.85 comes out. I Mean it held me for like 5-6 months for 2.8. It can quench my thirst for online play again until 2.85. I mean , How much longer, really? Prolly two months max for 2.85.

Oh well

