Possible New Game Type

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Counter Terrorist Operative
Mar 25, 2001
:) Please, no flaming in this thread.
:) Only intelligent, non-hostile contributions are welcome
:) No personal attacks, PERIOD.
:) If you do not like this idea and don't have a valid solution to what you don't like about it, don't bother posting. Move on the the next thread please. (If you point out a problem or flaw in the idea, please offer a solution.)

(Geez! Its a shame I had to even start my post this way)

This idea is basically a combination of TDM and Hostage Rescue. If this has been suggested before, I apologize for being redundant. I am posting this to present an idea and to hopefully get some constructive feedback on the idea. Whether or not the INF dev. team takes notice or thinks it is a useful idea is not my main purpose, though I hope they will also be able to give some feedback as well. This idea is mostly to get people's thoughts and to exercise the brain.

Game Type: P.O.W.

This game type would be played TDM style with 2 opposing teams. The main difference is that you can win the round by either killing off the opposing team or by capturing the opposing team members (or any combination of the two).


Capturing would involve touching an opponent and pressing a "capture" key. The "captured" opponent would then lose all use of weapons (confiscated) and become "attatched" to his/her captor ("captured" players can only be dragged where the "captor takes them and will have no ability to move on their own except maybe to look around.) The advantage to capturing an opponent as opposed to killing an opponent would be a higher team score per capture as opposed to score per kill. It may even be good to show the number of "captures" each player has scored since scoring a capture would take more skill than just running around with the trigger depressed. A captor would be able to kill his prisoner, but would only gain the kill point and not the capture point. When you have a prisoner, pressing the "capture" key again would release the prisoner, allowing them to move about freely, but without use of any weapons. A player will only be able to have one prisoner at a time. The "capture" points will only be awared to a player who is able to keep his prisoner unrescued. If the captor is killed while towing a prisoner, the prisoner is able to move about freely, but is not free (able to use weapons) until rescued by a teammate. (more on this later)

Example: player A captures player B and gains 5 team/personal points for the capture. Player A and the team will retain those points until player B is rescued (more on rescuing later), at which time player A/team loses 5 points. Player A could drop off player B and capture player C which would give player A/team 10 points. As mentioned before, if player A kills either player B or C while they are still prisoners, 5 points for each prisoner are subtracted and only one point is awared for the kill. If player A's teammate kills either player B or C, 5 points are subtracted from player A's/team total and one point awared to the killer/team total for the kill.

* I can hear it now. "You f*cking killed my prisoners and stole my capture points ass-hole!"*


To "rescue" a captured teammate, you must (first locate them) touch/stand next to them and press the "capture" key to release them. The captured prisoner then regains use of whatever weapons/ammo they had before capture. The opposing team will then lose 5 points for each rescue against them.

An option would be that each prisoner would display a beacon the color of the capturing team over their head, visible to only the capturing team to indicate that they are a captured. Also a captured teammate would display a beacon the color of the opposing team over their head visible only to teammates. If you want to take the ultra realistic route, no beacons would be displayed and you would just have to pay attention to which players had no weapons in hand and these would be your "captured" individuals. Identifying which team they are on would remain an issue of knowing your camos.

TK's would have the same penalty that they do now, prisoner or no. (The opposing team would retain the capture points)

The team who captures and/or kills all members of the opposing team is the winner of the round.

I tried to cover all holes and their solutions, but the ideas were coming so fast that I may have missed some. I also tried to work the idea so that no alterations to maps would be necessary and that it could be played on any TDM map.

Of course this would all work better once and if the sprinting speed is toned down to human levels.

What do you think?


Jul 26, 2001
Washington, DC
the main problem i see with the proposed system is the actual act of "capturing"... IRL you're not going to take prisoners by running up and grabbing a guy laden with weapons... the only way you'll be taking prisoners is either by wounding them, or by having them surrender... now, the latter is obviously not going to be an option for most players, so that's moot unless someone can come up with some incentive to do so... the former may be an option, though... if you wound an enemy (maybe to an arbitrary "health level") you'd be able to, but that brings up some problems in itself...
i dunno, capturing isn't the kind of thing we soldiers do... we take prisoners if someone surrenders to us, but otherwise we kill or be killed...


l33t 14 year old with an iron sight RC50
Sep 30, 2001
Middleof Nowhere
Visit site
This idea is pretty good. How about having a "prison" where the capturer takes the capturee? Once they do then they earn their team a solid 5 points. The capturees become "prisoners" and are only released when the button on the "prison" is pressed by a team mate. There are no points added for the recues, and no points are taking away from the capturing team. If they put in a unconcious mode in the game where you get shot but don't die then that would help out ALOT.

P.S. ever know you can drag corpses by highlighting them and pressing the use key?


Counter Terrorist Operative
Mar 25, 2001
I kinda wanted to leave the jail thing out of it because then the maps themselves would have to be altered and/or new ones created. This way, you can determine if you want to drag our prisoner with you the rest of the round and if not, you decide where you're gonna stash him.

First of all, a team like the ones represented in INF do many, many types of operations. Not all of them involve killing the opposition. Lets just think for a minute. What is another way to capture someone other than holding them at gunpoint and slapping the restraints on? Because that obviously won't work with real people playing. One other way is to sneak up on them, grab them and physically overpower them. That is what the method I mentioned would represent. I guess another option would be to knock them on the head with your rifle butt, but that is not an option in INF right now.......or ever, I don't think. Wounding them to a certain health level sufficient to "immoblize" them would not work so well because most people shoot to kill, not to wound. I know my idea may not be the MOST realistic method of capture, but its the best I can think of for now. I'd like to hear some more ideas for this.

This is a budding idea. I'm sure we'll come up with a solution that is acceptable.


l33t 14 year old with an iron sight RC50
Sep 30, 2001
Middleof Nowhere
Visit site
First of all. I didn't say you'd have the enemy instantly "transported" there, did I? I said the capturer takes the capturees. Big difference.

Second of all. Ever see the mod dominated? It uses a random placer to put a little domination point. Same with Head Hunter, and all of those other ones. They can use different maps. Just set something like "Spawn RedPrison at PlayerStart 1" and it would work.


l33t 14 year old with an iron sight RC50
Sep 30, 2001
Middleof Nowhere
Visit site
Wait... about the immobilized thing, how bout when they are killed they are really incapacitated where you run up and press the use button (kinda like dragging a corpse now) and drag them to your spawn area? If you die or release them and they are rescued by a team mate by the use button again then they are back up? The game wont end until all enemies are in the spawn point.


NOT going to waste another minute on CS!
Sep 18, 2001
For this to work well we'll need at least:

a tazer
a police baton
tranquilizer darts :D
a new animation with one player holding a knife to another's throat

And killing a teammate's prisoner would result in a subtraction of five points and a red skull... suicide while captured makes you lose 10 points and gives the kill point to the captor.

And why not use the current use/grab key instead of a new capture key?


Is this virtuous?
Aug 6, 2001
yeah the Capture/rescuse idea is good! i like it!

and i like Lestats idea! when i have only little health remaining, i press a HANDs UP key and i let my weapon fall, and put my hands up! what about a new taunt like: Freeze, (NYPD, joke) , put your hands up! that would be cool!

and Lestat i think your SIG-Woman has to put her hands up, too ;)


LOL? I nearly ROFLed!(IF)
Apr 4, 2001
He's behind you!
Making it a little complicated, but never mind:

Kill scores. Killing an enemy: 1 point.

Incapacitating scores. If you are shot to the point where you fall over, you can be captured and that's you out of the round. 5 points to capturing team.

Capture scores. If you put your hands up and surrender you can be captured for 10 points, but you can be released by your own team (This isn't easy however) Live captures= 10 points. If prisoners are released the score is lost.

The difference between killing an enemy and incapacitating them is determined by where you shoot them. If you shoot someone in the legs or arms enough to kill them in a normal TDm, then they become incapacitated. Shots to head and torso still kill.

The reason for surrendering, would be the possibility of being set free to fight again, rather than just being killed or taken out.

I am not suggesting this is perfect, but it's good for discussion. :)

[EDIT] Killing a POW (player with hands up) would result in loss of points.[/EDIT]

Points are awarded to players, and each players score is added to create a team total. Therefore players who just go around killing aren't getting a good score and are not adding to the team total.
Last edited:


Counter Terrorist Operative
Mar 25, 2001
Its a game type idea. You can discuss or not, but don't knock it. How realisitc is INF-capture the flag? Besides, teams like this have, I'm sure, done government ordered "kidnappings".